Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Zoona is here to stay… but not as you know it.



The world of financial services has moved away from money transfers to a focus on mobile money and other products entering the market. So at Zoona, we have listened to this change and have been busy shifting our strategy into helping businesses have better access and reach. We have recently closed investment backing this new shift in strategy and are now executing on our new plans.

Our Zoona agent network and the entrepreneurs operating them remains critical and we are currently streamlining it to a smaller, stronger network of agents who are reliable,liquid & well trained. Our strategy is, quality not quantity. We are focused on making more partner products available at a Zoona booth; we’re in partnership with Mukuru to provide international money transfers and for Atlas Mara, Tenga & MTN we are providing deposits & withdrawals (with further partner wallets in the pipeline) . We are dedicated to increasing partner product access nationwide via our agent network.

We are also delighted to announce the launch of our new financial technology (Fintech) spinoff Tilt which is also focused on serving business customers. Under Tilt we have developed a new bulk payment platform, where customers, employees or beneficiaries can access cash at any Zoona, Kazang or Afrivance agents nationwide. Our Tilt partnerships have resulted in $37 million in value being transacted over the platform
between July and September in Zambia. As we continue to engage with mobile network operators and banks to facilitate payments onto wallets and accounts, our business customers will have a full suite of cash and digital payment offerings available to them.
Please visit for more information.

As we shift Zoona and introduce Tilt to collectively serve business customers, we are looking forward to connecting with many more partners to help solve customer problems within the market. We believe interoperability, and increased cash and digital payment options is the future, and together we can change the way Africa transacts.

Issued By:
Brad Magrath, CEO of Zoona Group.


  1. Your transfer fees like Western Union were too high and that is why you have lost the market to new players like MTN ,Shoprite etc
    What strategy and rebranding?
    Just shut down before you are forced to go into liquidation leaving a few customers out of pocket.

    • Hi Donqueen, competing with multinationals like MTN and Shoprite with their multiple revenue streams and deep financial backing was never a viable long-term strategy for a small company like Zoona. Instead we have decided to shift our business and to offer a multitude of services on our platform to give people better access to financial services.

  2. All the best Zoona as you streamline or restructure your lines of business operations. Iam one of your customers who found mobile money transactions by MTN and other operators more appealing. In this competitive world, if you can’t swim,you have to drown and Iam encouraged Zoona is not ready to drown.

  3. while , this is interesting to see . zoona should merge with Zamtel as well, that way it might increase the number of clients and I am happy for the fact that you are adding more banks to your services . hoping to see a brighter future with your new strategies.
    if you need new ideas on how to make your business more competitive, be free to contact me: +260977972542 . no charge . only serious calls are attended to ..

    • Hello Wajimona,
      Sorry to hear that you didn’t have a good experience at Zoona booth. We value your feedback and should you have a less than adequate experience, we’d like to know about it. Please feel free to file a complaint with our customer care center by dialing 321 or visiting our Facebook page ****. Your feedback is appreciated.

    • Good afternoon Well Wisher,
      Thanks so much for your feedback. Competing with large multinational companies like MTN, Airtel and Shoprite was always going to be a losing battle. They have huge financial resources and multiple revenue streams. This is why we decided to shift our focus from being a “service provider” to an “service enabler”. This means we are working with them and partnering with many others in the coming months to provide the customers with great access to financial services. We’re also innovating our business to business offerings through our new fintech spinoff Tilt. Take a few minutes and visit our website ( for more information!

    • Hello Rizzo,
      Thanks so much for your feedback. Being successful in the rapidly evolving financial services market means being able to adapt and change. At Zoona, we felt a change in strategy was necessary and we have moved from being simply a money transfer business to a multiple service enabler allowing customers to transact across several products and services at our outlets and helping to give people greater access financial services.

  4. Great I love the atlasmara Plugin, very good.

    Those of us who understand competing with enterprises understand your position and wish you well

    • Thanks for the feedback Betters! We will be bringing on even more services in the coming months so make sure you stay tuned!

  5. It’s interesting to hear you make such a move. Am only concerned about the safety of our data. Your system was so easy to hack and alot of people cried over their monies which you could not help them recover despite having all the information. Now that you have even gone to the banks am scared even just to receive or have any transaction through you

    • Good morning Former Zoona Man,
      The part of the “system” that you refer is human element, and as we’ve seen in the news in recent months no enterprise is immune from the fraud and theft. We have implemented stringent protections to ensure the safety our customers’ information and money, which if followed by all parties will guarantee a smooth and secure transaction. We hope you decide to give us another chance!

  6. Why don’t you reduce your transfer fees so they are in line with your competitors. Your agents are not making as much from transfer so why not compete with a market based strategy. It’s clear you are not the leader anymore but surely you can’t be that scared of mtn and airtel. Business is business does matter how deep your competitors pockets you should have tried to fight atleast. You don’t know how proud we where of zoona. A true zambian brand. And it offered our youth numerous opportunities .management messed zoona up. Too scared to compete. You should have opened up your system too to allow your product to be floaded on the market. And you should have thought big of your selves we never saw a small company to us zambians zoona was real. I run a single butchery and its right next…

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