Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Full Statement on the Lower Zambezi by First President Dr Kenneth Kaunda


Lower Zambezi
Lower Zambezi

My fellow Zambians,

Friends of the environment all over the world,

The Lower Zambezi is a story of resilience.

I am concerned about the people and their natural resources in and around the Lower Zambezi National Park. This rich ecosystem has supported people for time immemorial.

Allow me to highlight some of the important points in the area’s history:

  • The Nsenga Luzi people under Chief Mburuma lived in the Lower Zambezi Valley for centuries managing the land and resources well, wildlife thrived.
  • When the Portuguese arrived and settled at Feira at the confluence of the Luangwa and Zambezi in 1546, Chief Mburuma’s people guarded the valley jealously and protected the wildlife from their avaricious hunters.
  • British hunters arrived in the late 1800’s and hunted thousands of elephant and other large species, the wildlife survived.
  • In the early 1920s Nagana arrived and wiped out most of the wildlife and the disease carried by tsetse fly began to infect the people but the wildlife recovered.
  • In the mid 1950’s the Colonial Government moved Mburuma’s people out of the Lower Zambezi Valley to Chitope hoping to break the sleeping sickness cycle, the wildlife survived.
  • Much of the Liberation war in Zimbabwe took place in the Zambezi Valley but the wildlife survived.
  • As soon as the war was over I declared the Lower Zambezi a national Park and the wildlife thrived.
  • Slowly tour operators began investing in photographic safaris in the National Park and the wildlife thrived.

Today Lower Zambezi is one of Zambia’s most popular destinations for tourists, both local and International, generating more and more income for government and livelihoods for the people of Zambia. The Lower Zambezi valley also provides a critical biodiversity link between the animals in Luangwa valley and the Kafue basin. It was recently discovered that male lions move through this protected area from Luangwa to Kafue thus maintaining the diversity they require.

The proposed mining operation in the middle of the National park poses the biggest threat in history to the wildlife and pristine wilderness that has survived so many centuries of challenges and supported generations of Zambians.

I am happy and relieved that the Minister of Tourism, Honourable Ronald Chitotela has seen the opportunities for the people living around the Park to build viable natural resource-based economies that can sustain them and their descendants well into the future and I urge him and the Cabinet to consider this as a more holistically sound alternative to the proposed mine.

Our people have a deep history and knowledge of managing their natural resources sustainably, perhaps better than anywhere else in the world. My government recognised this strength in 1984 with the introduction of decentralised wildlife management under the LIRDP pilot in the Luangwa and later Admade and I’m pleased that this policy has been mainstreamed and extended to forestry and fisheries through Acts of parliament.

Much more needs to be done to re-build robust community-based resource management structures that involve and benefit every man, woman and child and contribute to building viable sustainable economies in each catchment across Zambia.

Let us imagine what the kind of life every Zambian wants, be clear about how the environment must look like to produce such lives and plan our management towards that context so that no more time is wasted chasing false promises from the extraction industry.

In line with Honourable Chitotela’s vision, we all need to mobilise efforts to help the people of Luangwa, Rufunsa, Chiawa and Chongwe districts to regenerate their natural resources and build a truly sustainable economy that can serve as an example to the rest of the country.

Thank you and God bless us all.


    • Barotse indunas are incorrigible and can only imagine themselves as ministers in the Litunga’s government. KK should stay away from these rigid slow thinkers.

    • Thank you Dr. Kaunda.
      But I wonder if the corrupt government of “dr” Lungu will listen even to a patriarch such as yourself. As long as they are getting a cut, they will sell the whole of Zambia and its people.
      These are peoole that even misuse God’s name for political ends. So really we cant expect them to heed your advice. VERY soon you will see a statement from Dora, expressing “disappointment” at the “unfortunate” statement from our founding father.
      At best they will praise KK and then still proceed with their course of action.
      This is a greedy bunch that cares nothing for anything except money. Thst is their God. Chapwa

    • Mr KK tell those Bandits in PF. How much is fuel today? Has load shedding finished? How much is meali meal today? Mr KK ask ba lungu please why he never gave power to the speaker. All those things happening a illegal because of Mr lungu never gave power to the speaker.

    • Ba lungu please please say anything about economy please please. Mr KK ask ba lungu please how much is fuel today? How much is meali meal 25kg ?has load shedding finished? Mr lungu say anything about economy please please. Ba lungu never gave power to the speaker.

    • But I doubt he still has the capacity (memory-wise) to write such an article!! Politics at play!! Well articulated though. Thumbs up Shikulu!!

    • 1.6 Channga Namayi

      You Doubting Thomas. KK is fine, sound and still spends time reading books and talks well. What is your problem??

    • Where is the usual “One Zambia One Nation” motto of super Ken? It’s always great to hear or read anything from KK. This man was the best President this country ever had despite not being perfect which no one is he still accomplished alot for the sake of the nation as a whole.

      No mining in the Lower Zambezi please, these mines have never benefited local communities. Look at Kagem, look at Maamba and so many other examples that only benefited the companies leaving the locals destitute with only environmental disasters to show for it.

  1. Kaunda you call them st$pid $diot$, how can the whole government authorize this and where is Lungu. The man is silent as usually expecting others to think for him. We have no leader at all, super Ken would have taken action while swinging his handkerchief.

  2. Wow my President. We have never had a president who so loved nature than super Ken. I do not see any president in the next 20 years who will be like super Ken in managing the wildlife estate in Zambia. Thank you for the little we have all to the efforts of KK and the likes of late Norman Carr. Thank you shikuli for your wise counsel.

  3. Kalaba is so evil.I trusted this man but now forget chibusa.How can you sell the park as if you’re not educated.I think you’re crook.Please ba Lungu Reverse this nonsense.We need these animals.Hear our cry otherwise if you reverse that will be the end of PF.If this decision can be reversed then Lungu can gain some votes.I feel so annoyed and kalaba can’t be trusted.He is use—lesss leader

  4. Succinct, rich and clear statement from the first president. There are no countries that have developed from mining minerals.

  5. We begin to die when we close our eyes to facts and when our appetite for money exceeds our reasoning. Common sense, common sense is what our brothers are lacking in PF.

    • We have just heard that the uranium at this mine is grade A. The most dangerous one. Two times worse than the one (grade C) used at Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

  6. HH is a conman. He has gotten some money from the sale of Lower Zambezi. How can he be trusted to run this country with all these scandals. He has been quiet since the saga started

    • Leave HH out of this. KK has spoken as a statesman and you can feel his passion and in an intellectual way has made it clear why he holds this position. KK is mobilizing public opinion in a logical manner. Why does PF government in general always having problems being coherent? It is about leadership qualities.

  7. The time as come not to take things at face value; means to not look any deeper into what is being said.

    It’s disturbing how current PF administration came into leadership without debate. Just believe that the way things appear is the way they really are. Let’s have opposing arguments (debate) put forward in a formal manner or build on the information received by documentation.

    • Why do you think “President” Jona always avoids Press Conferences @ all costs, ran away, tail between legs from a scheduled B.B.C, interview hours before appearing.
      Ba Jona will NEVER explain himself to citizens apart from his usual explanation of “Mfwiti -Mfwiti” on the airport tarmac, coz he is a bonafide Crook & Conman, ask the Widow!
      Jona dodged the Presidential debate, BUT when it comes to Corruption, Jona is always FIRST, JONA FIRST, = CORRUPTION FIRST!!

  8. Zambian’s hear a TRUE & SOBER REAL STATESMAN articulate issues.
    The Current head of State despite being a Lawyer is so unreal, he has The Great Thug Kaizar, & & smiling Friday Sikazwe as advisors, & flying all ove the place with Valden doing “whatever business” Surely what can Kaizar, & Friday advise apart from Violence, Plunder, & Jokes perpetual smiling.
    Next time you vote, please ensure people you vote for have an Idea of how Zambia it’s history, & the world works, NO MORE TAVERN BOYS IN PLOT NO1.

  9. Chitotela stop it. HH sold this mine and benefitted alone. Let the mine go ahead so that other Zambians can benefit too. Chitotela is just feeling jealous that HH benefitted alone. Its just a battle between Chitotela and HH. Chitotela is just trying to fix HH.

  10. Is it true that this mine has got more uranium than it does copper and gold?. If it is true can someone come out clean. Because Uranium contains nuclear bombs. If you mine it, it expands and turns into a bomb when exposed to air after some months. One uranium bomb can dry all the water in the Zambezi river, or cause a Tsunami or a hurricane like IDAI. Is this why HH sold the mine after realizing these future consequences?

  11. Head mistress thank you for that Q. This whole LZNP Story sounds like there is some they ain’t saying. How come all we hear is “no mining in LZNP”, mining what!?
    Please inform us on this issue to the max as if you were campaigning for presidency.
    Londoleleni mushishila it’s kweba at na bambuya aba shaishibapo word ili yonse mu chi sungu bomfwe.

  12. Kalaba and other opposition leaders sold the national park so that they could fund their elections in 2021.

    Zambians wake up. Be very careful with opposition alliance. If there is anything hey know best, its selling national parks and mines.

  13. Why is lungu silent ????

    Is hoping for the outcry to die down ?

    Why is lungu silent ???

    It must be lungu pushing for mining in game parks

  14. “In line with Honourable Chitotela’s vision”
    This statement must have authored by PF speech writers.

  15. Even if KK talk’s the way i know these PF people they will not listen nibachumbu mushololwa bapopwe bashi bwibila isala even animals they steal trees they steal (mukula) the only solution is to vote them out in 2021 lower zambezi is now a new imbala they will go and work there and eat.

  16. Thanks Grandpa, we the young ones of today are so disappointed with the way some of the elderly people in our country, ”especially politicians” how can you honestly sale a national park! what exactly is wrong with you? Government you know this story, please refund those people and re-plant the trees. I for one can volunteer to participate in the re-planting of trees. KK please check these people because I think they are not Zambians, every Zambian knows that this is the only pride we have and we care. I weep for my mother Zambia .

  17. You Guys Preserve the wild life. Do You belong to the KudyaKushetelatu Party?
    Kindly Listen to Michael Jackson;s Song tiltled ” Earth Song” talking in complaint about what has happened to wild life and plantations because of Human acts and behaviour. Maybe you will be touched and change your mind.

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