Saturday, July 27, 2024

Decision to remove cadres in markets and bus stations welcome


Lusaka Province Patriotic Front Youth Chairperson Daniel Kalembe and the PF members
Lusaka Province Patriotic Front Youth Chairperson Daniel Kalembe says PF remains a pro-poor party and its leadership in the province will not tolerate lawlessness in Markets and Bus stations

The Zambia National Marketeers Credit Association (ZANAMACA) commended President Edgar Lungu for his decision to stop political cadres from operating in markets and bus stations.

ZANAMACA President Mupila Kameya says the informal sector has suffered at the hands of political cadres who are bent of ‘milking’ hard-working self-employed Zambians.

Mr Kameya says micro and macro-economic processes have been hindered by acts of political cadres who undermine socio-economic development, hence the decision to remove them from the markets and bus stations is a welcome move.

ZANIS reports that the ZANAMACA leader in a statement said that only local authorities are mandated to manage markets and the bus stations and not any other individual.

He urged Zambians to heed to President Lungu’s directive in transforming the nation for the betterment of the people.

Recently, Minister of Local Government Charles Banda reiterated that President Lungu wants sanity restored at bus stations and markets countrywide, by ensuring that the collection of levies is done in a clear and transparent manner through the local authorities.

Dr Banda said the ministry has embarked on a programme of appointing management boards to manage and control markets and bus stations in line with clause 3(1) of the Markets and Bus Stations Act No. 7 of 2007, in order to cure this malaise.

A few days ago, renowned Lusaka proprietor of Capital Buses Ishmael Kankara threatened to remove his buses from operating on some routes in the city citing ‘harassment by political party cadres who demanded money for selfish gain.’

But yesterday, the Head of State directed Minister of Home Affairs Stephen Kampyongo and Inspector General of Police Kakoma Kanganja to ‘flush-out’ party cadres or any other grouping from markets and bus stations, in order to restore sanity in the said areas.

President Lungu said his administration attaches great importance to markets and bus stations by constructing, rehabilitating, upgrading and maintaining markets as well as bus stations in the country.


  1. UPND supporters should be worried because it looks like ECL has started doing the right things, he has removed cadres from markets, he is inviting journalists for a press conference, if he now decides to start firing corrupt ministers and government officials (eg Stardy Mwale, Chititotela, Kaizer, kampyongo) which would be seen as popular then the Zambian people would give ECL another chance.
    For now let PF continue its jungle behaviour.

    • These cadres have been milking citizens since 2015 when PF “won” the elections.

      Now that 2021 is close, Lungu is now acting on this? What has he been doing all this time?

      Do not be surprised if these same cadres resume their activities as soon as Lungu wins the next elections.

    • The PF cadres have dared Edgar and SG and made it clear they will not move because they do not have jobs. The Cadres in PF are supreme .

    • Let him do the right thing and repair the damage done. It would be f00lish to vote for him again after allowing criminal behavior. UPND leaders and members should not make the mistake of opposing the very things they put pressure on which have led to these good decisions. Doing so will make all of us suffer.

      Credit goes to the UPND for making this Lungu feel the pressure to start doing the right thing. Any normal person would not vote for Pf after so much suffering.

    • Let the people resort to mob justice should any of these PF fools try to extort money from them by defying Lungu’s directives. If PF caders say they are law into themselves may the people also take the law into their own hands by burning any thief that tries to steal their hard earned money and see who stands tall at the end. Kill whoever is trying to hinder your children and family from eating and living well.

  2. Those on the ground is there any activity towards implementing the directive of the President or is business as usual? Action speaks louder than words

  3. Yeah, Lungu’s pronouncements are as useful as a fart in the wind.
    How many times has he instructed the police to act on certain issues and they haven’t done so?
    This is all cosmetic.

  4. Tell patriot Zambian this is a little too late, lungu needs to stop listening to scavengers around him who don’t mean well for him. Damage has already been done as those people won’t get their money back. Now the question is where will these thugs go to with lungu having no plan for them, most likely they will turn on pf officials maybe even beat them up for depriving them of a source of illegal income

    • That is not a bad idea kikikikiki. They can go and work on that P.S. Banda’s farm, from ministry of defense I think. He has money he claimed.

  5. The president needs to rid himself of 7 ministers. Kampyongo, Luo, Chitotela and his thieving ways, Vincent Mwale, Dora the explorer, whoever is at mines, plus defense.

  6. Our Poor Mothers who bring mangoes to City Market and Soweto Market are still being charged by PF cadres who get to these markets as early as 04hrs. No police, para or council workers in sight. It looks like PF cadres are supreme and law unto themselves.

  7. This is mere politicking. Look at the issue of street vending. The same government even passed a law banning street vending but they are now more than twice the number on our streets and have been given protection by none other than the minister himself.

  8. How about the rot by bus drivers of inconveniencing people by seating 5 people at the back seat meant for 4 people and 3 people on the 3 seater by door of these Rosa buses. That needs to stop too.

  9. Lungu is politicking. UPND said that they were going to remove the of cadres. Lungu realized that this will expose his impotence.
    The question is why now? Kankara has bemoaned the problem for a long time, but lungu and pf never paid attention.
    The answer is, lungu has started campaigning for a third term.

  10. It was HH who instructed lungu to remove his thugs from markets and bus stops

    ……….it was HH who showed lungu to donate gen sets to hospitals ….

    thank you HH for making these koswe s take some time off looting and do sensible things….

  11. So every time the government has to be pushed to do the right thing if it was not liswaniso then this thing was not going to happen thank God for the opposition parties there are doing a great job for our country.

  12. Running a transport business is a big headache,
    You have five shareholders whether you like it or not. First it’s the owner of the bus, second the driver, third conductor, fourth the traffic police and fifth the call boys (cadres).
    Drivers are at times threatened with violence on most of these routes by cadres, the only thing to legitimize their activities is by putting a pf chitenge or just wearing a pf campaign tshirt.

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