By Dr. Joze Manda.
To understand HH’s desperation to ascend into power, one has to go backwards and analyze our past elections in regards to what was done by HH and his UPND in their quest to rig the 2016 elections. This on its own explains the dangerous predicament we find ourselves in as a country. We have a major opposition political party whose only focus is to grab political power by any means possible and not help change the status core of our poor citizens.
Apart from selling our country to the imperialist who want to loot our mineral wealth, HH and his UPND are also willing to sale our souls to sponsors who believe in homosexuality and worse still they are prepared to do anything to rig elections including using data manipulation of whatever means.
During our last general elections, HH and his UPND engaged the disgraced UK data analytics firm Cambridge Analytica to influence voters ahead of the 2016 general elections.
According to a letter of engagement dated 11 March 2016 from the Chief Executive Officer of Cambridge Analytica Alexander Nix to Hakainde Hichilema *(attached below),* it shows in black and white that the firm worked for HH and his UPND in the 2016 election at a rate of $150,000 per month. The contract covered a short period of 3 months. *(We all know what almost happened then)
The letter promised to “deploy certain third-party persuasion techniques which the company claimed had proven hugely successful in past campaigns in Nigeria. It further claimed that a similar approach is exactly what was needed to deliver victory to the UPND.”
Cambridge Analytica was introduced to Hichilema by his British political advisor, Henry Sands, who previously had worked for former Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan on a controversial election campaign in which he lost power to the current president. Mr. Henry Sands of Sabi Strategy Group is an Associate of the Brenthurst Foundation of which HH is also a member.
Mr. Sands who is also the Managing Director at SABI Strategy Group, a firm that provides comprehensive communication strategies and solutions to international businesses, High-net-worth individual and political organizations, also attended Birmingham University with HH to study for his Finance and Business Strategy masters programme.
Documents uncovered by the Canadian newspaper the Globe and Mail show that Cambridge Analytica had boasted of using unsavoury tactics in that 2007 election in Nigeria, including vote buying and voter suppression, in addition to circulating anti-Islamic videos to stir up voters’ fears.
The Cambridge Analytica Scandal
Cambridge Analytica was also at the center of a controversy over its acquisition and use of personal Facebook data in the 2016 United States presidential election. The firm also come under heavy scrutiny for its role in the Kenyan and Nigeria presidential elections.
The Facebook–Cambridge Analytica data scandal was a major political scandal in early 2018 when it was revealed that Cambridge Analytica had harvested the personal data of millions of peoples’ Facebook profiles without their consent and used it for political advertising purposes.
It was described as a watershed moment in the public understanding of personal data and precipitated a massive fall in Facebook’s stock price and calls for tighter regulation of tech companies’ use of personal data.
The illicit harvesting of personal data by Cambridge Analytica was first reported in December 2015 by Harry Davies, a journalist for The Guardian. He reported that Cambridge Analytica was working for the United States Senator Ted Cruz using data harvested from millions of people’s Facebook accounts without their consent.
Further reports followed in the Swiss Publication Das Magazine by Hannes Grasseger and Mikael Krogerus (December 2016), (later translated and published by Vice), Carole Cadwalladr in The Guardian (starting in February 2017) and Mattathias Schwartz in The Intercept (March 2017).
The scandal finally erupted in March 2018 with the emergence of a whistle-blower, an ex-Cambridge Analytica employee Christopher Wylie who included HH and UPND on clients that where engaged by his former company. He had been an anonymous source for an article in 2017 in The Observer by Cadwalladr, headlined “The Great British Brexit Robbery”.
Fast forward to 2021 – The New plan
Latest classified information has emerged that link HH to the new Cambridge Analytica owner, Ahmad Al-Khatib, the source has confirmed that a new contract has been secured to help the UPND to win the 2021 elections with massive social media campaigns, data manipulation and increased propaganda against the PF government at a monthly fee of USD 225,000 for a period of 1year 3 month from March 2020.
Cambridge Analytica, has re-emerged with an Egyptian as its sole investor and has its concentrated focus on the Middle East and Africa.
*The new company, Auspex International, will keep former Cambridge Analytica director Mark Turnbull at the helm, according to a Financial Times report that says an unnamed African country (Zambia) is already on board as one of the first clients.*
The Cairo-born investor Ahmad Al-Khatib, now based in London, was the former director of Emerdata, a firm established to rescue and rebrand the Cambridge Analytica operation. The company ceased doing business and filed for bankruptcy in the UK on May 2, blaming the “siege of media coverage.” Ahmad *Al-Khatib was in Zambia for the weekend of 22nd to the 24th of November to finalize the contract with HH.*
Al-Khatib, said the new Auspex will use similar data-driven communication strategies to make positive social change, promoting health care and other programs while countering the extremist influence in some nations.
“We’re not a data company, we’re not a political consultancy, we’re not a research company and we’re not necessarily just a communications company,” he said. “We’re a combination of all four.” In short, they help opposition leaders rig elections in their countries, which is a treasonable offense worldwide.
HH and his UPND must know that they are being watched very closely by security data experts.
Dr. Joze Manda is a Political Analyst based in Lusaka
It will never happen. The UPND in its current form will not be allowed to rule this country. That’s should sink in your brainless minds. This country will never be ruled by Banyamulenge. You can rig in your strongholds but you wont win the presidency.
Madness is always accusing your friends that they are desperate for power, yet you are in power, if you was not desperate for power yourselves you wouldn’t bother been in politics, people join politics because they desperately want to be in power, even those ruling currently thats why they are busy campaigning so that they remain in power ,is that not been desperate? If your people are not desperate for power tell them to resign.
Propaganda is the starting point. Unfortunately for h² only a handful of viewers watch Prime TV. Likewise a handful of real electorates use the Internet.
Fortunately the law enforcement officers are fully awake on the few characters on the ground tryna hoodwink our people.
H² has no chance at the 2021 polls.
Besides tge nigga is growing old but still an political U5 fortunately.
People who never desperate for anything lack vision, I guess this country is it’s current state economically and politically because the laissez faire attitude by the current leadership, they are not desperate to change anything.
Regardless of your propaganda PF your time is up. HH and UPND will take over soon God willingly. It’s about time.
@Ahead: upnd is not the answer to Zambia’s problems, they simply don’t offer practice solutions. It’s PF this, PF that. hh feels people owe him that vote but they don’t.
…. Practical solutions…
After all is said and done, the bottom line is PF has to go.
It’s time for UPND……period
What a whole load of codswallop.
How do yo rig an election by collecting data?
Influencing people on how to vote is called campaigning.
The British people have delivered a death blow to remainers even without Cambridge Analytica. CA did nothing wrong. It was just the bad losers crying. Stop sounding educated when you are just an illiterate cadre.
Popolyongo, as your name comes out, only thieves, crooks and Chamba Mafias think like that about Zambia. It is people like you responsible for the mess we are under as a country; no standards! Poverty and mediocrity is your campus and direction. We are going round circles as a country because of this disillusionment that only certain tribes can rule. No wonder even nature is resisting. It’s a curse to think like that.
What a load of bollocks by a PF cadre Joze
The author is lost and must be very dall. Cant your grease head show you that all economic indicators are down. Instead of advising the failures of how to erectify the situation you are busy attacking HH. What type of reasoning is this, if there is any reasoning here. Mealie meal is heading to 200 you bloke, wake up please. Don’t waste everybodys time here shaaa
The author sound like a full time cadre!
The way pf cadersians pretend like they are not desperate for power, deep down they know that their economic survival is solely dependent on hanging on to power, most of them don’t know how to survive without political connections.
Rubbish. The only thing that helps the opposition ascend to power is the people who are tired of a regime and want change. Zambia did when MMD took over and also did it when PF took over. It is folly to insinuate that the opposition can influence an election. Your PF is the one that is trying to rig or influence election results in their favor.
Just wasted my time reading nonsense from so called ” political analyst”
LT why guise a PF cadre for a political pandit?
Correct.. sounds like a Job seeker this so called Dr..
You see poverty is in the mind no matter how many qualifications one achieves, one must first rid themselves of the poverty mind set..
Current government decision making is what makes people seek change.. nothing more nothing less.. So good luck Dr Job Seeker!
Marubish a PF.popolyongo and Thorn use your heads to think.just eat with your fellow criminals.
Shut up numbskull
Any means upnd we shall support you what we hate is ciipf party.insteady of arresting kaize Zulu they chose to arresting pilato.
Most political Parties have some kind of foreign support, including that of Nawakwi. Hichilema receives foreign funding most of which he doesn’t account for. The Chinese facilitate illicit financial flows to the PF through money made from overpriced tenders. Politicians are the number 1 criminals. The question we must ask ourselves is why should foreign interests continue to fund our politics?
When time for change comes, you can not STOP the Wind of Change. No Amount of Propaganda can work. If you are not desperate for power, yourselves( PF) do the right thing and people will finally decide. Otherwise come 2021.. you are going. WAIT!
Which change you basta1rd
Popolyongo you are a buttwipe. That’s why you are always used and disposed off.
Braindead PF cadres don’t get too excited with such hogwash and falsehoods from the PF propaganda, HH can never rig electon wth a defunct organisation called Cambridge Analytics . This entity does not exist anymore with little googling you can learn the facts. As for Dr. Jose Manda is an imaginary PF character, to mask the notorious media propagandist director chanda.
Too many useless PhD holders in Zambia. I can’t even be bothered to read this.
Sit your sme1lly ar1se down NAMAZAI iwe
@Thorn in the Flesh
On Tuesday evening the entire PF Minister Dora “siliti” Siliya was on Prime TV for a government paid for special interview.
The PF know that most people don’t watch DeadNBC(ZNBC).Most Zambians are tired and fed up with the PF propaganda.
Not so long ago , they paid Prime TV to relay a live feed of the ZNBC Sunday Interview program.
The fact is that only a few blind supporters following the PF.
.. “status core”? This Doc needs to go back to uni! Inept, rambling article.
Last time I was insulted by tongas on this blog.I said that PF will not allow HH to win general elections because of his long time involvement with imperialists.His political ideology is not what Zambians expect and want.HH want to save imperialists without shameful.
Some of US were in UPND for 11 years and left but friends are still there able to give us information which many of bloggers don’t know.
The question is Supporters what will you do when HH lose General elections in 2021?
No matter what kind of mudslinging takes place, PF does not deserve re-election. PF is going out.
PF=corruption and that will not change over the next 18 months. Dr Joze please start looking for a new boot to lick.
Thank you for the long hollow article, thanks for the effort. I am sorry to advise that the propaganda against HH is not working. please advise the people paying you to write such articles to say the ground has shifted and no amount of petty gymnastics will work. The people are with HH. I am a resident of Petauke and if there is a lost soul out there thinking that they have an advantage here – sorry william
The author is lost and must be very dall. Cant your grease head show you that all economic indicators are down. Instead of advising the failures of how to erectify the situation you are busy attacking HH. What type of reasoning is this, if there is any reasoning here. Mealie meal is heading to 200 you bloke, wake up please. Don’t waste everybodys time here shaaaa. I don’t belong to any political party but I am just an objective creature
I was wonder why the PF cadres (JozeManda, AntonioMwanza, SundayChanda, BowmanLusambo etc) whenever the tall about the opposition they mention HH and UPND. Accusing HH of selling the mines and being this and that. I beleive HH is a clean man and does his business activities on a moral ethical manner.
How I wish they could tell us about their man ‘s achievements after being in statehouse for 5 plus year and i know why they can’t. It because their man has messed up everything.
To help them, we need the to tell us what PF is doing around;
1) load shedding
2) corruption fighting
3) hunger situation
4) National Debt position
5) Economic situation
6) violence and intolerance
7) Their Man ‘s position on fornication and adultery in PF
8) lack of drugs in healthy care…
Only a desperate person would ramble like this! This is total hogwash!