Saturday, July 27, 2024

Zambian students to soon commence studies in Brazil


President Edgar Lungu congratulates newly appointed Ambassador of the Republic of Zambia to Brazil Afreda Kansembe during the swearing in ceremony at State House

Successful Zambian students will soon commence studies in Brazil’s school of Education, Genetics, Livestock, Agribusiness and Agro Management Courses.

This follows a protocol that was recently signed between Zambia and the Daniel Franco Institute (IDF) of Brazil.

Speaking on Globo Television in Brazil, Zambia’s Ambassador to that country Dr. Alfreda Kansembe said students will be selected on Merit by the Ministry of Higher Education in Lusaka.

She said this year, an advertisement will be put up in the Zambian media for the purpose of the selection process.

Dr. Kansemve said those who meet the criteria will be accorded an opportunity to study at Patos de Minas University Centre in Brazil.

She said others will enroll for online studies with UNIPAM.

Ambassador Kansembe said since the Zambian Government sealed the protocol with the IDF Institute, Students should take interest in studying advanced Agri-business technology courses that are highly competitive globally..

In November 2019 ,the Zambian government and the Brazilian IDF Institute signed a protocol on Education, Genetics, Livestock, Agribusiness and Agro- Management.

This is according to a statement issued by Grace Makowane,First Secretary Press and Public Relations at the Zambian Embassy, Brazil.


    • I hope they’ll come back alive.Brazil is the world’s murder capital. No other country even comes close. Street gangs and murders is the order of the day.
      record for homicides: 63,880 people were murdered across the country in 2017, up 3 percent from the year before, according to a new study.
      That’s 175 deaths per day.
      At least 1,060,000 Brazilians have been murdered since 2000.

    • Johnson Bwalya – Imagine they will spend 12 months learning the language that would have been best used at NRDC.

    • What the FARKA is wrong with the Zambian mentality, you just don’t realize how great the education system the British left pa Zed. Always rushing ku fikopo just to waste money. I came here because I had no employment after 2 years after graduating. Pa Zed I was always in the top 25%, over here bwafya… bufumu fye just because fikopo.

  1. This is what we call progress as the most successful party and government in Zambias history. Go and do us proud in Brazil by keeping your heads down and performing in your studies. Kz

    • When dual citizenship was not allowed for Zambians, I met a Brazilian prostitute at Arcades who was following Zambian women to the toilet and offered to sell them Brazillian hair from the boot of a car she was driving. She was bragging saying that she entered the country because she was dating a govt minister who even gave her a resident permit, at the time when Zambians in the diaspora with foreign passports were asked to bring $250,000 US to get one. Could she be your ex girlfriend?

    • Kleptocracy chief at his best. Do an evaluation after this brazil stint of our students. Zambia will be where it is currently, at standstill.

    • Daniel did you report that incident to the authorities? Because if you didn’t then you are not any better than the so called Brazilian woman. Also without any investigation or evidence, it’s her word against the minister? I have never been a minister in the pf government so how can you allege it may be me? I am used to accusations. Some even said I had an east European girlfriend and yet I am happily married with children. You see me with charmaine in Kafue you automatically conclude that I have been sleeping with her. Even if I was sleeping with her, what has my personal bedroom matters got to do with anyone ? Kz

    • KZ, sit down! You failed the exam and put your stank foot in your own mouth. Did you just write that what happens in your bedroom is nobody’s business but your own!?! And you twats sent the US Ambassador home for saying the same thing!?! Of course, after forgetting all the other valid points he had pointed out – corruption…

    • Can this thief clown shut up as he waits for his day to be beaten up now that he doesn’t have state security for terrorizing the poor Zambians. He has no brains

    • Mwape, awe sure, and benson you appear to be emotional. can you please stick to the issue or article being discussed. If i committed any crime, as you allege, why havent you reported me to the police and opened a docket? More senior citizens have been arrested in this country, so who would fear to arrest me, a mere government worker? If our former president had to face allegations in court, how can KZ not be sanctioned if he has done anything wrong? Being reported to the police does not translate into a guilty verdict. Please desist from emotional anger in your analysis of key issues. KZ

  2. That’s Zambia for you instead of improving NRDC, they have literally done the opposite and auction of its land to the highest Chink bidder. All those courses are offered at NRDC and UNZA why cant you improve facilities there? Where you cant invite foreign lecturers, any its the Lungu govt of mediocrity.

  3. LT, I would recommend an integrity test for people to blogg here. I can see an infiltration on this blogg lately. I can see a chap calling himself KZ, he will definitely contaminate this forum. The chap has never meant well, he pretends he has not seen the FIC report, and was advising wrongly

    • You are already running scared of me. What integrity test? Zambia is a democracy that upholds the rule of law and freedom of speech . The universal freedom of speech is not conditional on some integrity test that you have made up. Engage me constructively and let us debate maturely. Only losers act like you

    • KZ, who is the loser here? You! You are having sleepless nights and are all over the place hoping you will be noticed and put back where you think you belong. You are the last nail in PF’s coffin. Zambians are ain’t tolerating that sh1t anymore.

    • This chap is overating himself again. The same mentality which PF members did not like of him positioning himself as a king maker, when he was infact doing wrong things. Why does the country have such characters near the corridors of power, and one should wonder why the country should be in such a lawless state.

  4. Basically one more destination for Zambian citizens to be mistreated, because we can’t fix our own education system. Can’t wait for 2021!

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