Saturday, July 27, 2024

President Lungu warns Permanent Secretaries to desist from working in isolation


President Lungu at State House during the swearing in ceremony
President Lungu at State House during the swearing in ceremony

President Edgar Lungu has warned Permanent Secretaries to desist from working in isolation but instead collaborate with their respective Cabinet Ministers in order to enhance service delivery.

ZANIS reports that President Lungu said he has observed a growing trend among Permanent Secretaries who are working in isolation and ignoring Cabinet Ministers in their discharge of government programmes.

The President reminded that Permanent Secretaries are not at par with Cabinet Ministers, despite both being appointed and sworn by the Head of State, and should therefore be in constant consultation with their superiors at decision making.

President Lungu said this when he swore in Ministry of Information Planning Director Sastone Silomba as Permanent Secretary for Ministry of Gender and three members of the Judicial Complaints Commission.

President Lungu swore in William Nyirenda as Chairperson of the Judicial Complaints Commission alongside Commissioners Irene Kunda and Andrew Mumba.

The Head of State reminded Mr Silomba and all Permanent Secretaries that their role is to implement policies generated by Cabinet Ministers and perform controlling functions in respective ministries.

President Lungu warned that he will not entertain permanent secretaries ignoring their ministers in the discharge of their duties and directed Secretary to Cabinet Simon Miti to ensure that no Permanent Secretary resist transfer, as they are not indispensable to any ministry.

“I am aware that there is a growing trend by some permanent secretaries to work in isolation, to the exclusion of their ministers. This practice is negatively affecting the performance of most ministries”, said a dismayed President Lungu.

He further directed all Permanent Secretaries not to travel out of office without approval from their Ministers.

Meanwhile, the President observed that more still needs to be done in enhancing gender equality in the country and has since directed new Ministry of Gender Permanent Secretary to ensure that Zambia attains the 50 -50 gender parity by 2030 as stipulated by the SDAC Protocol.

“It is disheartening that 25 Years after the Beijing Gender Equality Conference, we still have gender inequalities across sectors”, said President Lungu.

And President Lungu has urged the Judicial Complaints Commission to ensure that it works round the clock to ensure that complaints of misconduct against judicial officials are addressed urgently and fairly.

The President further urged the Commissioners to use their vast legal knowledge and experience to carry out independent inquiries in order to handle complaints of misconduct received by the commission against judges and judicial officers.

And speaking after being sworn in, Mr Silomba said achieving the 50-50 gender parity is attainable and pledged to ensure that Zambia attains the SADC 50-50 gender protocol.

Mr Silomba said he will ensure that the National Gender Policy is operational and implemented.

Chairperson of the Commission Mr Nyirenda pledged that the commissioners will undertake wide consultations in order to reduce complaints against judicial officials.

Vice President Inonge Wina, Chief Justice Irene Mambilima, her deputy Justice Michael Musonda, Minister of Gender Elizabeth Phiri, Secretary to Cabinet Simon Miti, State House Aides and senior government officials attended the swearing in ceremony.


    • I am worried, Ba Edgar need a medical leave for mental health crisis. The man is not in his normal self. He reminds me of my former boss, who had mental issues between November and February, up here in north its winter time.
      I am serious, check back in history, every rain season Ba Edgar make incoherent, inconsistency, and dangerous announcements.

    • The opposition should be active in this but they prefer to spectate. The real problem is that the President appoints Permanent Secretaries. Examine the British system which we inherited. He isn’t supposed to appoint themk because the permsecs are professionals from whatever ministry they work in. They are usually promoted to the post not appointed from cadres. In fact permsecs are not supposed to be seen as juniors to cabinet ministers. Ministers are political appointees who should interpret policy for the PS to implement

    • I wonder which seasoned professional Civil servant would want to work with Lungu’s appointees. Imean someone like Lusambo who threatens civil servants with transfer to Mpulungu or to Chama.

  1. “It is disheartening that 25 years after the Beijing Gender Equality Conference, we still have gender inequalities across sector”. As for me, I am disappointed that 55 years after independence, we are still struggling with load shedding, we are still unable to fund our own national budget, we are still sending politicians to foreign hospitals and 55 years after independence, we still have no bankable formula to bring our economy back on track and 55 years after independence, we are talking of cutting salaries to share with the poor. Who made those people poor?

    • Instead of finding out why they are working in isolation, what’s causing them to do so? Its clear Lungu has never worked in a proper organisation in the last decade, lacks understanding of managerial principles.

    • The problem Mr President is the quality of your minister.Imagine working under Kampyongo, Kapata,Lusambo,Chitotela, Lubinda,Mabumba,Katambo,Luo,Chama,Kafwanka,etc,these are clearly dimwits who cannot be expected to provide any meaningful leadership.You are lucky the PS’s are even ignoring them,if they followed their lead there would be no leadership to talk about. Do the right thing if you are really seriou,cut your term of officd since ultimately you are the appointing authority hence the source of this problem….

  2. I have also noticed that trend. A PS has no loyalty to his Minister because his appointment comes from the President. i think Ministers should be allowed to appoint their own PS’s from the Directors that they find.

    • Clearly you know nothing about Civil Service or the difference between the wings of government. Its because of people like you that the myopia under PF has continued thinking everything is norm. Take social studies classes again!

    • No ministers have no qualifications. They are mere appointees. They can’t be appointing others. This interference with civil service procedures and institutions

    • No! Ministers have no qualifications. They are mere appointees. They can’t be appointing others. This would be interference with civil service procedures and institutions

  3. According to the Constitution, the President appoints permanent secretaries on the advice of the Civil Service commission. ECL’s tone suggests he doesn’t use this conduit – these are civil service positions not political appointments with expectations of Party alligencies. There needs to be clear separations.

    Independent institutions are necessary in any State, but in Zambia currently, everything has a political amblical attachment

  4. I am left to wonder at the legality of these directives, after Chanda Kasolo’s expose last week. We seem to think that being in power means doing as you please regardless of the law. Look here, Chieftainnes Mukuni may do that in his chiefdom but politicians it’s a big loud NO! NO! NO! as per sound advice by Chanda Kasolo.

  5. Nice to be a politician in Zambia, you can say or do something embarrassing today and every day, including telling lies, the following day you face the people without any sign of embarrassment.

  6. ….even Trible HH does it daily….not surprisingly, after all what is the difference between Trible HH and Mr Lungu? Both power hungry to start with.

  7. The President reminded that Permanent Secretaries are not at par with Cabinet Ministers, despite both being appointed and sworn by the Head of State, and should therefore be in constant consultation with their superiors at decision making.

  8. Thank goodness there are permanent secretaries who are brave enough to ignore incompetent cabinet ministers. Why would you involve cabinet ministers who only grandstand and dont understand strategy. The only language they understand are shady deals to line their pockets with dirty money! How evil..
    When KK, Chiluba, Mwanawasa, Sata, spoke… You knew who was in charge… Not so with this Edgar who has no charismatic Authority (Bwezani was the same). The office you occupy is protecting you right now but when you leave office .. You have to remember how you stumbled on that job…Remember the law of gravity?? The Sheer incompetence of your administration is unbelievable.

  9. This warning is directed to bishop Chomba who contradicted his minister Charles banda regarding the flyover bridge which he (PS) said will be demolished while his Minister had to come and clarify that the PS had not consulted the minister when making those comments and those should therefore be regarded as his personal opinion.

  10. This is timely advice. I discussed this issue with the president a few weeks ago. Further proof that our humble leader listens. Lungu is a real father of the nation. A great leader willing to go the extra mile to ensure his people lead a better life even if it means him sacrificing his own salary and benefits. Great leadership is not learned by taking MBA at university of Birmingham and being CEO of grant Thornton. Leadership is a gift that some people are born with. And EC lungu is just that person. 2021 here we come. Pabwato. Kz

  11. Look at the names ,Sastone Silomba.

    President Lungu swore in William Nyirenda as Chairperson of the Judicial Complaints Commission alongside Commissioners Irene Kunda and Andrew Mumba.

    What do you call this?Tribalism ,Regionalism and lack of vision.

  12. What choice do these PS’s have when the ministers are always busy politicking out there or either in parliament ?

  13. In all fairness my brothers and sisters, what happened to “ONE ZAMBIA, ONE NATION”? When did Lungu last appoint a Tonga in some official capacity? No ladies and gentlemen, this tribalism must come to an end. Lungu cannot turn the country into a two tribe nation. There are a lot of educated capable Tongas, Kaondes, Solis, Lenjes, and Lozis who can do even better than we are seeing from these two thieving tribes Lungu is appointing everyday. In our blindness, we cannot see how this is dividing our country as our colleagues from Tongaland and Barotseland don’t cry or scream like Easterners and Bemba speaking people. Enough is enough. Its time to STOP LUNGU’S DIVISION of the country. He has failed in every aspect of national development but succeeded in tribal appointments. Let’s stop…

  14. You’ve got to have the right Surname to be considered for any appointments in Zambia today … kikikiki
    We only hear Nyirendas, Lungus, Tembos, Mumba mostly interspaced by a few Mbuya names like Silomba, why? Because the Chief Apostle of Tribalism and Regionalism is well-known! He is quick to point at the spec of dust in other people’s eyes and pays very little attention to the Mukula Logs in his eyes! To those sworn in, keep a low profile! Don’t raise your heads too high!

  15. The danger of electing a man with no clear understanding of the civil service come to haunt you chose wisely or you will get a Trump “because he is a successful businessman” lwenu

  16. It is like these people they have got nothing to do outside politics ,no wonder they are saying that it will be not easy to handover power,meaning they are ready to shadeblood these criminals.Can you still saying that Edgar lungu he is humble?

  17. The Judicial Complaints Commission should work to ensure judges who think they are about reproach even in their inefficiency get off their butts to do some work! Some of them are sitting on cases they should have should have decided for the longest of time when they know that justice delayed is justice denied! They have disadvantaged many by hiding behind the excuse of facing a mountain of work. Some just plain inept.

  18. The tribal bigotry of Lungu really stinks, literally in his appointments it’s like one half of the country simply does not exist! This is what leads to civil wars in most African countries, this tribal charade by this Bemba/Nyanja cabal will break up this country, mark my word! And one wonders what that stupid old cow Inonge is doing there with them?

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