Saturday, July 27, 2024

Eddie Black ‘Just Got Saved’


Eddie Black released his debut album entitled ‘Just Got Saved’. He stated that he came up with the title the day he got born again, September 16th 2016. “…So, it means I just got born again. I was hoping to do the album immediately but I couldn’t, I had to grow first. I’m not anywhere near ‘there’ yet but I believe I’ve salvaged enough knowledge to be able to share with someone in search of this same truth I’ve found”

Black has been in the music industry for a number of years, he started out as a circular hip-hop artist. Born Nathaniel Edward Bangira Nchemba , he began his rap career in 2011 .Over the years he has produced hits such as “Bangumweko” , “Mujulu” ,“Where are you”  “Soundtrack” . In 2016 he gave his life to Christ. Eddie Black announced his switch to gospel music in a freestyle he release entitled “Saved” . In the freestyle he stated  “ let it be known today that I will serve the living God ,with my life, with my resources , with my skills “ . Speaking about his growth through the years he had this to say, “The greatest thing that happened to me was being born again. To know Him, my maker. And though I’ve found Him, to seek Him still, for He is infinite in His being, that’s all the growth I need, To know Him.”

Eddie Black described the theme of the album as being about a young, baby Christian who just got born again. “…Pretty much everything I’m saying is from the perspective of someone that just got recruited to the greatest battalion, in the largest militant group in the Universe. Believe me it’s an army and I’m still a recruit, well that’s the theme. I’m past recruit lol”

Talking about the album, Eddie Black stated that he didn’t write down any lyrics and just went with the inspiration that came with the beat. “…I’ve always wanted to work that way even before I got saved I wished there was a way of jumping in the booth and just spit. And now I have help. “What Help?” you may ask. JESUS”

Peezy Cables, a long time collaborator was the sole producer on this album that was recorded in a 10 day period. ”… I have so much love for Peezey Cables. When the time came to do this, I had a release date in mind, and with the newly rendered invisible help, we managed to record a song a day. We planned on having at least one song per day until all ten tracks were complete.”

‘Just Got Saved’ is available for purchase on Zambia music store Mvesesani.



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