Saturday, July 27, 2024

Dr Chilufya gets praise for prompt punishment against pharmacists creating artificial shortages of drugs


Health Minister Dr. Chitalu Chilufya in the company of Muchinga Province Minister Malozo Sichone and Chinsali Lawmaker Kalalwe Mukosa inpecting the works at the newly built Chinsali General Hospital
Health Minister Dr. Chitalu Chilufya in the company of Muchinga Province Minister Malozo Sichone and Chinsali Lawmaker Kalalwe Mukosa inpecting the works at the newly built Chinsali General Hospital

An Organization called Medical for Quality Healthcare in Zambia has commended Health Minister Dr Chilufya on his prompt punitive action against some pharmacists for their alleged involvement in creating artificial shortages of drugs and Medical supplies in some health facilities.

Organisation Director General Dr Quince Mwabu said the suspension of the two pharmacists will serve as a strong warning to health workers who are fond of stealing medicines for personal gain.

Dr Mwabu has further commended the Minister for going round to check on availability of essential medicines in clinics and hospitals.

He said his Organisation will continue to monitor availability of drugs in all public health institutions and in the next six weeks, the organization will survey the situation in 30 districts of Zambia.

Dr Mwabu said the availability of essential drugs in clinics and hospitals is important and must be a serious concern to all Zambians.

Health Minister Dr Chitalu Chilufya on Tuesday suspended two health workers in Lusaka among them a Pharmacist from Bauleni Clinic and a Clinical Officer from Lusaka District for issuing prescriptions to patients for medicines available at the health facilities.


  1. You morons, you are quick to suspend these simple people but yet you are mute on the people who ordered expired drugs.
    Fire tenders
    mwanya…2021 1bena Zambia baka mikanda.

    • When it comes to cases of corruption at Medical Stores he is quiet as he is the main culprit….how can you praise the Mafia Don for arresting two street dealers

  2. Fake organization. It takes a lot to register a society. These organizations that only come up when they issue a statement are mostly fake. Mwabu might even be Chilufya’s relative. How many clinics has he visited on the Copperbelt?

  3. A pharmacist and a clinical officer issuing prescriptions! No wonder the high death rate! These people will finish us

    • @3.1 Moses, Pharmacists are not the best for prescribing medicines for patients. Please get to know know the difference between a Clinical Pharmacologist and a Pharmacist.
      For one to Know a disease, one must do proper examination of the patient and then conduct further investigations and then come up with differential diagnosis. Treating a patient is not trial and error. You are dealing with human beings.

  4. Come to Kitwe Central Hospital. You are told to go and buy even as simple pain killers as panadol. What more other critical drugs? Did he just take a sample of visits?

  5. You are mediocre, you have 13 months to sort out the medication issue , your laid back attitude to corruption has made everybody corrupt

  6. The issue of prescriptions in hospitals and clinics is very serious. Those two are just a tip of the iceberg. Can you imagine being asked to buy a syringe and the person giving you the prescription even directs you where to find it? Let there be serious monitoring and culprits flashed out of the system because those are pure murderers, more serious than those cutting electricity poles.
    It is very unfortunate that some people would choose to politic over issues of life and death. So what happens if after 13 months your party doesn’t win? Another long 5 years of bitterness.

  7. How can this fat buffoon be a health minister? He is far from the model of health. What’s his background anyway? Dr of what exactly?

  8. You are given a prescription to get medicine for a pharmacy dispensary in a clinic/hospital. If it’s out of stock then the pharmacists puts a comment and you can then buy from any source. As much as there may be bad vices out there, this is a bad signal to health providers because they will be making sure that a patient walks out with one form medicine or the other to avoid adverse repercussions. Pharmaceutical society and Medical association must seriously engage their members to be professional in the midst of this development.

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