Saturday, July 27, 2024

The price of Mealie Meal should not go beyond K 136.00 per 25 Kg- Dora Siliya


Chief Government Spokesperson Dora Siliya has said that the retail price of a 25-kilogram bag of mealie meal from 38 milling companies engaged by the government should not sale beyond K136.00

Ms. Siliya said that the tripartite agreement involving Government, through the Food Reserve Agency (FRA), the Millers Association of Zambia and Grain Traders Association of Zambia in November last year, should result in wholesale prices of roller meal at K 125.00 and breakfast meal at K 130.00.

Ms. Siliya said that key retailers have all agreed on a not more than K6.00 mark up which means retail prices for roller meals will be K 131.00 while breakfast meal being K 136.00

Ms. Siliya, who is also Minister of Information and Broadcasting Service Minister, said that the tripartite agreement involves the FRA releasing about 196 000 metric tonnes of maize meant to cushion the high mealie meal prices.

Ms. Siliya has told ZNBC News in Lusaka that the government is concerned with the high food prices hence the reduction in the staple food mealie meal which had reached K 180.00 a 25-kilogram bag in some parts of the country.

The Minister has, however, advised retailers to pass on the benefit to consumers while putting in place measures that do not allow people buying in bulk for resale at a higher price.

And Ms. Siliya said the government has continued distributing relief food to areas affected by poor rainfall patterns in the last farming season. She said President Edgar Lungu stands with the affected areas like Western and Southern Provinces.

Meanwhile, Ms. Siliya has called on Lusaka residents to take responsibility and stop disposing of waste in drainages because its among the biggest contributors to flooding in Lusaka.

Ms. Siliya said while illegal construction works have blocked pathways for rainwater, solid waste has also contributed by affecting the flow of water.

The Chief Government Spokesperson said the Ministry of Local Government has tasked engineers to find lasting solutions to flooding in the Central Business District like at the Kafue Roundabout.


  1. “….Meanwhile, Ms. Siliya has called on Lusaka residents to take responsibility and stop disposing of waste in drainages …..”

    Do your councils provide dustbins ? Do your councils collect waste from dustbins to dispose of ???

    If the answers are yes , good advise ,

    If the answers are no , you are a GRZ of idiyooots

  2. It is about supply and demand. if you want to lower the price of the commodity, flood the market. It is as simple as that. The fact that prices keep going up despite your deals means that you strategy is not working and there is no enough maize to go around. We have been here before ask KK, he will tell you all about it

  3. I now believe that we are now living in a completely broken society where profit making comes first before corruption. The systems poor countries like Zambia are told to embrace are not doing any good to the poor majority, if anything, they are too harsh for people stay afloat and see the shore!!!! Why should we be buying ubunga at those unjustified prices??? this is repugnant!!

  4. Kikiki!!! Disastrous as if K130 is affordable by most of us. Just what does she want to talk about. Trying hard but in vain to stay in power. Elections eve fever is catching up on these pfools.

  5. Eat Rice and Rise Fellow Zambia’s. We are too much stuck in the past. Even after so so many years of liberation, we are still talking about food… it’s such a shame. While others are thinking of growing food on Mars.

    And Dora the Explora please stop meddling in price of ubunga…. it’s simple supply and demand.

  6. Comment:gaverment should implement a low Ord with the police to enforce o garbage throughout in strem from matero to chunga up safe at the sewerage.

  7. Luapula Premier, are you aware that the Rand and the Kwacha are almost at par now? Are you suggesting paying K150 for a 25KG bag would be cheaper? Note also the fact that in SA you can opt for store brands rather than buy Ace or Iwisa, for example.

    Question: Should there not be a bigger difference between the price of Roller and Breakfast mealie meal? Sure some a K5 difference does not help.

  8. the Rand is not rebased.. K150 is K150,000 if you put back the 3 zeros which were removed.. welcome to real world..

  9. Who in this day and age can put K6 as a profit on an investment of K130 when you have increased electricity which the retailer has to pay, fuel increment which the retailer has to pay to transport the commodity, dollar at K15 which the manufacturer needs to import spare parts, then you have councils ,zra, landlords for their rentals which also they have increased etc etc.

  10. If people regularly ate different foods like rice, cassava, cassava meal, the price of mealie meal would reduce as demand would lessen…stop treating sima like a god

  11. We need to get our minds off of the idea that we can only survive off mealie meal. It’s about time. Just like everything else, we need to diversify. Even our food. Like this, we will always be dependent on this GRZ.

  12. DORA… Deal with the Market forces that FTJ and MMD talked about! Are we returning to UNIP? .. Remember coupons? PF and the MMD ‘political prostitues’ are driving the country to the ground.UNBELIEVABLE!

  13. I agree, diversification in food production is the only solution, lets stop treating ubunga as the only food that is vital in our lives mwebantu…these politicians will never make it easy for us and we know their agenda!!!!

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