Saturday, July 27, 2024

Nathan Chanda blast Opposition for celebrating the wrong K215.99 Mealie Meal Price at Shoprite


The ruling Patriotic Front Copperbelt Provincial Chairman Nathan Bwalya Chanda has lambasted the opposition parties for what he termed as rejoicing when they see the Zambian people suffer.

Mr. Chanda said this after an electronic error by Shoprite Zambia mistakenly pegged the price of mealie meal at K215.99 for a 25kg of breakfast and made the opposition receive this news of an error with what he described as jubilation.

“The question we ask ourselves is what kind of opposition do we have that will rejoice in the suffering of the people, ” he asked.

“A serious opposition which is a government in waiting could have sympathized with the Zambian people before going in the streets to celebrate”.

He has However, he commended Shoprite General Manager Mr. Botha for clarifying the error in the quickest possible time.

And Mr. Chanda has challenge institutions like the CCPC, Zambia Standards Agency and others to ensure that they do their work and protect the consumer from exploitation by some
milling companies working with opposition parties.

“This unfortunate error should never be allowed to happen again, because it has the potential to cause panic in the minds of our people, “he added.

Mr.Chanda, who is also Luanshya Mayor, noted that it is a shame for some power-hungry individuals to always want gain political mileage on anything they see wrong including politicizing climate change.

Mr.Chanda said that he is hopeful that the tripartite agreement involving Government, through the Food Reserve Agency (FRA), the Millers Association of Zambia and Grain Traders Association of Zambia in November last year, would result in wholesale prices of roller meal at K 125.00 and breakfast meal at K 130.00.

Yesterday, Shoprite General Manager Charles Bota attributed the pricing of a 25 Kilogram bag of National Milling mealie -meal at K215.99 at its old Livingstone outlet to a system error.

Mr. Bota explained to ZNBC News that the Price of 25 kilogramme breakfast mealie -meal in its far stores is at K159.99.

He said after noticing the pricing error, the price of the commodity was changed to the right cost.

Mr. Bota also called on the six customers that purchased the mealie-meal at that price to get back to the store and claim the difference.

He said currently the cost of the 25 Kilogram Bag of Breakfast mealie Meal in outlets is at the recommended price as agreed by the millers with Government


  1. Pf you’re crying too much for nothing when the opposition tells you this is not acceptable you say there rejoicing stop being cry babies and fix things.

  2. Since we are living under a Police State, if they were celebrating,why were they not arrested for gathering without a police permit? Otherwise how did you know they were celebrating?

  3. To all those minions laughing that I worked at chelstone clinic in the past. Well is it not a job ? I was also a cleaner at some point. But guess what? I am now doing better than you due to my hard work. So who is the joke on now? Every job is important in society. I give hope to all poor people. Kz

  4. Yaba, this PF “leadership”, this small topic for the whole provincial Chairman himself! Looks like a defeated group of people fighting a desperate battle.
    By the way, didn’t a Sunday Chanda of the same PF call that computer “error” as fake news?

    Nathan Chanda: “The question we ask ourselves is what kind of opposition do we have that will rejoice in the suffering of the people, ” he asked.
    No, ba Chanda, you should instead ask yourself:
    “But us PF leaders also, as a ruling party why should engage in petty and silly discourse over what has been clarified by Shoprite management? But I understand Mr Nathan Chanda, he was looking forward to the future leadership of PF in top most ministerial position in the near future, but now he can sense that there could no such future after…

  5. …. But you have to understand the desperation Mr Nathan Chanda, he was looking forward to the future leadership of PF in top most ministerial position in the near future, but now he can sense that there could no such future after all since PF will be no more by 2021. Clinging to a straw after the boat has capsized.

  6. KZ I think you have a serious mental problem. Is that something to brag about that you are doing fine, considering the levels of poverty in Zambia that you and Lungu have caused. Bragging about from looted money,? Its like a man dressed in a clean and expensive suite and his house sits near a refuse/garbage collection. You guys smell like trash despite nice suite you wear because your surrounding is all garbage.

  7. Where are the pictures of opposition parties celebrating and confirmed as such? It is now endemic in the PF to point at the opposition every time there is an issue, to divert people’s attention as to the real cause

  8. How can Shoprite make such a Mistake? There is some truth to this. Maybe the Government forced them to reduce the price. Truth will come out. It is just a matter of time.

  9. Kaizer, I only wish you had responded to your colleague Lusambo. As for me, any job matters regardless of the echelon one might be. No go and tell chi Lusambo ati mwaiche walitumpa and should never again insult and belittle Zambians in diaspora. We the individuals in diaspora are where we are bakalamba due to hard-work, ukusoma and respecting the laws of the host countries , Imwe bakalamba mwaishiba amakofi but tell him to dismiss those thieves in his government tomorrow starting with that one and balya. You know who I am talking about bakalamba.

  10. Bakalamba ba Kaizer, May I ask which County you live kuno in the UK? Kabili namona Kay flag mwachita impersonating ifye ama British Zambians. Twebeniko if you you have abandoned Zambia and PF. Mulesebanya ku Zoo. Bike I ka Zambian flag kabili.

  11. 2020 will send shivers in PF becoz of thinking abt 2021 statements will b uncoordinated becoz of the fear of losing 2021 every thing will b attributed to the opposition even when it will b in their imagination it looked far BT alas it is almost here 2021 wen we the employers will v to sack some pipo from their jobs

  12. only some one with a spirit of a witch can do that and like what Nathan is saying this is what we are seeing from the opposition and it is very unfortunate , people celebrating the suffering of Zambians and wants to rule soon God will visit them and they shall repent of their behavior and change if they want to rule otherwise the system doesn’t work like that,you rejoice when you see the same people you want to rule go through hard times.mmmmmm it cant.

  13. Ba PF just shut up. the price in shoprite are computerised and there is no way the all shoperite staff can make such a mistake waiting for the outsiders to come and correct it. this is damage control you are doing. Chanda rudeness won’t take you any where. Kindly lead the minds of the people . Just keep quite and eat the money you are being given by zccm.

  14. It’s all damage control. There is no way Shoprite can make make that mistake and allow Shoprite staff to print it and put in on the shelf. Why wasn’t it noticed in the first place by the till operator, before even sticking the price tag to the commodity? I am made to understand that every Shoprite worker has knowledge of the current mealie meal price in Shoprite. So, for someone to “erroneously” type “K215.99” instead of K159.99 is mindboggling. And I don’t think Shoprite would want to do a forensic investigation to their system which made this “error” because it will be like a postmortem to find what what really caused that “error”. Let’s just say that “error” is now “classified information”. Well, at least damage control has been made somehow… to the gullible.

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