Saturday, July 27, 2024

There is need to expand economic opportunities and diversification-JCTR


The Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (JCTR) says there is need to expand economic opportunities and diversification for the country to create more decent employment.

JCTR Programme Officer, Muchimba Siamachoka says the country continues to have a challenge in creating decent employment because of inadequacies such as lack of skill development.

Ms. Siamachoka said this when she made submission to the budget committee on decent employment creation in Zambia .

She has since advised Government to address the challenge of youth unemployment beyond allocating resources and ensure that interventions are put in place that will address the skills mismatch in the Labour market .

Ms. Siamachoka also noted that there is need to create a link between foreign direct investment to domestic firms so that the can stimulate formal employment which will also encourage technological transfers and enhanced quality standards.

Earlier, the Zambia Federation of Employers Executive Director Harrington Chibanda has urged Government to continue creating an enabling policy environment that will address the high cost of doing business and in the long run contribute to create to jobs.

Mr. Chibanda said there is need to come up with holistic home-grown reforms or initiatives that will enable the country to create decent employment.

He also raised concern that retirees have not been given their monies from the pension funds stating that it affects their wellbeing after retirement.


  1. “Anyone who thinks sitting in church can make you a Christian must also think that sitting in a garage can make you a car.”

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