Saturday, July 27, 2024

Chilubi Campaign: UPND’s Fielding of an Old Candidate is Adult Abuse-Mumbi Phiri


Deputy Secretary-General for the Patriotic Front(PF), Hon. Mrs. Mumbi Phiri has said that it’s high time the United Party For National Development (UPND) leadership emulate President Edgar Lungu by giving opportunities to young people to take up leadership roles.

Mrs. Phiri wondered why the UPND would call back an old man from retirement to contest the Chilubi Parliamentary by-elections instead of picking a youth stating that the UPND action is literally Adult abuse.

She urged the UPND youth to join the Patriotic Front because, in the PF, they will get an opportunity to assume leadership roles because President Lungu has demonstrated his desire to see young people lead.

Mrs. Phiri was speaking during the PF rally at President Square in Chilubi this afternoon when Campaign Managers Dr. Chitalu Chilufya and Hon. Brian Mundubile introduced the PF Candidate Mr. Mulenga Fube to the People.

And Mrs. Phiri has urged Mr. Fube to have an open-door policy and to be humble once voted into office after February 13.

She said it is of grave importance for a leader to be humble and pay a listening ear to his people because he represents their aspirations.

And Mr. Fube said he is open to all advice from the people of Chilubi and those that have held leadership positions such as the one he is aspiring for, before.

He asked the people Chilubi to give him a chance to continue with the development agenda that President of the Republic of Zambia, His Excellency Dr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu has mapped out for them.

And Patriotic Front National Mobilisation Committee Deputy Chairperson and Deputy Campaign Manager for the Chilubi Parliamentary by-elections Mr. Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba has said that Chilubi Island has several points of entry which the UPND can use to access the area if they want.

Mr Mwamba said the complaint by the UPND that the PF has hired all the boats hence their failure to access the island is ridiculous and typical of the UPND cry baby tactic which they are famous for using when they sense defeat.

He further said that the issue of the PF hiring all the boats is just not true stating that if the UPND have the money to hire boats, they can also do so because it’s not possible that PF can hire each and every boat.

Mr. Mwamba was responding to accusations by the UPND that PF is trying to sabotage their campaigns by hiring all the boats taking people to Chilubi.

And speaking at the same event, Camapign Manager for the Chilubi Parliamentary by elections Hon. Brian Mundubile said the UPND should just put in the work instead of making unfounded accusations against their opponents.

He said the PF would win the election because they have a clear agenda of how they will continue developing Chilubi and the rest of the nation as espoused in the PF manifesto and the 7th National Development Plan.


  1. You miss the point Mrs. Phiri; the man is fighting your economic mismanagement. He wants change. Had you done your work, he wouldn’t have been contesting.

  2. Zambian politics leaves a lot to be desired. Shame on these punch of lunatics, when will the put our people ahead of this pettiness.

  3. So childish and typical PF. How is that cheap talk going to put food on the table? As Kambwili puts it, ” What did we do to have such kind of people leading our country?”

  4. How old was Michael Sata whn she herself voted for him to be President of the Republic of Zambia? The right to vote normally goes with the right to be voted for. Mumbi Phiri knows this simple truth but she doesn’t want it now because it’s not in her interest.

  5. When a party doesn’t practice democracy, candidates are handpicked based on patronage. This is what is pertaining in upnd. No ward, local, district or provincial democratic elections for a long time….

    The last time I checked P.F (Plundered Federation) had a living fossil for Vice President.
    So in your th!ck head Mumb!, you decide to throw a wobble about age?? This is the inherent thickness of P.F cadres masquerading as ministers & officials, & hence the country is now on its knees.

  7. I felt bad and sorry seeing that poor pensioner being forced to take part in politics. Upnd is a very uncivilized party. Emulate the winning team, pf. Kz

  8. Mumbi she is right they were supposed to choose a youth like VP Inonge wina she is very young am sure she is 30yrs.GBM is 24yrs Eggs chagwada Lungu is 23yrs

  9. I don’t know who is older between Inoge and the one UPND has floated. Even You Mobi Phiri can you tell us how old u are, maybe u are same age with the same man. please for real based issue for campaign.

  10. Mumbi Phiri is right there’s too many Youths both in PF & UPND to at least pick from.The choice by UPND sends a bad message to Youth revolution,IE how do they see them? Do they have plans for them ? or they are just being used as ladders.Please youths wake up.

  11. The old and the young are both Zambians.
    The male and the female are both Zambians.
    The homosexuals are not Zambian.

  12. To vote for a certified thief who steals from widows is very unchristian and the bible is very clear on that. We should take care of widows and not to steal from them. Edgar Mataware stole from a widow and was debarred by LAZ.

  13. Mumbi Mukasa, that’s discrimination and you must be ashamed. Instead of selling your candidate, you are talking no sense.

  14. bakolwe basekana ifipato, I remember in 2011, some cards by her party had words like OLD IS GOLD, and people voted for him and she was appointed by him, that time she didnt see any abuse, how about the current veep?

  15. What about the Vice President of Zambia? Is she not an old woman? She is an old woman. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. Mumbi Phiri sure. The other time it was Jean Kapata attributing load shedding to climate change. Zambian Politics have now been completely put to rest at Chingwere Cemetery after Malukula aumamo na sando

  16. What kind of campaigning is this? One or two bloggers who can’t think properly even support her. Are you ageists? In spite of the fact that you yourselces have had, and still have dinasours in your ranks.

  17. What about Mama , the Vice President of the nation . NOW I sense panic in the PF camp. People are fed up with you self centred lot.

  18. I honestly feel sorry for Edgar Lungu for presiding over such calibre of politicians. At the same time , there is nothing he can do because that is all he has at his disposal, dunderheads.

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