Saturday, July 27, 2024

Zamtel confirms restructuring process as the IDC backs the exercise


Zamtel says it has made a lot of progress in implementing the reorganisation exercise aimed at improving organizational efficiency.

In a statement, Zamtel disclosed that the exercise which started in the year 2019, with the approval of the Shareholder, the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC), includes transformation of the business model to focus on provision of mobile and fixed line services, optimisation of resources and reduction of operational costs.

In transforming the business model, a new enterprise Infratel Corporation Limited has been established within the IDC Group to optimize Zamtel’s infrastructure and implement Government’s open access agenda.

This process will ensure that Zamtel focuses on competing with other mobile network operators and will have more resources to utilize in ensuring a high-quality service to its customers.

Board Chairperson Mr. Danny Luswili said the process is key to achieving the goal of transforming Zamtel into a leading digital service provider and also improve its ability to create value for customers and remain competitive.

Mr. Luswili, said progress has already been made with the merging of some departments and the outsourcing of some functions.

“In transforming the company, Zamtel is ensuring that workers affected by the transformation are empowered. For instance, the company is working out modalities for the Call Centre to be outsourced to the Zamtel workers impacted by the restructuring. In areas such as market development and network maintenance, new opportunities are being created for those affected by the reorganisation,” Mr Luswili said.

The company has also ensured that all staff affected by reorganisation are paid their full packages, and further facilitated training in entrepreneurship and post work training.

Meanwhile, IDC Group CEO Mr. Mateyo Kaluba has expressed confidence in the handling of the reorganization by the Board and Management of Zamtel.

Mr. Kaluba said ZAMTEL has finally turned a new page which allows it to focus on becoming the leading network provider in the country.

“Zamtel faced challenges in providing a high-quality service, meeting its obligations as they fall due and securing the financing for its growth due to a cost-heavy structure and business model. We are confident that the reorganization that had been undertaken with the support of the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Transport and Communication will result in a strong company that will deliver the quality of service that its customers deserve”, he said.

Mr. Kaluba added, through the reforms implemented, over $390m has been cleared from the Zamtel balance sheet, thereby opening a new page for the company.

He said the creation of Infratel Corporation Limited from the rationalization of sharable telecommunication and ICT infrastructure will maximize the value of the infrastructure, cut down on duplication of investments in shareable infrastructure across state owned enterprises, while allowing enterprises to focus on their core businesses.

Mr. Kaluba said Infratel Corporation Limited will offer its services to both private and public enterprises thereby providing a world of opportunities in the digital world to small and medium Zambian enterprises.

He commended the Board of Directors and Management of Zamtel for their resolve and hard work in driving the reorganization agenda and expressed confidence that Zamtel was well on its way to becoming a profitable business.

He also dismissed reports that the IDC had sold Zamtel urging members of the public to disregard such reports with contempt.


  1. All official phones for government and parastatal officers should be zamtel lines. That’s how you protect and grow the company.

  2. …down on duplication of investments in shareable infrastructure across state owned enterprises, while allowing enterprises to focus on their core businesses….
    So you are taking down Zesco’s fiber services and the masts so that the called infratel takes over. Mmmmmh!
    The devil is in the detail. I wonder then who owns Afratel. I wonder the structure and influence of Afratel. Is it the politcians or the Chinese? All things done in secret. Yesterday’s report suggests that your workers were in the dark. Only the board and md knew.
    To be protected as Zambians, we needed an act of parliament to protect public property from hungry interests of politicians and successive governments and foreigners.

  3. Hoping too that Infratel is not another animal that s.u.c.ks more money from citizen’s pockets in form of taxes.
    Secrecy entails hidden agenda.
    Good luck though.

  4. May the Zamtel MD and board take an oversight role over Zesco please. Such are the initiatives we always commend management for.

  5. Do you even have the so called management at ZAMTEL? You in management, just buy three K5 scratch cards, one for ZAMTEL, one for MTN and the third for AIRTEL. The try to scratch them. You will see that there is no management at ZAMTEL After that go to a ZAMTEL mobile booth, you will find it closed!!

  6. ZAMTEL is busy paying full terminal benefits to the new retrenchees while it is giving a deaf ear to the people who were retrenched ten years. The Zamtel management staff have still some of their big chanks of money whiçh is still not paid to them but are quick to pay their new members of staff leaving the old ones untouched. What a mockery.

  7. Zamtel should have been left with lap green. Today it would have been recapitalized and a thriving entity probably a market leader in communications.

  8. As I said in my previous post on a similar article, organisational streamlining is vital in ensuring a non wasteful effective service to the public. All organisations need to go through this once in a while. Its happeninf globally. Our friends should not be scared of job losses. We are creating lots of jobs and opportunities every day. Be proactive and things will work out. Kz

  9. if there is any business viable in zambia is telecommunication I don’t see why we’re failing. greedy people on top at the expense of poor Zambian. even those who are going to remain in employment they will be given more work in the name of multitasking. being a slave is the thing i don’t want. keep your jobs or give your relatives. I will keep my papers and God is going to sustain me.

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