Saturday, July 27, 2024

Makoye Bridge In Monze Washed Away By Flash Floods


Government officials in Monze District have confirmed the washing away of the bridge at Makoye which connects Chikuni Mission and surrounding villages to Chisekese.

Monze Town Council Secretary Beson Bweenje and District Commission Cyprian Hamayanga on Thursday went on site to check the extent of the damage which was caused by high volumes of water caused by flash floods that has hit some parts of the district.

Speaking on site MTC Secretary Benson Bweenje said his office was informed of the unfortunate development onThursday morning and that he sent the director of works to do on the spot investigations before he visited the site together with the District Commissioner and some officers.

He said preliminary investigations indicate that the damage was caused by a combination of factors which included Soil erosion and the blockages to the culvertes by silts and logs forcing the water away from the stream among other things.

“It’s true the bridge has been washed out and we attribute the washing away to the higher volumes of water and also the erosion which has taken place. The director of works came in the morning and according to the statement he can not do a conclusive report because the damage is still accumulating. As you can see even where we are standing it shows that the damage is still accumulating. The tree near by is almost falling so by tomorrow we expect some different levels of damages,” he said.

Meanwhile District Commission Cyprian Hamayanga advised residents of Chikuni and surrounding areas to use the Gwembe road which is the alternative route taking them to their destination in Chikuni.

“I can only advice our people in this area to use the alternative route which is the Gwembe road then branch off at Chisuwo school. This is a short cut but for now it is not to be used. I will inform the relevant ministries to expedite the process of ensuring that the bridge is repaired in no time,” he said.

Officers from works department will on Friday carry out further assessment of the extent of the damage.

Makoye Bridge In Monze Washed Away By Flash Floods
Makoye Bridge In Monze Washed Away By Flash Floods
Makoye Bridge In Monze Washed Away By Flash Floods
Makoye Bridge In Monze Washed Away By Flash Floods


  1. Very sad. We have already commissioned experts from the works department to look into this unfortunate event and advise us on the best solutions as soon as possible. Kz

    • Exactly my thought. These are bridges of the medieval times. The money used to repair such obscure structures is best used to build resilient structures that stand the test of time not ma rubbish!

  2. This is the bridge on Magoye river near Canisius Secondary School (College or High School sometime ago). I used it at least twice every school term to get to school or Chisekesi in the early 1970s. Floods have been common here and the alternative route was the Gwembe road. I wonder why after so long of the existence of the Chikuni mission founded in early 20th century, no sensible bridge has been done. Even nearby Chief Ufwenuka palace does not have a proper bridge! …

  3. This is the bridge on Magoye river near Canisius Secondary School (College or High School sometime ago). I used it at least twice every school term to get to school or Chisekesi in the early 1970s. Floods have been common here and the alternative route was the Gwembe road. I wonder why after so long of the existence of the Chikuni mission founded in early 20th century, no sensible bridge has been done. Even nearby Chief Ufwenuka palace does not have a proper bridge! …

  4. The same roads which are in Dubai are the same roads Jon@ has built in Zambia .The same bridges in America are the same bridges Jon@ has built in Southern province . What is the difference KZ ? Tayali has provided the answers this week .

  5. And we have ZNS Civil Engineers and Technician cadets polishing their trucks and graders for their next staff inspection by their commanding officer.

  6. This problem of Kariba dam and Climate change is a convenient excuse for Lungu and his crooks even if Kariba was full tonite and over-flooded they would still not reduce load-shedding as they are making money from exporting electricity, no one even mentions $27 million to ESKOM or the $30million the dull Brian Mushimba handed to Ethiopian Airways.

  7. Go hold national prayers again to solve our problems? Stupid PF. This happens and another bridge Needs to be built. Nothing can be made to let forever but a good design definetly helps.

  8. We have our Monze MP. It is his duty and the council to team up and find solutions to this washed away bridge. Do not blame the government of the day for such calamity. This bridge was built long time ago, I am sure the founders of Chikuni Mission could have built this bridge. If you were to go round the country, especially rural areas; you will find similar structures of bridges. MPs, councils are all over the country to report such, I do not know whether it is the caliber of people we vote for. God help our country.

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