Saturday, July 27, 2024

FAZ Reports Sports Minister, Emmanuel Mulenga, to FIFA


FAZ has reported Sports Minister, Emmanuel Mulenga, to FIFA, for alleged interference in the running of football in the country.

The Sports Minister has confirmed this in Lusaka, saying FAZ has accused him of trying to change the association’s Constitution, ahead of its elective AGM this March.

Mulenga has told a media briefing in Lusaka that the Ministry of Sports, through the National Sports Council, will write to FIFA to clarify on the allegations made by FAZ.

He has added that he has NOT interfered with the running of football in any way, as his ministry simply wrote to FAZ, indicating that the forthcoming FAZ elections in March should be free and fair.

Meanwhile, Mulenga says FAZ has NOT officially notified the Ministry on who they have selected for the vacant national football team coach.

Mulenga has refuted claims by Football House that it has submitted the name of the Coach that has been settled for to the Ministry for approval.

He says as it stands his Ministry cannot act on media reports as there has been no official communication from FAZ.

Mulenga says he has noreason to be a stumbling block in the process of engaging the Chipolopolo Coach, adding that FAZ should just follow the normal channel of communication.

But FAZ General Secretary Adrian Kashala, earlier told ZNBC sports in a telephone interview that FAZ submitted all the necessary documentation to Sports Permanent Secretary, Joe Kapembwa.


  1. I have personally reported this to our president to seek counsel in the hope of bringing these football boys together. Disagreements happen in every family. It is how we come out of it which matters. Kz

  2. Ba KZ,
    You”re saying that you have report the same matter to the President why? are you still in government. Please tell us!

  3. This Mulenga has been a stumbling block to the development of soccer. Kamanga has done a very good job so far in establishing systems in FAZ that are vital to the smooth running of the game. But this minister wants to bring back thieves at Football House. We all know the thieves that used to pocket gate takings .Abaiche ba National team nga bafola , ba president ba FAZ and his executives would go to ask for a cut from the players. Bambi nabo notuma deal twa mu ma replica jerseys emo balelila. Lelo babwele ati ndefwaya ukuba FAZ president…. No Chance!!!That nonsense should not show up . Not AGAIIN!!! Mr. MINISTER that era is gone. We want transparency and that is what Kamanga has brought to the game.

  4. @bright mwaba, I don’t think it was ever announced that I had left government. I am still in government until a decision is made by the appointing authority to relieve me of my duties. Kz

  5. We don’t need people like Kamanga in FAZ.He so arrogant.Let him have respect for the minister.He should just hold democratic elections

  6. KZ, please learn to keep quiet on some matters, making comments on everything does not show relevance, sometimes it shows how you lack restraint.
    May I ask, why report to the President? on the last media conference which EL held, the second one in all his time as President, he did say that government will not interefere with the running of football since the FIFA constitution mandates no government involvement.
    What are you trying to say?
    Alos, if you are still under government payroll, are you a ghost worker, getting a salary but no job?

  7. @ LUSAKA TIMES, Pleae work on your adds, they keep blocking the webpage!
    Also fix the reply functionality.
    And there is nothing wrong with having the like and dislike button, bring it back!

  8. Lack of leadership in both FAZ and the ministry,if you have such parent and such a child the time you will you won’t keep your heart in the diaphragm you’ll just start throwing puches Resolve this matter in a mature and professional way please

  9. When you send a comment, the system picks up your IP address and locates you and next to your comment, it shows a flag for the country which that comment was generated in.
    So guys stop impersonating others, iwe nga ubomba pa state house, why do you always send messages when in GB? Pa Zed, kuwaya wayafye!

  10. FAZ just wants ukulila munsenga. They know they will be voted out at the AGM so they report falsely to FiFA so that Zambia can be banned. In that way everyone loses

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