Saturday, July 27, 2024

The arrest of a man of God, in a Christian nation is simply unbelievable-HH


United Party for National Development President Hakainde Hichilema has urged the Government to immediately release unconditionally released Bishop Joseph Khazila of Life Gospel Cathedral Ministry of Chingola.

According to the UPND President, Bishop Khazila and his Son were arrested during a live interview with a local Radio Station in Chingola on 23rd January 2020 for holding dissenting voices.

“This is what we have persistently told our citizens in the past, that the PF is stonewalling all avenues of free speech, association, and assembly, in order to scare citizens to silence and submission, to dictatorship and corruption,” Mr. Hiichilema said.

Mr HIchila said that his party is alarmed that the PF Government is now extending its intolerance to Religious leaders who are on the frontlines to Christian advocacy, and the preaching of the Gospel, in order to spread fear to dissenting voices.

Mr Hichilama further said that the arrest of a man of God, in a Christian nation, that has a dedicated day for prayer is simply unbelievable.

“It’s remarkable that they don’t use the same speed to arrest corrupt and thieving PF government and party officials and their collaborators, ” Mr. Hichilema said, before adding that PF must learn to be tolerant to views that do not agree with their own.

According to reports, Life Gospel Cathedral Ministries owner, Bishop Joseph Kazhila had been arrested for making inciting remarks and fueling anger and fear on both Radio broadcasts and on his Facebook page.

The Bishop is expected to appear in the Chingola Resident Magistrate Court soon.


  1. He is politically inclined he supports your party period

    Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. 2 Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. 3 For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended. 4 For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. 5…

  2. No one is above the law, and people have been following this Bishop who infact is sideling with upnd.Dont bring the word of God to disrepute and infact the bible talks about respecting the law of the land.

  3. This shows HHs immaturity and lack of experience in public services. Who said a man of God is immune to the laws of this country? Has this silly boy hh read the constitution? I would recommend that hh enrols into grade 8 for civics lesson. Even tasila now can make a better president as she has experience in public service unlike hh. Kz

  4. No No !Tasila is too immature politically bwana. We have better people you can make comparisons to. Stop insulting Zambian people.

  5. Mr. H. H. this is what kills your political ambition surely surely just because he is a Bishop it means he is free to commit crimes. It’s unfortunate you are not giving real checks and balances to the government

  6. Even Christians were arrested in the Bible eg Paul was arrested and put in cells the only difference between paul’s arrest and BISHOP Khazila’s case is politicaly inclined case as of Paul it was Christian inclined case.

  7. The last paragraph of this article should have been the first, A detailed account of what was actually said by the business man cum bishop would have been more helpful to inform logical non- ad hominem argument.
    The rest of the contribution is a re-run.

  8. We heard that some police officers were also choked when they went to assist an affected family, while on news today we have been told that some chemicals have been take to Lusaka for testing….so all this is lies and the police are now part of spreading of falsehoods? Don’t think people are fools and you take them for granted. Release that pastor because he’s not a danger, instead he’s actually warning people to be alert. Katanga is the one who’s a danger, people are being killed in Kitwe. The other day a lady’sbody was picked up while a friend lost her uncle who also attacked, hacked to death. like HH says, move police manpower from politics, by-elections and beef up patrols in chimwemwe, chiwempala and other compounds. Human life knows no partisan politics and please heed advice.

  9. Penetrators of crime are free. Those who are gassing people in their homes are walking the streets. Paradoxically the preacher who spoke for the safety of the people has been arrested. People are not stupid. Word is already on the streets of Chingola that the criminals terrorizing people are affiliated to politicians in power. Banking to stay in power using intimidation and rigged elections.

  10. Look at how some Zambians, due to hunger have become so stupid to defend their lil dictators arresting innocent citizens.

    What a bunch of fools!

  11. The title of being a priestor ‘man of God’ does not make someone stop from commiting crimes . He is just human like the Rwandan priests , found guilty of aiding and abetting genocide and of crimes against humanity committed In just 100 days in 1994 where some 800000 people were slaughtered in the Rwanda genocide .
    ‘John of God’ faith healer ‘kept teenagers as sex slaves and sold their babies for up to £40,000 before shipping them from Brazil to Europe’

    Peter Popoff (born July 2, 1946) is a German-born televangelist and con man. He was exposed in 1986 for using an earpiece to receive radio messages from his wife, who gave him the names, addresses and ailments of audience members during Popoff-led religious services. Popoff falsely claimed God revealed this information to him…

  12. The title of being a priest or ‘man of God’ does not make someone stop from commiting crimes . He is just human like the Rwandan priests , found guilty of aiding and abetting genocide and of crimes against humanity committed In just 100 days in 1994 where some 800000 people were slaughtered in the Rwanda genocide .

  13. Peter Popoff (born July 2, 1946) is a German-born televangelist and con man. He was exposed in 1986 for using an earpiece to receive radio messages from his wife, who gave him the names, addresses and ailments of audience members during Popoff-led religious services. Popoff falsely claimed God revealed this information to him so that Popoff could cure them by faith healing.

    He went bankrupt the next year, but made a comeback in the late 1990s. Beginning in the mid-2000s, Popoff bought TV time to promote “Miracle Spring Water” on late-night infomercials, and referred to himself as a prophet “No matter how many times his claims were debunked, he seemed to bounce back with another version of the same old scam

  14. ‘John of God’ faith healer ‘kept teenagers as sex slaves and sold their babies for up to £40,000 before shipping them from Brazil to Europe’

  15. The mushrooming of pastors in Zambia is shocking. Satana is working very hard generating pastors at an alarming rate. The pastor deliberately broke the law so that he’s perceived persecuted by his satanic followers. PF careful!! the pastor is pulling a milage here. Release him so he can continue using jaribu!

  16. There is no one above the law even identified thieves and those who resist even court judgement to repay Zambians will be arrested at the opportune time. So, Zambians want to know what crime committed by Bishop Joseph Kazhila. The chorus of ‘criminals, law breaker, or supports a particular party will not wash from known defrauders and corrupt cronies with those in power. Let Police tell the nation the crime Bishop Kazhila has committed.

  17. Of course he should be arrested! Man of God must do as Christ did!!

    When did you read Christ going on radio to incite fury against a government?

    Preaching the correct gospel about the coming Kingdom and return of Christ redeemer and the giving up of worldly materials, riches and questionable lifestyles is all Priests are commissioned to do.

    Obvs, UPND read a different Bible and follow a wrong gospel.

  18. Trible HH will remain the same. As I have always said, he has the knack of always contradicting himself or saying the wrong things at the wrong time. At this juncture, surely and honestly, how can any person aspiring to be president of Zambia state that pastors are immune from the laws of Zambia because it is a christian nation?
    Awe sure, this boy is amazing if not disgusting. And meanwhile others are nose diving our economy into the ground like the Boeing 737 MAX and expect to be re-elected back in 2021.


  20. “First they came for the Communists, and I didn’t speak up, because I wasn’t a Communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn’t speak up, because I wasn’t a Jew. Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn’t speak up, because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me, and by that time there was no one left to speak up for me”. End Quote.

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