Saturday, July 27, 2024

Kambwili Vows to Block the Printing of 2021 Election Ballot Papers in Dubai


National Democratic Congress President Chishimba Kambwili has vowed to block the printing of ballot papers if the Electoral Commission of Zambia does not sponsor stakeholders to monitor the printing process in Dubai for the 2021 elections.

Mr Kambwili said the NDC will not accept the ECZ to go and print the ballot papers without any observers to monitor the process.

He said it is regrettable that Chief Electoral Officer Patrick Nshindano is being used by the Patriotic Front to push their agenda of rigging elections in 2021.

Mr Kambwili said Zambians are tired of manuvours by the PF government to rig the elections by the PF.

“If they go ahead and print the ballot papers without observers, let them find people to vote for the ECZ. We will not allow Zambians to cast a vote in 2021”, said Mr Kambwili.

He advised Mr Nshindano not to allow the PF to use him to push their agenda ahead of the 2021 polls.

Electoral Commission of Zambia Chief Electoral Officer Patrick Nshindano recently said the commission will not sponsor any stakeholders to verify 2021 ballot papers in Dubai because the cost is unwarranted.

Various stakeholders have reacted angrily to the pronouncement and have challenged the ECZ to consider picking a local company to print the ballot papers to allow them monitor the process.


  1. Whether printed in Dubai or kambwilis bedroom, pf will still win by landslide . Hope you won’t faint again with your huge belly on display. Be warned

  2. I said it PF are ready to rig the election in 2021 no wonder Kaiser is so confident of winning even when PF is not so popular but thank God for people like CK and HH no printing of ballot papers in Dubai no issuing of NRCS to under age no issuing of NRCS to Congolese and Malawians on the border towns no scraping off the old voter register this time around there not going to use the G12 or enter the server at mulugushi conference center they know people know those tactics and there looking for new ones and the PF has already started rigging the 2021election bill 10 opposition parties open your eyes now before its too late.

  3. About time we had sanity in the political arena. In more developed democracies, there are fewer parties and all upcoming politicians join these parties. Here, every egotistic greedy politician wants to own a party. It’s the money to go to Dubai that’s the problem. If most of these politicians banded with others with like ideologies, they would form big parties that can raise funds for such outings.

  4. Kwikwikwikwikwikwikwikwikwi
    CKinsultor is hilarious.

    Faintizo fentizo! What can you do?

    Here we are again! Printing of ballots.
    Then searching and ripping apart of ECZ trucks even when you went to observe the printing in UAE.

    Meaning you can’t even print them locally kamba ka toxic suspicion.
    Suspicious suspicion. This is the characteristic of Zambian politics.
    Can GOD deliver us from the suspicious kwindis like CK and h² and other doubting Thomases. Police should not tolerate the embarrassing ECZ truck attacks from overzealous zealots of upndead nature.
    Meanwhile, let’s do something constructive as we wait for 2021.

  5. Why print the ballots in Dubai ?? Dubai have never had a election, its a dictatorship there. Use Sweden or Norway instead, and i am sure they will do it for free, then can PF not use that to put money in there own pockets.

  6. There we go spin spin spin!
    It’s an ugly vicious cycle.

    “You can go round in circles resolving nothing, or you can step out of the circle and see things as they truly are” – unknown.

    It is becoming routine.

    Some things will never change indeed.

  7. I thought some media sources said PRESIDENT Edgar Lungu announced that 2021 general election ballots will be printed locally to which:
    *then Works and Supply Minister Felix Mutati said government would save us a cool US$ 7 million.
    *Vice President Inonge Wina reaffirmed government’s plans in response to a question from Nangoma UPND Member of Parliament Boyd Hamusonde in parliament on the floor.

    Some are questioning why 56 years after Zambia’s independence, we cannot print ballot papers for our elections locally.

    Like thorn has already pointed out, suspicion.

  8. Kambwili is crazy……ati “we will not allow Zambians to vote”,are sure?do you own Zambian voters?kkkkkkkk.Let me tell you Kambwili,not all of us are G12s or G9s like yourself.You dont own any Zambian for them to obey your instructions nor neither would we benefit anything directly by voting for you or not!!Use your brians to think unlike just making noise like any empty tin!!We just exercise our democratic right to vote and not because we want to please Kambwili,HH or ECL-NO!!!Moreover,ECZ has not stopped any political party from witnessing ballot printing in Dubai.ECZ wants you to sponsor your useless obsevers than wasting tax payers money to sponsor every Jim & Jack and go and watch buildings in Dubai!!Thus,do not mislead the mases iwe Kambwili.Just go and lose to PF in Chilubi than…

  9. Zambians are very wise.They know who means well.Surely,how many political parties are in Zambia and why should Gvt waste money to sponsor all these useless chaps to Dubai to go and watch buildings?This is shocking.Even HH is supoorting this nonsense and he calls himself an economist?my foot!!ECZ is 100%.Let all political parties use their money to sponsor their representatives to Dubai to witness the printing of ballot papers unlike wasting taxpayers money-period!!!MAJORITY ZAMBIANS WOULD SUPPORT ECZ’S SPLENDID MOVE!!

  10. ECZ have already said they are not going to sponsor any observer to Dubai NO MATTER WHAT!!! It will be interesting to know what happens next.

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