Saturday, July 27, 2024

Nakachinda is not supposed to direct MMD Members of Parliament to support the Bill 10


The MMD is shocked with Nominated Member of Parliament Raphael Nakachinda’s sentiments where he has directed their Members of Parliament to support the Bill 10.

Dr Cephas Mukuka the MMD spokesperson says Mr Nakachinda is not and has never been the National Secretary of the MMD.

He said Judge Sharon Newa’s landmark judgement of November 5 cleared that grey area and went a step further by affirming that Mr Nakachinda remains an expelled member of the MMD.

Dr Mukuka said Mr Nakachinda’s directives to MMD Members of Parliament is not only demeaning to the MPs but also insulting because he has no right to advise or direct Members of Parliament.

He said the MMD has a long standing history and culture on how it relates with its Members of Parliament doing so with high respect, etiquette and decorum.

Dr Mukuka said this issue is so important that it is prescribed fully in the party Constitution and provided for under the provision of a body known as the Parliamentary Liason Committee because the party believe that people who are elected on the MMD ticket are honourable and deserve to be respected.

“The New Hope MMD is alive to the difficulty that our Members of Parliament have faced post the Court issues that had saddled the party since 2016, and we have chosen to handle matters with respect. We have chosen the path of mature engagement as opposed to pushing and pulling”, he added.

“Nakachinda obviously knows very little as a person in the way of respect and honour. He is a wayward individual who has had a poor upbringing, he lacks basic education and he also lacks minimum morality. We are not surprised that in his little wisdom, ordering elected Members including the Deputy Speaker publicly is a show of how high he has climbed in society”, Dr Mukuka said.

He said the National Secretary of the party Elizabeth Chitika is fully engaged on behalf of the National Executive Committee in ensuring that the party is mobilised and made ready to participate in the 2021 elections.

Dr Mukuka has since called on the MMD General membership, the Public and the Media community to ignore Raphael Nakachinda with his continuous failed PR stunts.


  1. Truth is the MMD mps don’t want to associate themselves with Pastor Mumba. They are loyal to Rafa and Felix. Elections are not won in court but at the ballot, solution for MMD is a convention.

  2. No member of parliament should take instructions from anyone apart from the people sh/e represents. Nakachinda or anyone should not tell any MP how to vote on any matter before parliament as all of th

  3. Razor, you’re sharp. Cite him for contempt. I am shocked that they haven’t done so all this while.

    May be ni ka Seer 1 ka Nakachinda. Pantu how else would you explain his boundless stubbornness that even goes against a court ruling. Kali na ring mweh

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