Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Lusambo meets top security chiefs in Lusaka to beef up surveillance


Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo on Tuesday held a two hour closed door meeting with senior security officials in Lusaka Province.

The meeting which took place at the Lusaka Provincial Administration was attended by Head of the Intelligence Services in Lusaka Province including Zambia Army, Zambia Air Force, Zambia National Services, the Correctional Services and the Zambia Police Service.

Resolutions from the meeting were not made public but impeccable sources at the Provincial Administration confirmed that the meeting was held to analyse the security situation in the province in light of what is happening in several parts of the country including the Copperbelt.

The sources said the usually crowded office of the Minister was very quiet on Tuesday as the security status meeting was taking because all visitors to the Minister’s office were cleared off.

The source further said that the Minister was also called to get the security chiefs to clamp down on social media abusers especially those that are alarming the public and insulting national leaders.

“Yes the meeting did take place and all of these big officers were here for the meeting. It’s a rare meeting because Hon. Lusambo rarely meets the Heads of these security wings and the turnout was very good. It goes to show that the agenda they had was very important and Mr. Lusambo wants action,” the source said.

He added, “You see, there is so much going on in the nation and there is a feeling of insecurity in certain parts of the country. So the Minister wants to be proactive and ensure that Lusaka being the capital is safe and does not suffer from any of these issues happening elsewhere.”

The source stated that Mr Lusambo is regarded as a man of action and the officers at the Ministry are confident that the meeting with security chiefs will yield positive results.

“We are confident that this will work because just the other week, we heard the Minister promising to clamp down on social media abusers especially that issuing derogatory statements against the President, Ministers and other national leaders in WhatsApp groups and on Facebook. The Minister kept saying that he knows those people where they live and how to catch them. He vowed that their days were numbered.”

“We know that the Meeting was also to find ways of sanitizing social media use in Zambia, remember last week, he even issued a media statement calling on the Police to arrest those misusing these platforms, so the meeting on Monday was a follow up and meant to come up with strategies on how to catch perpetrators,” the source said.


  1. PF feeling the pressure of poor manegment and corruption on the economy.

    We have noted PF will cook up an excuse to defer or cancel elections in 2021.

    Time is not on their side for the economy to pickup……

  2. WhatsApp groups and on Facebook you will never get this information Mr. Ask the USA Congress? They failed to breakdown the facebook owner. And one other thing is that the Zambian Government does not own WhatsApp or Facebook

    Facebook will never provide your investigators with any information as Facebook has no right, please check the Facebook Security Regulations. You are hitting the rock. The reaction by Zambians thru Social Medial is based on the reports that are published on the same Social Media and you know very well who these are. Clamp down on them instead

    The noble thing to do Lusamba if you know the current Zambian Government is on truck, just ignore the Social Media that is that

  3. We know that the Meeting was also to find ways of sanitizing social media use in Zambia, remember last week, he even issued a media statement calling on the Police to arrest those misusing these platforms

    Police to arrest those misusing these platforms???? Under the Provisions of which Zambian Law?? And what will be the charge?? Lusambo tell us
    Just do the right thing Lusambo, deliver your promises to the people that put you in Office, at the basis of those promises and there will be nothing to worry about

  4. Just a quick Question Mr. Lusambo?
    1. Your Government decided to spend Millions of Dollars on a very expensive Presidential Jet when people in Zambia were suffering with hospitals lacking medicine, a fact supported by the perpetual evacuation of Politicians to Hospitals outside Zambia, instead of the UTH
    2. Your Government sends a non-Government official to the USA, to receive second hand Firefighters purchased for millions of Dollars. This person travelled with over 20 person including maids
    3. 47 Expensive Villas in Lusaka (Up to now we do not know the owner)
    4. Land sharing oh God the list is endless
    Explain this and I for one will begin to trust you if you did to me that favor. If you would like to speak me directly I am ready to avail you my…

  5. Cont….
    Explain this and I for one will begin to trust you if you did that favor. If you would like to speak me directly I am ready to avail you my phone number, so that I can ask you questions about a lot questionable issues that have raised eyebrows in Zambia during the rule of the PF. All started well but things drastically changed (nose diving)

    It is better to admit a mistake tha continue denying and defending the same. That is unChristian to borrow the words of President Lungu

    Thanks in advance for your intelligent response
    Cheers and stay well my younger brother

  6. the constitution of Zambia is very clear, Zambians have freedoms of expression, freedom of assembly etc.
    If one is not happy he can relocate to communist or muslim countries where such freedoms are restricted.
    or if one doesnt understand he can go to NIPA for short course.

  7. Lusamba GBM insulted your President of PF and the Dictatorship Republic of Zambia, through a Audio recording that was posted on this site, and he then left the PF and joinned UPND. The same GBM did the same to HH. After that you the same PF and whose President he insulted welcomed the dude back into PF with open arms Question is “Why didn’t do anything to GBM, like what you and your friend Kadoyo (whatever the name) did to Major Kachingwe. The video is on you tube. Those of you who did not have a chance to watch the video please go to Google and key in the below

    “Bowman Lusambo Beats Major Kachingwe”

    You see what happened for yourselves. That was a serious assault offence you committed and yet Dictator Lungu of DRZ found it fit to appoint you as Minister, very shocking. Shows how…

  8. Cont….
    Shows how rotten the PF has become under Lungu. Late Sata would not have appointed you as anything, not even as Pit latrine cleaner


  10. Watch this quack on TV in an interview he is an empty tin. Just Google ( – Sunday Interview 5th August 2018)
    Listen to him his English, shame on Lungu sure

  11. Lusambo’s appointment as Minister by Lungu is an insult to the intelligence of the Educated, learned and very wise members of the PF. Shows how dull Dictator Edgar Chagwa Lungu is. Just wondering how Lungu managed to pull through the University of Zambia and become a lawyer. Appointing such an empty bunkum, empty bucket name it. The name does not understand anything (I am so shocked he is a Minister)

  12. The most funny interview by a Zambian minister ever. If they are all like these, then I am afriad to say Zambian politics have gone to the dogs

  13. Lusambo lwa Kabongo Ngoi and Chagwelathu Lungu must ask themselves how Samuel Kanyon Doe of Liberia, Joao Bernardo Vieira of Guinea Bissau and Libya’s Muammar Mohammed Abu Minyar Gaddafi met their violent ends. They all butchered so many people before there own people organised themselves and avenged themselves. Doe was first shot in the legs before his ears were cut off for not listening. Joao was literally decapitated to pieces. Gaddafi was severely beaten before one of the gallant Libyans sodomizing him with a bayonet before he was shot several times as he pleaded for his life. All these silly things Lusambo and his boss Lungu are doing are only leading to one end, hell, where they will find the other three scoundrels waiting for them. When us Zambians arise, bafi.kala kunya!

  14. Just listening to Bob Sichinga
    The Oxygen of Democracy | Bob Sichinga | 16 Dec 2019 on youtube,
    Very intelligent man, didnt know we had such brave men in Zambia
    Waoooooooooo what an intelligent man

  15. Very productive meeting today with our hardworking brother lusambo. Lukanga a bit of advice for you, quality is better than quantity. Too many posts from you but nothing tangible

  16. Kaizar Zulu do the noble thing and act like a gentleman “IGNORE MY POSTS”, and you would have nothing to lose. I will continue posting as I live in a Democracy

  17. Abena lukanga, to the contrary a democracy does not allow you to behave like a monkey without limits. That is the reason why Democracies also have rules and laws. If you were speaking sense, I wouldn’t mind your constant trolling. However you have no substance to give us here. This is a platform for mature discussion and debates. I think you need to grow up.

  18. It is a known fact and perhaps more directly common knowledge that towards the 2021 parliamentary and presidential elections ” testosterone” in the opposition camp is going to rise to unprecedented levels. The consolation however, is that Zambia as a Christian nation the devilish onslaught will not succeed at all. “No weapon fashioned against us …..” The best we can advise those who are in opposition and have Zambia’s interest at heart is to join the progressive forces and defend our great country. The issue is not about Lungu, it is about the dark forces trying to destroy the uniqueness of our great nation. Simple minded souls will simply translate this into bread and butter issues. The issue of a Nigerian conman so called seer 1 is a point in question. The leaders of our…

  19. … The issue of a Nigerian conman so called seer 1 is a point in question. The leaders of our great nation thought it wise to create a religious ministry. This is one decision only Satanists will live to regret for the rest of their lives. The creation of a religious ministry is very important as some of our politicians can easily be hoodwinked into believing these unscrupulous souls . Southern Africa has the greatest number of gullible souls who easily believe in these Satanists who come in the name of God leaving their highly impoverished countries in search of pieces of silver and gold in Southern Africa. West Africa (where this shameless so-called seer 1) comes from has had its share of these cults, but have out grown these lies, So the shameless prophets ( wizards) have found…

  20. … West Africa (where this shameless so-called seer 1) comes from has had its share of these cults, but have out grown these lies, So the shameless prophets ( wizards) have found the soft target ( The southern Africa), the richer more organised southern Africa to practise their cults for butter and bread.

  21. for @ kaizar Zulu in case you missed this one.

    Lusambo lwa Kabongo Ngoi and Chagwelathu Lungu must ask themselves how Samuel Kanyon Doe of Liberia, Joao Bernardo Vieira of Guinea Bissau and Libya’s Muammar Mohammed Abu Minyar Gaddafi met their violent ends. They all butchered so many people before there own people organised themselves and avenged themselves. Doe was first shot in the legs before his ears were cut off for not listening. Joao was literally decapitated to pieces. Gaddafi was severely beaten before one of the gallant Libyans sodomizing him with a bayonet before he was shot several times as he pleaded for his life. All these silly things Lusambo and his boss Lungu are doing are only leading to one end, hell, where they will find the other three scoundrels waiting for them…

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