Saturday, July 27, 2024

South African government says that a Suspected case of Corona Virus has been detected in Zambia


The South African government has revealed that a case suspected to be that of the deadly Corona virus has been detected in Zambia.

Giving a status update on the outbreak, South Africa’s Health Minister Zweli Mkhize stated that Zambia is currently dealing with a suspected case of Corona virus.

Zambia’s Health Ministry was not immediately available for a comment.

Dr Mkhize said South Africa is closely monitoring all cases and assured that no case has been reported in that country.

He said the screaming has been intensified at all ports of entry.

Dr Mkhize reassured the nation that South Africa is prepared for the possibility of the coronavirus reaching the country.

The Health Minister cautioned against fake news during this period, saying the Ministry will give regular updates.

He outlined the precautionary measures being taken by the government to detect any contact with the virus.

Special measures have been introduced in OR Tambo International Airport where travellers on direct aircraft from China are required to complete a questionnaire for possible contact tracing.


  1. I don’t believe it as for now am waiting for Chitalu to Confirm.UPND surrogates especially based in SA Shameless they are tacking Zambia day and night with fake news in the name of regime change.

  2. There is no need for us to divulge information when no factual test results have been disclosed. We are not going to lie to you. We deal with facts. Nothing less.if anything is confirmed the official channels will inform the nation.

  3. Because Zambia rely on SA to conduct and identify biological and chemical substances, its not surprising to get information of this nature from SA.

    • Comment:
      He did not say they have identified the virus. He said a SUSPECTED case. A suspect is a suspect not a confirmed case.

  4. Its can be true,south Africa is more advanced than our country no wonder patients with delicate illnesses are flown there for treatment.Please leave the UPND on this issue and deal with the south African minister who has given the information.

  5. Zambian officials as usual they are either on Chilubi Island bribing voters or snoozing…if this minister stated that Zambian ministers promote homosexuality you would have seen Lungu on Sky News but here is a serious issue and they are sleeping. They SA govt will even stop Zambian trucks into SA they will still be sleeping fearing not to upset the RSA.

  6. Chiko – Yet we are happy to waste billions of dollars on a motorway just a fraction of that money that has lined the pockets of the corrupt Politicians could have been used to construct a state of the art DNA, Microbiology laboratory

  7. Sonta Donation Yobe – Zambia does not fly patients to South Africa for treatment – it flies dying politicians there — and there are vested interests. Do not mix the two.

  8. World news agents say there a no reported cases of the virus on the African continent so far. So what is the source of this information?

  9. Remember it took a long time for GRZ to detect Zambian-made cholera outbreaks ? Yet the signs were all there for them to see.

  10. The South African government has not mentioned any African country as having a Coronavirus case. Zambian media is dreaming up things

  11. That’s true KZ ” The official channels we inform the nation ” l like this statement from kz please don’t panic .

  12. These two fools meno meno and Hazaluza have taken us for a ride. They hate each other so much including their supporters that they don’t see each other and if they do, one must die.

  13. Its common practice in Zambia to send medical samples to South Africa or India for lab analysis and testing. I’m pretty sure that is what happened and the coronaviras was detected.

  14. How does the SA govt make such an announcement before the involved country does so? Such a sensitive issue should not be reported by a foreign govt. I think our responsible govt through the minister of health have all the details to inform the nation if there is any such case. So can the SA govt please SHUT UP and mind their own internal issues.

  15. Who is the ambassador in south africa? Why cant the embassy release a statement there to counter this or at least engage with the south african government to retract their statement. Unless they know something which we don’t.

  16. Corona-virus detected in Zambia is probably true as Zambian government is dysfunctional technologically, economically, socially and medically. The current government under PF is full of unprofessional technocrats whose main occupation is where to make corrupt deals. People such as Chitotela, Kampongo, Lusambo, old Sikazwe, Lubinda etc don’t add any value to Zambia. How can such calibre of people deal with the security of Zambia from corona-virus. Ask Chitalu Chilufya if aware that corona-virus is dealy. As at now its as usual politicking while Zambians are at high risk of this virus infection

  17. It reminds me of Malawi hiding the disclosure of Bingu wa Mutharika’s death and flying him to South Africa two days after he died for “specialized resurrection” treatment only for the doctors there to realise he was already in a state of rigor mortis and fast decomposing and smelling! Zambia is the same too, Sata was busy dying before our eyes but the fools were claiming the chimbwi was working hard!

  18. Malawi only came clean when Zuma threatened to release a press statement that Mtharika is dead, that’s when those “achimwenes” awoke from their slumber of stupidity.

  19. The virus is a internationals problem and the public for safety must know asap, the Zambian govt will try to cover it up and many people will die.

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