Saturday, July 27, 2024

Withdraw Bill 10, insists LAZ


The Law Association of Zambia has insisted that government should withdraw Constitution Amendment Bill number 10 of 2019 because it threatens the country’s democracy.

LAZ President President Eddie Mwitwa wondered why government was in a hurry to amend the constitution, insisting that some clauses would have dire effects on Zambia’s democracy.

He insisted that Bill 10, if enacted, would allow government officials to campaign using government resources.


  1. We have heard arguments and counter arguments from various organisations and individuals including LAZ. It is now time for the people’s representatives to debate the bill and make a descision on behalf of the people. That is why we voted for them . Why is LAZ bent on withdrawing the bill before parliament plays its part? LAZ is a representative of the lawyers in Zambia. It does not represent the voters. Please let the process flow.

  2. Have read what is contained in bill 10 and listened to both camps on bill 10, those for and those against, I personally fill the NAYS have a bestest argument on why this bill should not go through compared to the YES camp.

  3. Leave it to parliament. The only thing you can do is to lobby MPs not to pass the bill. You cannot deny them thye right to do their job.

  4. Bills are not passed by rowdy crowds at intercontinental Hotel. Bills are not passed by NGOs neither are they passed by associations.Bills are not passed by parliamentary committee. Bills are passed into law by the Representatives of the people on the floor of parliament after aggressive debates. It is called representative democracy. Let the debate begin.

  5. We have had enough of this story of Bill-10 can some one please highlight the nation if full to see the content in Bill-10 because every one is courting just one part this one another part some out of context,can some please write down what is in Bill-10 in order to end this debate once and for all.Looking at the stage were at as reached let the MP’s have say through parliament,upnd deceived us during the time of Referendum,this time we don’t want to hear from this mangwams.

  6. The UPND, NDC and progressive independents just have to walk out of parliament.
    The traitors of the Zambian people will be exposed.
    No need to waste time debating bill 10.
    After the PF finished with bill 10. The others can return for normal business.

  7. Prof Hansungule’s opinion would be extremely enlightening if he were to comment. However,Parliament remains the established forum for debating Bills. Walk outs and boycotts by dissenting MPs is a relegation of duty.

  8. If Hansugule was a serious he should have made his presentations to the Parliamentary committee. At this stage all his says will not matter unless he says it through his MP.

  9. LAZ is not the people’s representatives but representatives those who can afford the exorbitant fees its members charge. Zmbia will keep moving forward and backwards if we let these warwick university graduates dictate how we run our affairs. Forard with bill 10

  10. Didn’t the hear the humble leader’s statement on Bill 10…as far is he is concerned you are blocking progress. Same way he has refused Concourt judgement on Ministers who illegally stayed in power.

  11. Ignore LAZ, they are highly compromised.
    Too much bullu sh!t.
    These stagnant shrills means no good.
    They went to court and lamentably lost.
    Bill 10 gotta roll.

  12. LAZ had all the time to be part of the BILL 10 from day one of the process during the conventions as well
    as during the NAKACHINDA Committe and air their views but opted to stay away.

    Please stay out out of this and let MPs the peoples representative debate and pass the bill.

    You had all the time to debate against .

  13. It is sad that some members of laz have become politically biased and been bought off by the upnd. They failed to attend the forums to give their views on bill 10 and yet they want to use media to debate these issues. Embarrassing that this behaviour is coming from a profession that is highly regarded as intelligent and professional. Kz

  14. LAZ is very disappointing. Since when did they represent the will of the voting Zambians?? It is parliament’s role to debate bills, not LAZ or the western funded NGOs etc.

  15. A clique within the LAZ structure has become politically too polarized that they are leading LAZ to a self destructive destination. Many Zambians doubt the existence of this so called legal organisation. It is obvious that it is the role of Parliament to debate the Bill. Apparently, most members of the LAZ have mutated into a group of the insectan “ARMY WORMS”. Hence, there is a need to review the role on the concept of the Law Association so as to restore sanity in Zambia.

  16. Mwiitwa tell the people whivh parts of bill 10 compromised our democracy don’t just talk talk withdrawal withdrawal without telling us why. The bill was published and since majority of the people you are telling have poor reading culture for them to have an informed position they will continue being mislead by people like you. let the people’s representatives do their work. This issue us dead and buried we await parliament’s decision

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