Saturday, July 27, 2024

South Africa’s ANC resolve to repatriate the remains of their leaders from Zambia


The ANC Executive Committee has resolved to repatriate the remains of their former Secretary General Comrade Duma Nokwe and former President of the ANC Women’s League Comrade Florence Mophosho, who both died and were buried in Zambia at the time South Africa’s ruling Party was in exile.

In a letter to Patriotic Front Secretary General Comrade Davies Mwila, dated 29th January 2020, and delivered by South African High Commissioner to Zambia Mr. GN Twala in Lusaka this morning, ANC Secretary General Ace Magashule paid growing tribute to the people of Zambia.

He acknowledged the support and solidarity they gave to the people of South Africa during the liberation struggle against the apartheid regime.

“The National Executive Committee’s statement on the occasion of the birthday of the African National Congress, on 8th January 2020: presented by President Cyril Ramaphosa, pronounced a program of Action for 2020”, Mr Magashule said.

He said in the Program of Action, the NEC of the Organisation instructs the party to make arrangements for the return of the remains of former Secretary General Comrade Duma Nokwe and former President of the ANC Women’s league Comrade Florence Mophosho both of whose bodies are buried in Lusaka, Zambia.

Both Comrades Nokwe and Mophosho left South Africa in the 1960’s when the ANC was outlawed by the apartheid regime and they died in the 1980’s and their mortal remains are buried in Lusaka.

“We therefore wish to request your comradely assistance and guidance in the process of our attempt to return their mortal remains back to South Africa. Your guidance in this regard would be most helpful in ensuring that both our people who experienced these heroes in their lives find closure in the process”, the letter read.

And receiving the letter, PF Secretary General Davies Mwila assured his Comrade Twala that the PF would consult with the relevant government agencies and give all the necessary support to the repatriation process.

Mr Mwila has also announced that the African National Congress would be invited to attend PF’s General Conference later in the year.

“On behalf of the Central Committee of the Patriotic Front chaired by His Excellency President Edgar Chagwa Lungu, let me also send our greetings and compliments to the leadership and membership of the African National Congress”.


  1. We hope our brothers and sisters in south Africa genuinely appreciate the sacrifice of zambians in helping them during white rule. They need to educate their ignorant xenophobic criminals about this. Kz

  2. Instead of writing to UNIP who supported them they are writing to these criminals. They should written to the governmnet of the Republic of Zambia not to a political party.

  3. How possible to allocate the ACTUAL BURIAL for their ancestral remaining.I think prior 1964 Lusaka was not offered burial sites.

  4. They’re trying to change history, the departed had chosen Zambia as their home so let them continue to rest in peace. The greatest honor the ANC can accord their fallen heroes is to behave in a pan African manner like the people they want to evacuate did not this blatant greed we see now. Has the request come from their families?

  5. Zambians must learn to love one another hatred can not the Zambian motto , tolerate one another since you not better than your neighbour you are sinners committing the same sins your neighbour is committing, the reason why Jesus said he who has no sin pick the first stone to stone the woman .
    People need to be sincere with themselves I pray true believers will not join these politics which broods divisions and confusion in mother Zambia
    Really how can you call a sorcerer to be your guide in decision making how can good come from an evil person the bible is clear the you can trust an evil report from your enemy .

  6. This letter is addressed wrongly to PF who have nothing to do with the liberation war that we went through with the people of South Africa. It should have been written to the GRZ. Writing to tribal divisive PF will only attract ridicule from the people as PF has made grave mistakes on the economy & corruption.

  7. The next alien we must repatriate is Kaizer kaZiguda Jele Zulu. We know he is descended from refugees who run away from the Gumbi clan in Kwazulu Natal in areas of Pongola, their current Chief is Mbhekiseni Zeblon Gumbi & he told me he wants Kaizer Zulu there to circumcise him so that he can grow into a real man.

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