Saturday, July 27, 2024

Zambia’s envoy to US has not been expelled, it’s only Visa delays-Malanji


Minister of Foreign Affairs Joe Malanji has dispelled reports suggesting that Zambia’s Ambassador to Washington Lazarus Kapambwe has been expelled from that country.

Addressing a media briefing in Lusaka, Mr Malanji clarified that Ambassador Kapambwe was working on the multilateral platform with the United Nations but has been transferred to Washington D.C to handle bilateral relations with the US government.

He further said his agreement has already been signed and awaiting procedural requirements for him to take up office.

“But it is only procedural that he gets his A1 visa which is like a work permit for him to operate in the United States on a bilateral platform,” Mr. Malanji said.

Mr. Malanji said Zambia continues to share a solid institutional relationship with the Unites States contrary to speculations and emphasized that Ambassador Kapambwe will be taking up office after all procedural requirements are concluded.

He said the Zambian government continues to enjoy cordial relations with the US Government and no action has been taken by that country in retaliation to anything.

Earlier today, Democratic Party President Harry Kalaba alleged that Ambassador Kapambwe had been expelled from Washington DC by the US Government in line with the the principal of reciprocity that governs international diplomacy.

Mr Kalaba said Ambassador Kapambwe was scheduled to present his credentials to President Donald Trump on 7th February 2020.

He said the Zambian government was excessive in the manner they handled the issue of Ambassador Daniel Foote and in clear demonstration of complete ignorance and failure to learn and understand diplomacy in-spite of being the number 1 diplomat for the last 6 years, President Lungu’s unstrained utterances and behavior has led to constraining of the beautiful relations Zambia has had with our true friends and comrades across main fronts including health and water improvements among others.

Mr Kalaba said the DP noted the precarious path that the PF government under President Lungu has chosen to take, which if not addressed will continue to negatively impact the country’s economy.

He condemned the PF leadership and admonish President Edgar Lungu, and further challenging him to address this issue without further delay so as not to allow deterioration of the bilateral ties that the United States and Zambia have enjoyed through the many protocols and bilateral agreements that have existed between our two countries – Zambia and the USA.


  1. OK. Let me check with the State Department quick. This is not 1950 so if you are lying we shall know. There is access to information bwana.

  2. This is quite obvious and if this Angolan Malanje does not know this is a tit for tat expulsion I wonder what he will say tomorrow when Kapambwe returns home! Kunya nomba bamambala imwe!

  3. You’re giving the deads heartbreak and heartache Malanji.

    That’s not the kind’a news they seek.

    These zealots want to have the worst for Zambia.


    Common sense: How could he be expelled when work permit has no yet been processed?

  5. Taking into account that Mr Kalaba was a Minister of Foreign Affairs, it is extremely SAD news that he can expose such ignorance in the administration of Zambia’s Officers under Foreign Missions. He joins the list of jokers, such as HH, Milupi and Kambwili. posturing as presidential aspirants.

  6. For him not to be issued with a Visa up to now means the US is trying to ensure that Zambia has no representation in that country just like they don’t have any ambassador here in zambia.

  7. Maybe Hon Kalaba is wrong but from experience established since 2011 I would rather believe him until it is proved otherwise. It’s called erring on the safe side. Can’t trust PF, ubufi bwafulisha.

  8. Kikikikikikijijujijijujujujuju!

    HK is the fake news.

    Kikiki HK for president?
    This is fake reality.

    H² tell these boyz what we have successfully done to you.

  9. “Speaking Out on Gay Rights and Corruption Costs Ambassador His Job
    Zambia’s president wanted U.S. Ambassador Daniel Foote gone after he criticized the government for corruption and for sending a gay couple to prison.”- The New York Times.

    “Daniel Foote said he was “horrified” by the jailing of Japhet Chataba and Steven Samba.”- BBC

    “He said the Zambian government continues to enjoy cordial relations with the US Government and no action has been taken by that country in retaliation to anything.”-

  10. “The truth is worth it.
    Piecing together the facts. Vetting sources. Connecting the details. The New York Times applies journalistic rigor to every topic we cover, in our mission to deliver what is critical to democracy — independent journalism with an unwavering commitment to the truth.”

  11. Razor – What do you mean when you say “no representation”? Have the embassies been closed? An ambassador leaving does not mean that an Embassy has been closed – everything goes on as normal.

  12. Wat are u crying for wen u should no that Mr Kapembwa won’t be in DC it’s over , more Pf leaders won’t be allowed to visit USA now , its about electing new leadership , too much corruption in government , it’s time to confess with Seer 1 before it’s too late ,

  13. Personally I would want this story to come out true so that we learn something from our high handedness is addressing issues, our country today has been embroiled in a lot of unprecedented issues such that one is left not proud to be a Zambian anymore, just look at our ministers line up then you can see that as a country we have taken a wrong path.

  14. I don’t know why anyone would want to believe the PF first ..when IMF withdrew their country Rep we were told lies that it was normal his term had come to an end …the simple logic caders cudnt get was that the IMF doesn’t leave gaps in replacements till now none has been sent to ZM. There are some gaps in the Ministers statement not making sense especially that Kapembwa was already working in the US with a diplomatic visa

  15. Who doesn’t know that of late a number of government officials especially ministers have been denied US Visas.

  16. So the announcement was premature. Wrong time to change guard when your situation is precarious.

    Advisor, so in your view a country can run as normal without a president as long as the structure of govt is still in place?

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