Saturday, July 27, 2024

Mobs lynching innocent people they suspect to be “gassing” culprits


50 people have been apprehended by a joined patrol team of Defence and Security officers in Matero for idle and disorderly conduct. These are unruly groupings arming themselves with offensive weapons moving round communities on pretext of patrolling but end up harassing innocent people of which some have died in instant mob justice.

This is according to a statement issued by Esther Katongo Zambia Police Public Relations Officer.

Three people were lynched by mobs in separate incidents in Matero’s Katambalala area, Zingalume and Hill side area and were only rescued by the joint patrol team of officers . However, one male adult among those rescued aged between 40 and 45 years who was attacked in Hill side area only identified as Emmanuel later died in Matero Level 1 Hospital around 02 00 hours . The body has been taken to UTH mortuary awaiting identification and postmortem. One suspect has been arrested and investigations have continued.

Another male person aged between 30 and 35 years was murdered by a mob yesterday around 21 hours in Chikondano area on suspicion of chemical spraying. The body is in UTH mortuary.

Another man on his way to gym at 04:40hours was beaten up by a mob and was almost burnt alive before being rescued by security officers.

Innocent man attacked by instance justice mob as he was n his way to the gym

Matero also recorded four (04) reports of unruly behaviour where mobs blocked some roads in Chingwere, Hill side , Maiteneke and Katambalala areas. However, officers of patrol dispersed the mobs and order was restored.

Four reports of chemical spraying was received by Matero with a total of 16 victims. These cases were recorded from George compound, Salima road in Kasamba area and Chunga Dumpsite area.

Emmasdale Police recorded three reports of chemical spraying with seven victims . These reports were received from Chazanga and Chipata overspill.

Most of reports received by many other poluce stations involving chemical spraying could not be verified as in some instances people raised alarm due to fear.

In another sad development, police in Lusaka have picked a body of an unidentified male person suspected to have been murdered and burnt by a mob on suspicion of being one of people spraying chemicals.

The incident is suspected to have happened between 04 30 hours and 05 00 hours at Mponda village, 10 kilometers from Kasisi School. The remains are in UTH mortuary.

And yesterday in Katende area , a mob descended on a person suspecting him to be among people behind chemical spraying who was later known to be a mental patient of Kanakantapa area. He was rescued by a member of the neighbourhood watch who was also assaulted on accusations that he was protecting a criminal.

Police officers rushed to the scene to rescue the victims and later relatives of the mental patient victim produced documentation to prove that the victim was a mental patient. This happened yesterday 15th February, 2020 around 09 00 hours.

In Kabwe of Central Province, an unidentified male person aged about 37 years has been murdered by a mob and the body was picked from Katondo Primary School premises with a burnt face and fingers. This happened around 23 50 hours.

Meanwhile, Police in Kabwe received seven reports of malicious administering of chemical substance in Pollen, High ridge, and Ngungu areas in which victims were referred to health facilities for medical attention while Mumbwa district recorded eight reports which are still unverified.

In Mabumba area of Luapula Province a mental patient was assaulted along Samfya road by a mob on mare suspicion and was only rescued by police officers. He survived with injuries.

Meanwhile, in Chiengi District near the border, an unidentified male person aged between 50 and 60 years was yesterday around 21 00 hours murdered by a mob . Officers who went to pick the body were blocked by youths who blocked the road and police fired tear gas canisters to disperse them.

Meanwhile, in continued investigations with a view of bringing criminals behind the killing of suspects in chemical spraying and malicious damage to property, police in Matero have so far arrested two suspects in a report of Malicious damage in which a motor vehicle Toyota Land cruiser was damaged by a mob in Lusaka 11th February, 2020 on suspicion that occupants were among people spraying chemicals while in instant mob justice related deaths, one suspect is in custody.

Police have instituted investigations in all cases of murder recorded as a result of recent instant mob justice as well as those of malicious damage to property. All those involved in these crimes should know that their days are number because as police we shall not leave any stone unturned.

Police have also intensified Investigations in reports of Malicious Admistering of poison with intent to harm (chemical spraying) and this charge attracts 14 years imprisonment upon conviction.

The Police are appealing to members of the public to always restrain themselves from taking part in instant mob justice.

Even in instances where there is overwhelming evidence that someone committed or was about to commit an offence, it remains unlawful for people to take the law into their own hands.


  1. This is hw the descent into chaos started in some failed states on this continent. Whn u add failure to even hv a reasonable debate on the issue, and u hv the makings of a frightening situation. Some hv said the main opposition party is behind these incidents. Why are people making such claims not being questioned by police?

  2. Lungu and pf have destroyed the fabric of this once peacfull great nation….

    Under this president people are being burned alive , corruption at its highest , tribalisim is being normalised….

    They have put Zambia in a $17 billion debt that is spiralling out of control ……

    • The president of the Republic of Zambia has got nothing to do with the ritual killings or the mobs the are killing people. let us not blame an political party or individual for the chaos in the country without any proof. The people of Zambia should let the police do their job as we are assured that the criminals will face the law and pay for their crimes.

  3. A subtle clue that PF is behind these acts of terrorism is bowman lusambos behaviour.

    Lusambo acts like king of Lusaka and is always in front of cameras when ever something is happening…..

    But on these lynchings lusambo is no where to be seen, he knows what is going on. You would have seen lusambo touring compounds in front of law enforcement.

    But lusambo and the PF leadership know about this re planned terrorism.

    I Expect them to jail opposition or cancel elections

  4. It’s a very sad situation, but the indictment is on the Police as well. They must introspect and ask why people have stopped listening to them. The conduct of some officers is undesirable. It’s not only the traffic section that’s polluted, it has now spread throughout. Some decant fuel with kaponya at Indeni, others abate criminality amongst jerabos, some are debt collectors what don’t they do? Can we expect such officers to command any respect?

  5. The problems we are facing in society is not because of the; west, east,south or north, government, the church or friends, but it’s because of the problems in the family. So goes the home; so goes society…so goes Institutions…so goes the country… goes human civilization. The home is the most powerful and first institution God created and for a bigger purpose. One of the purpose of the family is to help expand God’s influence in the earth. If we don’t raise our children to walk in God’s integrity and don’t educate them well, we shouldn’t blame anyone, when they grow up and their lack of integrity and education begins to affect the nation negatively. God is looking at you and me. How are we raising our families? Are we the role model for them or it’s the dead Tupac they are…

  6. tikambe

    Of course lungu is to blame, he should show the same determination in arresting the situation that he shows when brutalising opposition or civil peacefull demonstrations

  7. God is looking at you and me. How are we raising our families? Are we the role model for them or it’s the dead Tupac they are modeling after. Or are the children modeling after the false prophets or bad politicians , instead of us? We all know that false prophets are real. They have always been there, even in Jesus time. The question is; what are we doing at an individual level to help create a better Zambia and beyond. to help create a safer, peaceful and prosperous Zambia. God will hold us accountable as individuals on how we are spending our lives. Why do we spend so much time and energy disrespecting a President. The Presidency is an institution. It’s the representation of the Zambian people. He has the peoples mandate. Let’s work with any government of the day to bring development…

  8. The Police rendered themselves incompetent when they reported that they were seeing people turn into cats! What do you expect now? huh? People are taking the law into their own hands because they know it is them or bust! Mwe fipuba mwe.

  9. PF is to blame for this chaos because they hired payed killers to do their dirty job, the blood innocent blood should haunt them to their own graves

  10. @ Beats Nevers Mumba and others prayed and fasted yesterday? If the violence did not end after all the drama thats proof that prayer is useless!!

    PF is to blame for this chaos because they hired *paid* killers to do their dirty job, the blood innocent blood should haunt them to their own graves.

  11. Once upon a time, time time time there was black mamba, zero option, burning of markets, schools, clinics government offices etc Our God who is our guardian never slumbers or sleep He will destroy you.

  12. Prayer is part of this problem.
    If you look at this problem, superstition reigns supreme. People seeing “gasser’s turn into cat’s” Religion is wholly based on Superstition & NOT fact! Religion is NOT evidence based, hence people including TOP P.F OFFICIALS can be duped by Crooks like And2ew Ejim@du.
    Nevers, who loves illegal money & abuse of office anyway prayed, but the gassing has NOT CEASED!
    J0na wa Bantu aka K!ng Chak0lwa has always led annual prayers for prosperity, whilst him & Daughter are busy plundering the nation blind. HAS THE ECONOMY IMPROVED? NO!
    Religion is a Sham, & a scheme for people like Ejim@du & (God)fridah to EAT whist you all suffer.

  13. Spaka why you hate president Lungu with your bloody.?

    For anything you would rather blame president Lungu.If you don’t know President Lungu is a very good man.No wonder why God had blessed him from the humble to where he is now.

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