Friday, February 14, 2025

First Lady Breaks down over the Gassing of Innocent families



  1. It’s sad to see madam first lady cry. But I wish you cried to the gassing people tell them to stop gassing innocent people. If the continue gassing us so will we continue with mob justice. The Bible says” I help those who help themselves” so we can’t site and watch the gassing people finish us.

  2. It is a plan by PF to postpone elections or jail opposition, that is they they are not deploying the army and thst is why their police and their caders have been ordered to disappear……..

  3. Please don’t add fuel to this hysteria madam. Please don’t forget the innocent victims who have also been killed by evil mob justice gangs that are putting the peace of our nation to risk. Have these cases of gassing even been verified by labs at UNZA or CBU or the hospitals etc? What type of gas is being used? How many have actually died, no one seems to know all we hear are unverified rumours! We know how many innocent suspects have been killed by being burnt alive by these evil mob justice gangs, that is now over 20 people killed or attacked with several properties damaged. Bring in some sanity to this please we don’t want a civil war here as this behaviour from so called mob justice gangs is what we may see during the elections and it must be condemned now before it is too late.

  4. You sleep with the President why can’t you tell him to resolve the matter. And his right hand man GBM has the evidence. Atase ifya bupuba.

    • Yes they must be brought to book by her husband. So instead of crying in public, she must be crying to her husband to, for once, do his job..

  5. @Ksgh
    If she is not the mother of the nation, then who is she? Learn to give respect. You may not like president Lungu and his family but the trueth is that he is the president.


  7. @Ksgh
    If by mistake the father of Amagedeon becomes the president, we will respect him as such. We now know the reason they are doing so. They want to incite people to rise against the government. We know you bane

    • What do you know also naimwe ba@TRUTH?? Its the same foo.lish speculations like yours that are making innocent people get killed by mobs for nothing for suspected being ritual killers or gassers and here is the first lady crying instead of her husband acting. Police say NO ritual killings ever recorded yet innocent people are being suspected and killed by mobs and govt is no action to calm the situation. SO now who is inciting the people??

  8. Bowman Lusambo said Power is Sweet. This woman is crying at the realization that the gassing may actually cause them to leave State House. Why she don’t cry when Police or PF Cadres kill people during elections?

  9. Crocodile tears. She must tell her husband to stop the Malawi vinyanga. She must appeal to Lungu to be a man. If he was a good leader nothing of this sort can be happening. He is a weak, useless and very lazy man. His laziness is even in his head. He can’t think. Tell him to step down madam. HE HAS FAILED AND WE WONDER IF HE CAN EVEN REPRODUCE. He is lazy everywhere.

  10. What did she mean when she said “Ine ndichipuba fye. Naimwe mulifipuba pakusala umulume wandi, uushaishiba nefyo achita in that position” to be your president?

  11. This is quite a show. Someone who has the nations at heart would not agree to spend million$ to bring scrap metal that is worth almost nothing into the country. PF is the worst African government and that is that.

  12. The First Lady should go straight to the Police IG and ask him why those suspects arrested in connection with the gassing have not yet started appearing in court……..if she really cares for the innocent citizens. Otherwise we will take it that those are crocodile tears. And as a mother of the nation as she claims to be we should have seen her visiting and comforting the gassing victims at the hospital

  13. “Mother of the Nation ” spoiled the all well intended appeal. She has never called herself mother of Tasila.
    Mother of the Nation. Seriously!? Atase bane.. and who is the “Father of the Nation ” then?

  14. I will not leave any stone unturned. It is not acceptable for people to cause our first mother to cry this way. To all those perpetrators,we are closing in on you. Anyone who causes pain on zambian people and especially the mother of the nation is public enemy number 1. This is treasonous. You will regret everr being born . I know who you are but for security reasons and to avoid notching this high level investigation, I cannot name you all. I am travelling to Russia on account of this to liaise with some top secret officials. Don’t worry we will deal with you. Kz

  15. Consider your comments before you insult. Be reasonable as a true Zambian not insulting. When you tend to be insult oriented it means your thinking is of a croakroach and childish. Move out of the slumber but genuine comments. Zambian will consider u to be a foolish person

  16. Why should she cry when the husband is in charge of the security apparatus in the country? It is like a wife of bus driver crying that the bus is not moving properly when the driver is actually her husband. Madam u passed a vote of no confidence in your husband by crying. We as a country have also lost hope in his administration.

  17. She is the mother of the nation whether you like it or not. Mutinta will be A mother of tribal party originated from southern province. Mama Lungu we love you. Only people from UPND cannot see what you did is right. They are ev1l like the god hizombi hizombi.

  18. You are the *****s behind this issue. ‘ I will not leave any stone unturned’. Kaizer, just how stupid can you be? Quit this rubbish at the opposition is behind this. They have nothing to gain in this you thick *****. It has your name and you Pf around it. Ukaponoka iwe!!’ You are the ones behind this and we are not stupid as a people. You are going to Russia for some top secret…who the ‘duck’ is interested in what the duck you do? What school did you attend? And Lungu told to tell the nation about your top secret trip to Russia? Useless leeche. Enough of this nonsense. Stop this now!!

  19. Those tears were on pause for a longtime they were loading while the problem escalated. Your husband was busy campaigning and now you want to cry? Spare us the drama, as long as you rule people in a bad way disadvantaging others bad luck will always follow you and your reign will marred with all bad things as is the case ever since PF took over through lungu

  20. Agony is pointing a PF finger of accusation at UPND and only to be told by a gassers caught in the act that he was sent by Serenje PF Council Chairperson to gass innocent people!
    Just return the charms you got from the PF Seer1, the PF spiritual powerhouse!
    We have not forgotten how you accused UPND of burning Markets across the country and no evidence to date supporting your weird theory!
    And your Kateka has the audacity to call everyone who holds divergent views as mad? Are people not expected to hold divergent views in a Democracy? We’ll not allow anyone to take our intellectual freedoms from us! Just return the charms and there will be peace!

  21. She’s a bad actress. That’s not breaking down. She was just pretending for 5 seconds. Those were croc tears!!

  22. If mutinta hakainde cries now, you will say she is caring, she is fit to be first lady and mother of the nation. Have respect for mama Esther Lungu. Don’t forget that if your hh comes into power, he will also get the same insults you are dishing out on the current president and his wife. Why is the gassing not happening in upnd strong holds.

  23. Seer1 said if he said something about the president even the wife will not vote for him what is that thing which seer1 is hiding.

  24. Kaizer Zulu ati I’m going to Russia for top secret whatever Hahahaha
    How is it a top secret now that we know? What are you going to do in Russia? Hahahaha

    • Lol. Imagine.. Russia to do what if you say you know all the names already? fyum yamene titamba aya nikisi mwe..

  25. Crying for what when your husband is in charge of the security apparatus in the country!! Remember what Seer 1 said? Madam your crying when your husband is in charge of the security apparatus of the country is a vote of no confidence in his administration.

  26. Zedian do you know what I am going to discuss there? You seem paranoid. Only be scared if you are guilty. Don’t worry you will soon find out. You think government is a joke.

  27. KZ, these people are informed by watchdog, mast, prime TV etc and have convinced themselves that PF are just jokers in GRZ. They have primed their minds to think hh is just a step away from plot 1 and that PF is outgoing. Right now, upnd supporters have convinced themselves that Chilubi by-election was rigged because the figures of 2016 and last weeks are identical. Instead of concentrating on packaging a strong manifesto to sell to voters, they believe even these gassing incidents are a sign of PF failure and people are rioting against it.

  28. With due respect to the first lady, your fake crying when your husband should be providing leadership on such a serious & critical issue in the country is laughable! I suggest she enrolls in an acting class to do it better! Can you compare this to How FTJ led the country during the funeral of the Gabon disaster… FTJ crying with the people was genuine and you could see how the stadium erupted in support of the commander in chief..Thats leadership Zambia is lacking!.
    The reason such things are happening is failure of leadership in the country..ECL cant seem to have the ability to carry the entire country with him. His interest is the demanding PF cadres.. I feel sorry for this man.

  29. Sorry but she ain’t my mum nor 40% of Zambians either. A true mother fights for her children and makes sure they have have shelter and food. 40% of Zambians live under the poverty line! It is a shame that your husband’s government has failed the Zambian people. We are not safe in our own country anymore.

  30. I didn’t know she’s such a good actor…..she wasted tax payers money with her entourage plus bedroom attendant in Los Angeles…that money should have been enough to mobilize security in the country…fake crocodile tears…her husband is stealing money every minute and Zambians are dying in hospitals with no medication

  31. This is so sad, she’s indeed the mother of the nation. Open up your eyes Zambians, why is it that there hasn’t been any gassing incidents recorded in the southern province???

  32. She should shed those stinking crocodile tears uko! The next place they should gas in State House, kunya this time fontini iwe!

  33. KZ

    Bragging about going to all these places to discuss investment or development of the country ?????

    Yeah right…….what time wasters these PF are. All they have in their minds is oppression of people….


  35. @Tikambe,may be you haven’t yet been sent there.If people gassing others are from certain regions,then you want everybody to follow rotten schemes of Parties which are good at nothing but destruction!!

  36. Every Zambian citizen should be worried when tax payers money is wasted to send a clinic filling clerk with no intelligence background to discuss security matters for the nation in Russia for that matter! Intelligence officers need to be angry for being undermined by this guy. Zambia is a laughing stock!

  37. Who made her “Mother of the Nation”?

    Please give us a break. We are already dealing with one tragedy, now she wants to impose herself on us.

  38. When you see the bus conductor jumping out to run for safety when there is a driver in the seat, what should you as a passengers about the abilities of the driver?

  39. Oooh Zambians and their stupid love of misdirected prayer…madam go to Lungu,and his witch kaizar Zulu and fat albert gbm..they say they know the killers

  40. Obvious no culprit will admit, whether PF or Trible UPND. Police must do its work, not this Kampyongi nons.ense ati police are still investigating “thoroughly”. Thoroughly for months, silly.lly!

  41. Those tears were meant for the camera to fool people. Am sure some vicks was applied to the eyes. Fire trucks no cry, violence resulting in murder of innocent people like NDC chairman and Gaddafi for UPND no cry, the hacking and attack of Sean tembo no cry, loadshedding no cry, and now that people are pointing at PF to be behind this attack that is when the tears roll?

  42. Anyone can see that this is a rehearsed act. She should go on tour with Bob nkosha and company. Why cant she cry over fire tenders, mukula logs, corruption etc etc in the same way.

  43. Her husband is the most mediocre, ineffective president Zambia has had the misfortune to have. If PF was serious, they would’ve already done what ANC did in South Africa to Zuma. PF would’ve already forced this clueless clown, lazy Lungu, to resign. But they would rather he continues to damage this nation with his mediocre leadership. What a shame.

  44. I am told Zambia now qualifies for an Oscar ward due to the dramas unfolding around the country…’Mum of the Nation’ to represent Zambia ..good luck bane!!!

  45. Opposition politicians spreading so much hatred in Zambia. Making comments to incite. Pure evil.

  46. LIE PF can’t do to Edgar Lungu what South Africa did to Mbeki and Puma because they are guilty . they all have a hand in this

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