Saturday, July 27, 2024

Nevers Mumba weighs in on Zambia’s Award Winning Photographer Chellah Tukuta’s Marital Problems


Movement For Multiparty Democracy (MMD) President Nevers Mumba has weighed in on the marital troubles that Zambia’s multiple award-winning Photographer has found himself in.

According to reports, Cornelius Chellah Mulenga Tukuta to social media to post images of himself with his newly found lover by the name of Carol in order to punish his wife Chanda , whom the couple has two children.

Dr. Mumba condemned Mr. Tukuta for his behavior but reached out for his healing, adding that, in working through his restitution, MMD expects that Mr. Tukuta shall offer a full-hearted apology to both his family and to the many friends that have held him in high esteem.

Below is the full Post from Dr. Nevers Mumba


In the past few days, inappropriate content and pictures involving and depicting one, Cornelius Tukuta Chellah have been circulating on social media. My interest to make a comment arises from the fact that, Cornelius has been working on our media team as a photographer.

To say the least, the pictures have been gross and none of us in the team ever thought our greatly talented young man would take such an immoral detour from the values that we all consider critical to national building. As leader of the New Hope MMD, I wish to place it on record that I condemn this inappropriate behavior and distance the party from the character that Cornelius has depicted over the past few days.

Every leader faces moments when someone around them suffers a moral setback, becomes corrupt or just goes rogue. At this moment it’s the leader’s values and strength of leadership which are on trial. Since these assistants are usually very close and sometimes even humanly “indispensable” most leaders fail to provide leadership in such moments. It is such inaction to speak out against the wrongs of those close to us that shows our own failure to provide leadership.

Cornelius is a gifted young man. A prolific photographer of international acclaim. He is a CNN Africa Photographer Award Winner. He is one of Zambia’s best. It is therefore extremely painful for me to see him sink so low morally and pose a threat to the very standard of morals that have brought us together as a team.

The sanctity of family is the bedrock of any resilient society. Cornelius is a married man with two beautiful children. His responsibility is to love his wife and children and protect them from anything that could harm them including public ridicule. His conduct therefore is highly regrettable.

While some leaders may publicly disown one who falters as Cornelius has, we have decided to provide counseling and help for him to overcome this moral failure. We trust the Lord that in his mercy, our young man shall rise up and be the responsible husband, father and citizen he needs to be. We condemn his behavior but we reach out for his healing.

In working through this restitution we expect that Cornelius shall offer a full hearted apology to both his family and to the many friends that have held him in high esteem.

Until this is done he has been advised that He WILL NOT to carry out any role in the New Hope MMD media team. We consider character to be more useful than the gift he has. We remain hopeful that the counsel and measures taken shall assist in bringing restoration to Mr Chellah.


    This guy whoever he is, is NOT a politician, or religious leader, but a private citizen & adult who can make informed choices. It will be difficult for the Wife /ex wife, BUT would she really want to continue with a Man who’s left her & behaved the way he’s done?
    2 adults here, deciding to get together, so why are people bothered with their “love life”??
    Surely there’s much more pressing issues like Mukula, Gassing, Corruption, hunger, downward spiral of Zambia’s economy & all I see is people butting the noses in 2 adults deciding to get together.
    If this guy has made a wrong decision, surely it will be HIM & HIM ALONE that will face the consequences in the event things…

  2. Cont;
    It will be HIM & HIM ALONE, who will face the consequences, should this relationship turn sour & go south.
    Please leave the alone & worry about S33R 1- Ej!madu.
    By continually obsessing on their love affair, you are just adding more fuel to the Fire.
    I’m sure theres Thousands upon Thousands of Zambians who are cheating on their spouses, leaders, religious types, youngsters etc as I type now. WHY THIS GUY??

  3. Tukuta, akarofu ka white kamutoba umutwe. In fact that idyot Tukuta thing should be arrested for poonograph. Those are nude pictures. That girl should sue the idyot…
    This why Zambian women have resorted to send pictures of their unshaved pusssies to foreigners, hoping they will marry them.
    I always feel sorry for these “foreign” girls being abused by these Zambians jerks. This sounds just like Tayali’s Facebook marriage.

  4. Tukuta, akarofu ka white kamutoba umutwe. In fact that idyot Tukuta thing should be arrested for pohonograph pictures. That girl should sue the idyot…
    This why Zambian women have resorted to send pictures of their unshaved ppp to foreigners, hoping they will marry them.
    I always feel sorry for these “foreign” girls being abused by these Zambians jerks. This sounds just like Tayali’s Facebook marriage.

  5. And your president was just talking about “morals and values”
    In fact that idyyot Tukuta thing should be arrested for condomless pictures. That girl should sue that cadre…
    This is why Zambian women have resorted to send pictures of their unshaved ppp to foreigners, hoping they will marry them.
    I always feel sorry for these “foreign” girls being abused by these Zambians jerks. This sounds just like Tayali’s Facebook marriage.

  6. Nevers the one found guilty of misappropriation of funds and masquerading as someone else…he is weighing on a small boy without shame. Did he ever apologise himself to the Zambian people….Zambia full to rafters with hypocrites. Some of us dont even know this small boy.

  7. Nemwine, am with you 100%. Has this become national interest. No wonder you were blinded by seer1. You follow the wind regardless of it’s direction. For once focus on important issues that affect your life and family.

  8. What are you benefiting by your concentration on this subject? Is this happening for the first time in your life? If it is am sorry for my posting unless you are a grown up person, I’ve no regrets.

  9. Pastor I would like u to answer me though u are not party to this thing: what is so special with Spax case? We have had more serious cases committed by more eminent people in our society like HH treason case, G Miyanda, C Tembo, Luchembe, E Shamwana, and reasons for their arrests were being given there and then. What is so special with Spax case? IG please tell us.

  10. The interest exhibited on this matter is exposing how trivial issues take center stage over serious national issues affecting the betterment of Zambians’ livelihoods! Just try to recall how quickly serious matters smelling of corruption as Mukula, fire tenders, land distribution, procurement, separation of powers and many more are quickly swept under the carpet in preference to trivialities which drag on and on in the mouths of most politicians and media! This is the more the reason why Zambia is not progressive for the general public thinking does not favor ‘thinking big’ and Rwanda has already beaten Zambia in a big way.

  11. And those teeth……..think his wife must be looking for a good divorce settlement. Man….the number of times he bit her ‘accidentally’ when going in for a smooch. Grounds for divorce, never mind infidelity!

    Sorry Ms Hudson, we ain’t buying your ardour!

  12. Dr. Mumba, instead of being part of the confusion and immorality through whipping Chellah in public like this you could have been wise enough to call him privately and have a firm fatherly counselling session for him. This is not right at all.

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