Saturday, July 27, 2024

The Food and Nutrition Security Situation will worsen in the flood hit Lunga district-CSUN


The Civil Society Scaling Up Nutrition Alliance has expressed fear, the Food and Nutrition Security situation will worsen in Lunga district of Luapula Province which is a among the worst hit with malnutrition rate in Zambia due to the flooding that has characterised the area.

CSO-SUN Country Cordinator Mathews Mhuru says failure by the government to quickly clear the water channels has impacted negatively on the agriculture season as maize and cassava fields have all been submerged in water.

Mr Mhuru says his Organisation expect the people of Lunga to harvest nothing this farming season.

He said these floods have left many people vulnerable to hunger and we expect them to start asking for relief food immediately saying this situation could have been avoid had government invested in preventing this calamity through clearing of water channels.

Mr Mhuru said although it is gratifying that President Edgar Lungu took time to inspect the situation and promised to deliver relief food to the affected families, dealing with the root causes of the flooding problem is cardinal in avoiding the situation were people need to survive on relief food.

He said the the current situation should be a wake up call for the Government particularly the Ministry of Housing and Infrastructure Development to quickly find resources to run the dredgers to clear the water channels.

Mr Mhuru said it is unfortunate that failure to clear the canals has made flooding a perennial problem in Lunga and has affected not only the agriculture sector but the movement as well.

He said with the Government currently focusing its energies and resources towards fighting the COVID-19 pandemic, Zambian people should consider helping the people of Lunga with food and other requirements to enable them survive this phase in their lives.

Mr Mhuru said the people of Lunga have lost everything and require every form of assistance from food, clothing and others to pass through this stage.

President Lungu flying over the flooded areas in Luapula, Muchinga and Northern Provinces.
President Lungu flying over the flooded areas in Luapula, Muchinga and Northern Provinces.
President Lungu flying over the flooded areas in Luapula, Muchinga and Northern Provinces.
President Lungu flying over the flooded areas in Luapula, Muchinga and Northern Provinces.


  1. I personally know someone who knows the place well. He told me that no one should live there permanently because it’s flood-prone. Allowing permanent human settlement there poses a threat to biodiversity of Lake Bangueulu. He laughed whn he heard that Sata had declared a district there. Will we learn from this disaster? The smart money is on a “no” bet.

  2. Kaizer Zulu are you looking at your friend Lungu lustfully? Are you bisexual? I have never heard of a straight guy admiring how handsome the other man unless you are gay!

  3. It is really shameful on the part of GRZ and National leadership instead of investing in the Chilubi bye elections , even when Chiefs came to plead with Minister Mwale , nothing but false promises where made and this is in public domain , this is totally iresponsible on the part of GRZ at all levels .

  4. 1. He should be at home self isolating.
    2. He could be infected by somebody on that aircraft and take the virus home with him thereby putting his family in danger.
    3. I am mauless.
    4. The funds used to operate that air craft could have been used in the fight against COVID-19. Buy mores masks if anything.
    5. KZ, if he is so handsome, you can take him home with you.

  5. Be like the BaRotse, when their settlements in Lealui flood, they simply move to the upper lands i.e Kuomboka.

  6. Other Passengers in the small cabin should have been wearing masks if the President found it inconvenient. We have to protect our number 1 asset.

    Someone take control in Security.

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