Saturday, July 27, 2024

600 Tests Yield 4 New COVID-19 cases in Zambia in the last 24 hours


From the 600 tests that were conducted in the last 24 hours, Zambia has recorded 4 new COVID-19 cases.

Briefing the media this afternoon, Health Minister Dr. Chitalu Chilufya said that disclosed that 3 cases are from the mass screening in Kafue while the other case is a primary contact of the deceased from Chilenje hospital.

“The case involves a 42-year-old man of Kafue out of the mass screening, a 45-year-old man from Shikoswe in Kafue, 31-year-old female also from Shikoswe and a 22-year old male who is a primary contact of the woman who died at Chilenje level one hospital,” Dr. Chilufya said, adding that investigations have been constituted on all the positive cases to determine their contacts.

Dr. Chilufya noted that recoveries have continued to be made with 2 more recorded bringing the total of those discharged to 35 and, cumulatively, the cases now stands at 65, 35 recoveries, 3 deaths and 27 active cases which are all stable.

Dr. Chilufya further said that Kafue still remains a hotspot and as such, mass screening is still ongoing and further announced that similar screening exercises will be conducted in Lusaka.

“It does not help you to shun screening. You are putting your life and that of your neighbor at risk if you avoid or hide from being screened,” Dr. Chilufya said and urged people to be cooperative with all health authorities who are conducting the exercise.

Dr Chilufya emphasized that early detection of cases and isolation of positive cases to reduce human to human transmission of the virus by disinfecting public places is a priority and encouraged the need to adhere to the mandatory wearing of masks in public places.

He further assured that government is and will continue to distribute face masks as evidenced by today’s earlier distribution in Chilenje as well as other parts of the country by members of parliament and other stakeholders.

“As you can see, it is getting denser with the contacts and that is why it is important to follow all the directives to stay at home, social distancing should be followed because it is easy to transmit the virus if we do not control our movements, ” Dr Chilufya said.

On incentives for frontline health personnel, Dr. Chilufya assured that President Edgar Lungu’s commitment to incentivize health workers who are sacrifising in the fight against Coronavirus still stands and will be fufilled as he assured that the head of state recognizes and appreciates all the health workers as well as other stakeholders who are contributing in every way to the fight.


  1. Why does The president’s name have to be mentioned all the time in these daily convid 19 reports? Stop trying to paint him as our saviour.

  2. I am doing my part four my province here in lusaka. We are in the ground sayven days a week 24/7 insuring that the people they are complying with presidents directive. Musk up or die. Social distance or die. Choice is yourz.

    • Good luck Dr Chilufya Chitalu I wish quick recovery for those who are infected. I’m worried about Lusaka anyway, it appears the battle is heavier the virus is advancing into the compounds. What I know is that given the set up and multi communal set up these compounds you must have lockdown the Chilenje and bauleni by now if not entire Lusaka. Your focal point must be in Lusaka now because it maybe the difficulty epicenter for this corona virus and you may lose the battle if you mishandled.

  3. If you thought Lusambo is passionate of enforcing government directives on Covid-19 you are mistaken. The man is drawing daily allowances for these stunts he’s pulling. He’s even dragged along his right hand man, the deputy PS of Lusaka province.

  4. Leaders of the world have all declared the fight against this pandemic a state priority as in compliance with WHO guidelines so it should not be strange that the president is mentioned in these updates. As a country, we may not have enough medical facilities, test-kits etc but if we are committed in our behavior, we can get ahead of this virus.

  5. I suspect these uneducated PF ministers can not count beyond the number 4.

    It is beyond them.

    Those of equal education to these PF thieves will be happy with these numbers, and the work being done by them.

  6. Good luck Dr Chilufya Chitalu I wish quick recovery for those who are infected. I’m worried about Lusaka anyway, it appears the battle is heavier the virus is advancing into the compounds. What I know is that given the set up and multi communal set up these compounds you must have lockdown the Chilenje and bauleni by now if not entire Lusaka. Your focal point must be in Lusaka now because it maybe the difficulty epicenter for this corona virus and you may lose the battle if you mishandled.

  7. Honorable you are doing a good job but please talk to the offices from Zambia police to stop beating up people

  8. There’s no serious screening of those coming into Lusaka, these people are jokers! At least Ndola and Kitwe are well covered. Miles Sampa is busy organizing beer instead of sanitizers and disinfectants. The young man Kang’ombe is miles ahead and yet the PF in their wisdom want to heave him out of their Party in preference to buffoons like Sampa.

  9. “Dr. Chilufya further said that Kafue still remains a hotspot and as such, mass screening is still ongoing and further announced that similar screening exercises will be conducted in Lusaka.”
    This is the selfsame man who lifted the lock down last week after 24 hours in Kafue…what did I say eh eh ? Now he is there saying it is still a hotspot…why did you lift the lockdown? You are lucky your silly boss is absolutely useless and utterly incompetent Chilufya, anywhere else you would have been given the sack. All those cases you were sweeping under the carpet will come back to bite…You can fooool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fooool all the people all the time.

  10. Nine Chale – You sound pathetic …dont think people are blind to what you were posting in the last few weeks…at times its best to shut up like you do at home when your German madame is indoors!!

  11. insults dilute good contributions. I hate anyone that calls our leaders names. Lets just criticize them and offer advice. As soon as we advise some1 in a sarcastic way, just know your contribution is waste of space no matter how brilliant it may be.

  12. Lets suport the good work that is been done Dr Chulufya is one of the most hard working minister, only a witch can’t see what the minister is doing

  13. Secret is test test n test , follow the German model, those 4 you caught can easily be multiplied by 5 if you had screened people extensively ok.

  14. @Tarino I would rather you point out the error in my comment than you (always) get personal and drag my family into it. In times like these, let’s put aside malicious gloating and show some support to our people back home.

  15. We will just get tired of telling the PF what to do and it is time wasting because they can’t change and start listening. This Virus doesn’t choose who to infect. I think it’s time to start using intiative. Let’s nt wait for PF to give an order in accordance to our expectations and let’s join hands at district and town level, make contributions and secure ourselves health materials. Let’s make sure at every point of our districts and towns we put equipped people screening all people moving out or getting in lsk and other places. Business ladies and gentlemen, NGOs. Instead of donating direct to the government let’s donate to our individual health centers so that at each district level there is secure screening

  16. You talk talk talk like you have talk time for life. Take me, what have you done to help fight covid

  17. From the 600 tests that were conducted in the last 24 hours, Zambia has recorded 4 new COVID-19 cases. This move of scaling up testings is a good as it is yeilding results. This is the best among all methods of fighting Covid 19. Even USA has adopted this method.

    As reported by Lena H. Sun, William Wan and Yasmeen Abutaleb on April 10, 2020 that a national plan to fight the coronavirus pandemic in the United States and return Americans to jobs and classrooms is emerging. Disease specialists and nonprofits are pursuing a strategy that relies on the three pillars of disease control: Ramp up testing to identify people who are infected. Find everyone they interact with by deploying contact tracing on a scale America has never attempted before. And focus restrictions more narrowly on the…

  18. Find everyone they interact with by deploying contact tracing on a scale America has never attempted before. And focus restrictions more narrowly on the infected and their contacts so the rest of society doesn’t have to stay in permanent lockdown.

    So let us support massive testing together with other personal health guideline suggested by ECL and group so that in a short time we can be back on social and economic activities halted by Corona Virus

  19. Show some love to our doctors, nurses and all healthcare workers. Thank you Dr Chilufya, we have confidence in you.

    Let’s listen and do as advised.

  20. Dr. Chilufya also stated that recoveries have continued to be made with 2 more recorded bringing the total of those discharged to 35 cumulatively, This is an impressive rate no wonder WHO wants Zambia to be part of clinical as Zambia is using a unique method of treating the disease. I was thinking limbi Musokansoka mulebofya.

  21. We have a vacuum at the very top of the leadership – so thugs rule. They know no systems or processes. They employ jungle methods and in the end cause more strife than they bargained for.
    There is no sane practical guidance at the minute. There are only three ministers who appear to be working but who are in effect just as headless in making proper constructive decisions that should be properly enforced without assaulting people. Have most of you realised how quiet it has become in the corridors of power? (apart from the daily coronavirus updates by the chipante pante Chilufya and Dora) A lot of the ministers, like ECL, are all hiding under their desks.

  22. congralatulations bwa cc, ala staying at home is not a problem we can manage but problem ni nsokanda. bambi nifwe batamanga.companies , businesses ,tenders etc are closed,we are going to die of hunger not corona.. because insala nga yacilamo kutampa ukututuma, no mutwe ulakalipa sana elyo mumala namo mulakalipa kunsokanda elyo kabili na maka yalapwa walapemena fye pa zero,, ilyo bakesa mukupima corona ikabe na positive . ingombe ukukosa ilamba KULYA. MWEBO CIKMINE, LOLESHENIPO, bushe teti musunineko kanono kuli kalusangu ako baletula abantu bakwa Lesa ?

  23. The positive that I take is your visit to Chilenje clinic where you assured the staff there of PPE and same for other medical frontline staff, keep it up, good leadership. Make sure Dr Bwalya ya releases the money, or better still encourage donors to donate more and directly to clinics and hospitals: those caa

  24. Now round up all the Chinese who have made Africans punching bags in their homeland n screen them n stop allowing these mega racists flocking to Zambia nilly willy. Sorry for the good chinaman but most of them hate blank people with a passion , you just have to go to YouTube n see for yourselves. Kaizer Zulu should pick up the phone n talk to Chinese officials in China to stop ill treating blacks there in stead of wasting time on LT.

  25. Mr President let us get Mulungushi Textiles to manufacture PPE equipment and especially masks for general population.
    The Military and National Service can manufacture alcohol sanitizers and hand washing basins.
    All COVID19 manufactured materials should be sold at cost to quickly protect our citizens now not tomorrow.

  26. Yes, Lusaka lockdown is a plausible move. The question to ask is, how prepared is Lusaka city Council for this eventuality? Lets imagine a city lockdown for 14 days. Who will collect your garbage? How will the hand to mouth folks get food and household energy?
    This is how I can do it. Talk to Zesco to charge every household with ZMK 500 worth of units with a plan to recover funds over 5 months post-COVID (automatic deduction by a percentage upon purchase of power post-COVID). No load shedding in Lusaka but increase load shed in less vulnerable locations. Ask Airtel, MTN, ZAMTEL to do the same with a similar recovery plan. The same goes for DSTV, open up services so that people remain entertained at home. Senstise people and encourage them to sotck up for 2 weeks (there might be need to…

  27. 600 tests a day means to test 10% of Lusaka province population we need over 330 days to do that. Will the virus sloth like that too? Like its not enough some genius is spreading falsehood by distributing chitenge masks that will not protect anyone from the virus. God heal our land

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