Wednesday, October 23, 2024

President Lungu could be scheming to postpone 2021 elections due to Covid-19-Sishuwa


Political analyst Sishuwa Sishuwa has claimed that President Edgar Lungu could be banking on an acceleration of Covid-19 deaths in order to use to postpone the holding of the August 2021 elections.

Dr Sishuwa said President Lungu’s decision to relax measures to curb the spread of Covid-19 could be aimed at creating an environment favourable for the mass explosion of the virus in Zambia which could then see him postpone the elections.

Writing on Twitter, Dr Sishuwa said “In attempt to delay the election, President Lungu could be relying on Article 81 (2) of the Constitution, notice how eager he was to emphasise the coronavirus as a “war against the country” in yesterday’s address.”

Under Article 81 (2), with a mere simple majority, the National Assembly could vote to postpone the holding of a general election for not more than 12 months when the Republic is at war.

He said the postponement of elections could be President Lungu’s potential motivation.

“When it comes to mischief, he is very creative. Otherwise, his decision does not make sense. Going by the public response so far, many would rather see churches closed. The question is: what motivated President Lungu to reopen them?”

He said the PF could argue that the Republic is at war and ask the ConCourt to confirm their interpretation.

“Would the spread of the virus accelerate if churches, which facilitate mass gatherings, were not reopened? The limited transmission of the disease so far has been encouraging. That could change with the relaxation of the measures that were responsible for the limited transmission.”


  1. That is exactly what i thought as well together with the fact that the PF regime thrives on excuses for their failure, so to them covid is good news,they forget that they are also at risk

  2. What Lungu must know is that there is time for everything, time to be born and time to die, time to rule and time to be ruled. Whether he likes it or not, state house is not his home. The power he enjoys today will not be there tomorrow. Let him just do the right thing, respect the constitution anf gind peace in it.

  3. This f.o.ol is not a political analyst. May be in a dog’s world. A person scheming to postpone elections would not be relaxing the lockdown conditions, ***. Whether he held the election today or even on your demigod HHs birthday, the fact remains that pf are winning. Instead of being a punk why not concentrate on helping your demigod tribal leader gain more support. Allegations don’t win you an election. I know, because I have won elections and you haven’t. Kz

  4. Zambians wouldn’t mind even if he over stayed but with this economy awee, what good is there? Nothing good will come out but the worst, better he goes than over stay, we want a better Zambia for us all than for him alone.

  5. Guys, I agree with people who have always associated UPND to ***** You are saddists. You are just afraid of Edgar

    Do you know how much suffering Stylists and barber shop owners will go thru if their businesses were closed for ever?

    Sishuwa, you have everything a normal family requires. Even if Zambia was on locked down for six months, you would survive.

    ECL is looking at the sufferings people are going thru. Stop politics of foolishness please.

  6. It’s not even about overstaying tactics. It’s just a question of whether or not events like elections which require unrestricted movement of masses can be held responsibly at that time. By the way, a number of countries have already postponed their elections this year. And not only in Africa.

  7. Sishuwa that’s day dreaming, don’t politicize everything. Every time it’s negative awe even if it means opposition am sure it’s too much

  8. Another useless political analyst has spoken. Zambia has the most irresponsible, sickened political analysts. What do they even lecture students in these Universities.

    Its a shame…!!!

  9. When did he say that? This thing called Shuwa shuwa is too bitter.when is he going to change? PF is winning in 2021, let me tell you the reason,I know you and tribesmen you’ll insult.
    Bembas and easterners will vote for PF just you vote for your god.I think One Chief of great honor has started emphasizing of it.

  10. I told you , for a ruling party that actively gasses it’s own people for political gain , C19 is a blessing.

    90% sure lungu will postpone elections.

    The gassing backfired , they will use C19 to finish the job they hoped to archive with the gassing of our people…….

  11. Future President Dr Sishuwa, you mean there is a scheme to delay your ascent to power and solve our problem? That would be sad, seeing that they themselves caused ALL the problems that they now can’t solve.
    When you fail its always a good idea to let others try, Theresa May is a good example. She has not been locked up by her successor Boris Johnson, has she?

  12. This is a kafwanguni type a lecturer, where did the university get him…. surely this is foolish thinking of the worst kind… The President said what he said earlier, that’s why now speeches are published for fools like this lecturer!!!

  13. It is like elections are the only things on the mind of some Zambians. Since 2016 people have been promised elections to kick out Lungu. What are elections over death of citizens? How many countries have postponed and cancelled èlections? Are we not the same people telling ECZ not to hold by-election? When did speculations turn into analysis?. Some so called political analysts should rather be called political speculators.

  14. The ECZ has continued holding ward by-elections during this covid 19 outbreak(recently in Western Province) stating that its constitutional.
    The same law will apply even to the General elections.
    But in Zambia lawlessness is the order of the day.So anything is possible.

  15. This thought is to a certain extent a conspiracy theory. Yes kateka is king of jiggery-pokery but this? However sadistic he maybe he wouldn’t go to the length of letting thousands of Zambians die just to stay in power, because one of those Zambia would be his daughter, son, wife or himself.
    We just need to understand that kateka is very bad at making good decisions – decisions that positively impact the the general populace.
    This is article for me is bull.

  16. This thought is to a certain extent a conspiracy theory. Yes kateka is king of jiggery-pokery but this? However sadistic he maybe he wouldn’t go to the length of letting thousands of Zambians die just to stay in power, because one of those Zambia would be his daughter, son, wife or himself.
    We just need to understand that kateka is very bad at making good decisions – decisions that positively impact the the general populace.

  17. This thought is to a certain extent a conspiracy theory.
    Yes kateka is king of jiggery-pokery but this? He wouldn’t go to the length of letting thousands of Zambians die just to stay in power, because one of those Zambia could be his family.
    We just need to understand that kateka is very bad at making good decisions.

  18. Shishuwa should engage his cortex more rather than the subtentorial cells for thinking. 2021 may be a different time from 2020. His argument is obviously very frail.

  19. Dokowe

    They gassed our people and watched while innocents were burned in towns , only the scheme backfired ,

    What would stop them taking advantage of C19 to archive what the gassing scheme did not archive ????

  20. For all you nay sayers …… have short memories…….

    These are people who were gassing our people and stood by and watched while innocents were being burned alive in our towns by angry mobs….

    Only when forigne diplomats pulled lungu up did he act to stop the carnage ….

  21. Chisushi, for how long can someone delay elections? Elections will surely be held at an appropriate set date.

  22. Dokwe, true that this is just a conspiracy theory but… “He wouldn’t go to the length of letting thousands of Zambians die just to stay in power” Zambians continue to underestimate the irresponsibility and callousness of these characters!! I am not saying they are planning to do this but be assured that they will stop at nothing to remain in office. They have said so themselves – remember Lusambo?

  23. Yaba! This History of Zambian Politics Lecturer (not an analyst of anything) is one of the many reasons why UPND will lose again in 2021. All the best with your f00lish conspiracy theories as you hand PF another 5 years in office, due to our lack of ability to think constructively but through your tribal bitterness.

    1. Inonge Wina
    2. Dora Siliya
    3. Ireene Mambilima
    4. Charity Katanga
    5. Josephine Mapoma
    6. Rev Sumaili
    7. Anne Sitali

  25. Indeed, if President Edgar Lungu meant to postpone the 2021 elections, he would have gone for a complete lockdown of the country, as opposition leaders like HH were demanding from him. But he looked at the ability of people in the informal sector to survive with a complete shutdown. The more reason he decided to go for a partial lockdown. I had respect for the analytical abilities of Sishuwa Sishuwa before. But not any more. It is clear he has lamentably failed to look at the Zambian government’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic much more critically in comparison with what is happening in other countries.

  26. The fact that people are making all these theories shows you how visionless Edgar Lungu is and the biggest danger with a leader without vision is the advisers he keeps around him and Lazy’s advisers are capable of sinking that low just cling on to more looting.

  27. I’ve been offline for a bit but I have to say Lusaka Times of all the senior and prominent citizens you can reach out to for an opinion why publish anything written by this person? Clearly the individual is biased and in news we look for objectivity not social conditioning to have our opinions that we come to to be manipulated by agents of darkness. Please stop publishing it, such are the reason I stopped reading News Diggers. Get opinions from people like the President of Green Party. Very intelligent view points that one can learn from.

  28. @Spaka and Chamu.
    It’s not underestimating him and I do understand he may as well already be using it as a political weapon. Kateka knows deep down that much as we’re a docile people we shouldn’t be underestimated.

  29. Sishuwa you are very du.ll and, at your age thinking like a 5 year old child. Shame on you. Even if we had elections today, the sa.tanic party called upnd cant win. A party the always want to see bad than good is a danger to this country.

  30. Fellow Zambians, I want Mr. Sishuwa to answer the following questions!!!

    1. What makes you think that UPND will win 2021 elections?
    2. Do you know that UPND fraternity is among salons and barber shop owners?
    3. Do you have an alternative solution if the country is placed on lockdown today?
    4. How many times have you predicted winning elections?
    5. Have you seen the worsening food shortages in countires on lockdown?
    6. How are Zambians going to harvest maize on lockdown?

    Stop cheating your self bwana Sishuwa and don’t forget where you came from.

  31. Dr. Shishuwa, my brother, don’t allow the hatred for a President to make you misguide your brilliant mind. The President was very clear on reopening churches. He said and I quote; “…I HAVE DECIDED THAT SOME ACTIVITIES SUCH AS THE FOLLOWING MAY CONTINUE BEING UNDERTAKEN NORMALLY SUBJECT TO ADHERING TO PUBLIC HEALTH REGULATIONS, GUIDELINES AND CERTIFICATIONS:

  32. We the Zambians are, responsible wise and knowledgeable to do the right thing. We are able to see who is best for us as President of Zambia. Suffice to say that; Ending COVID-19 is up to us Zambians taking the responsibility to obey the healthy guidelines that government have put in place. Government is doing a great work under constraining circumstances, which very much commendable even at the global level. It’s one of the reasons the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention has be located in Zambia as sacretariat for the SADC region. Let’s give credit where it’s due. The President meant well with the decisions he took concerning COVID-19 as relates the social economic condition of Zambia.

  33. Kaizer tone down on your unpalatable language. Consider the fact that you are a role model to some people by virtue of having been or still are an advisor to the president. Reduce the rancor. you are not beyond redemption!

  34. As forKZ insulting well meaning citizens will not insulate you as public enemy of Zambia. You or impostor, Zambians will not forget that you have harassed, beaten, maimed, humiliated, kidnapped, fired guns and shot Zambians and dehumanise Zambians. Zambians deserve justice and time is coming to get it. Cleansing yourself on this site will not wash up, records, living witnesses exist and testimonies will be in your face.

  35. The date for elections is enshrined in the constitution. No matter covid or no covid elections will be held next year. If USA who have more covid deaths than any other country can hold elections so can we.

  36. Kikikikiki

    This is kindergarten thinking.
    Sick puppy stuff.

    My suspicions are now settled. Sishuwa is really running empty; madness cannot elude this level of thinking especially from a dull nincompoop and knucklehead called sishupu si sure shishuwa cinchuwa.

    Just goes lengths proving to you what a sick puppy he is.
    Always having a round at the POTROZ.

  37. I just wanna know one thing, how much are u all PF cadres getting from yo boss chakolwa? Cos u people are definitely not normal & i dont think u are Zambians too. But lets start with, how much are u being paid to talk rubbish on social sites, as i do know PF launched a counter social media campaign.

  38. “People cling to their hates so stubbornly is because they sense, once hate is gone, they will be forced to deal with pain”.
    ~James Baldwin, The Fire Next Time.

    “Everybody’s at war with different things. I’m at war with my own heart sometimes.” ~ Tupac Shakur


    Some people may not make 2021, stop worrying for political things and start internalising what covid19 means to you personally, and work on your strategy to survive. That’s far important than an election in a pandemic period.

    CANCEL ELECTIONS 2021, MONEY BETTER SPENT SAVING PEOPLE/RESTARTING THE ECONOMY. How do you social distance queued up to vote?

  40. That would be tantamount to war as we know it! We shall never accept to have your stinking failed dick head continue ravaging Zambia post his mandate date. Regardless of what the Constitution says, come 2021 Lungu is out, to jail!

  41. H h will restore the economy n most of you will be like….Y didn’t we give this man a chance in 2016. Na fong Kong yonse yabwelela kwabo.

  42. That is exactly the plan these people they don’t love the country or the people of Zambia how can you open churches because they know churches are a good bleeding ground for covid 19 to spread fast very evil plan i said it that these people they don’t love us the only thing they want is to remain in power by all means even by death just like the gassing issue with PF we are finished.

  43. How do you report a dream? I also think HH could be planning to go into exile and take up American citizenship so that he can stand for US president

  44. How do you report a dream? Sishuwa is speculating and nothing he is saying is real but you report?
    Report me too cos I also think HH could be planning to go into exile and take up American citizenship so that he can stand for US president

  45. A postponement would hurt the president, the larger the turnout actually works for president Lungu. It’s Zambian politics. Weird as the may be. Shishua here was drinking.

  46. Never in his all speeches addressing the nation did he mention of closing the salon and Barbara shops. So tell me how come they were opened? Secondly churches were opened but how come they are refusing that he didn’t mean open? Full or disorganization please that’s high level of office in the country.

  47. @Lyayo, I agree with you, Sishuwa is just being immensely political and too negative. Just like @Tarino Orange, @Mukawi and @Spaka, these guys are haters, pessimists and agents of anti-progress.

  48. @Henry
    “Do you know how much suffering Stylists and barber shop owners will go thru if their businesses were closed for ever?
    Sishuwa, you have everything a normal family requires. Even if Zambia was on locked down for six months, you would survive. ECL is looking at the sufferings people are going thru. Stop politics of foolishness please”.
    Sishuwa has got this to answer. Well said Henry.
    The President’s speech was very inclusive and catered for all Zambia regardless of sex, gender, background or social economic status.

  49. When is this boy going to outgrow diapers. soiling on a daily basis when his mates takes care of themselves.

  50. Chisushi chisushi, has modeled himself as the new generation Dr mbozi (I wonder where that vermin is). Holding corridor corner meetings with fellow tribal lectures like Dr beyani is all they know. Even where and issue is nonexistent, they will create an issue so that their minions can find something to insult lungu about. So lungu is being attacked based on this f$$$l’s theories??
    Is it a wonder that UNZA is now a top breeding ground for nincompoops, when you have lectures like chisushi?

  51. These are people that make HH believe is going to win elections. Can’t believe a man of his status can come up with that crap.

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