Monday, September 16, 2024

President Lungu and South Africa’s ANC wishes KK a happy 96th Birthday


President Edgar Lungu as wished First Republican President Dr. Kenneth Kaunda a happy 96th Birthday which falls today. In his message of goodwill to Dr. Kaunda, President Lungu said April 28th always brings to his fond memories of Dr. Kaunda as President of Zambia, a title that President LUNGU assumed 24 years later.

The President said he admires Dr. Kaunda’s gallant fight for Zambia’s liberation. President Lungu added that he admires Dr. Kaunda’s fight for freedom and independence of other African nations. He said the story of Africa cannot be told without mentioning the name of Dr. Kaunda.

President Lungu said Dr. Kaunda’s achievements are too numerous to itemize, suffice to say that without his passion to have all young people educated, Zambia will not have been what it is today.

The Head of State said that he prays for Dr. Kaunda’s good health even in his advanced age. President LUNGU said that on behalf of the Nation and his family he has wished Dr. Kaunda a 96th Birthday.

This is according to a statement released to media by Special Assistant to the President for Press and Public Relations Isaac Chipampe.

And the South African’s ruling African National Congress has released the following statement to wish President Kaunda a 96th Birthday.


Today marks the 96th birthday of the first President of the Republic of Zambia, Dr. Kenneth Buchizya David Kaunda.

The African National Congress joins the people of Zambia and the African continent as a whole in wishing this outstanding statesman, freedom fighter and humanist, President Kaunda, a very happy 96th birthday!

President Kaunda holds a special place in the hearts of our movement, our country and her people. He opened up Zambia and made it the home and headquarters of the ANC for over 30 years. This was a demonstration of President KK’s belief that Zambia would not be free until sister countries in the continent that were still under the yoke of colonial oppression were free. He was a great friend of our President Oliver Tambo and became a loyal friend of the people of South Africa during our hour of need. President Kaunda maintained support for the ANC and other liberation movements despite the policy of the apartheid regime which was aimed at the destabilisation of governments in the region. The people of Zambia suffered immensely economically and socially due to President Kaunda’s unwavering support of our country and other countries in the region that were fighting racism and colonial oppression.

President KK is part of a generation of illustrious leaders of the African continent, who dedicated their lives to the liberation of their countries and peoples. In 1963 when he became President of the Pan-African Freedom Movement for East, Central and Southern Africa, he used this position to advance freedom in the region. He extended his influence to the global level after Zambia’s independence, serving as chairperson of the Organisation of African Unity from 1970 to 1971 and from 1987 to 1988.

The selflessness of President Kaunda and his peers such as our own President Nelson Mandela, President Oliver Tambo and others must inspire us to continue the struggle for an Africa that is free of landlessness, poverty, disease and human suffering.

As we fight the invisible enemy that is the vicious novel corona virus, we draw inspiration from President Kaunda and his peers. We will soldier on and ensure that the freedom they fought for does not disappear in the face of this public health emergency.

President Kaunda was honoured with the National Order of the Companions of OR Tambo by the South African government, the highest honour awarded to international friends of our country who displayed great solidarity during our struggle for liberation.

Happy Birthday President KK. You remain an inspiration to the people of South Africa. We are truly grateful for the gift of your life!

We wish you good health, a long life and success in every endeavour in your retirement.

Let’s honor President KK by adhering to precautions as we fight the deadly Coronavirus and by continuing to #StayAtHome

Protect Yourself. Defend Each Other: Let’s Do It Together



  1. KK showed unconditional love and solidarity to our opressed brothers and sisters in S. Africa by offering them refuge and solace in Zambia. His persistent stance against the Apartheid regime played a key role in the release of Nelson Mandela which is the reason why Mandela visited Zambia on his first foreign trip out of prison. Shamefully, ordinary South Africans have dishonoured this bond of love with their xenophobic attacks against innocent Zambians. But that’s an issue for another day.

    For today we say: Long live KK! Long live the spirit of African brotherhood! (Ubuntu).

  2. Happy birthday KK son of Africa and founding father of the republic of Zambia. May God bless you with more happy days ahead your life.

  3. This is messed up!!!
    What is your Edgar Lungu doing with ANC? Was this article for image building? This is fvcked big time.

  4. Hahah KZ we now know you are an impostor…. soon i will expose your IP address am working on it. Lets see who is clever

  5. I hope these chaps like Lazy Lungu, Sampa, Bowman will not visit KK as they will contaminate his resident with covid-19 as to them covid-19 guidelines are just for camera photos.

  6. @KZ we watching


  7. The little shameless UK impostor is back still clinging on to someone’s name and another living man’s photo …no shame no creativity no life no self confidence …sad boyo.

  8. The engineer continue with that. If it gives you something to do and keeps you entertained then knock yourself out. Haha you surely think I am afraid of some diasporans. I have never hidden my home address and itsin the public domain. Infact I invite you to visit whenever you save enough for a flight to Zambia. The only reason I am using a VPN is to avoid data breaches. I would be held account if government data on my laptop became compromised. My mobile too has government information which is highly restricted. Kz

  9. Impostor – You should be apologizing to poor @Zambian Citizen who is probably thought he was in contact with the real Kz.

  10. KK has outlived all the African despots like Moi ,Mugabe ,Mubarak and Kafupi Chiluba. Happy birthday KK .

  11. Please we request KK to counsel some of the PF Ministers like Christopher Yaluma who are going round the country promoting tribalism let them know that leadership is a gift from God and for that matter they should lead by example.

  12. I wonder how President Lungu used to pick some of these people as Ministers most of PF Ministers have no leadership qualities as a leader how can you talk like that dividing the country just because you want votes leadership is more than votes leadership is love and care you PF Ministers you should talk as leaders unity the country now i see why God used to give Zambia to foreigners to rule them because real Zambians are full of tribalism and can not unity the country as one good example of good leadership is KK.

  13. “Restoration calls, however, not for changes in ethics alone. This Nation is asking for action, and action now.

    …the withered leaves of industrial enterprise lie on every side; farmers find no markets for their produce; the savings of many years in thousands of families are gone.
    More important, a host of unemployed citizens face the grim problem of existence, and an equally great number toil with little return. Only a foolish optimist can deny the dark realities of the moment.
    Our greatest primary task is to put people to work. This is no unsolvable problem if we face it wisely and courageously.
    There are many ways in which it can be helped, but it can never be helped merely by talking about it. We must act and act quickly.”Franklin D. Roosevelt

  14. Engineer, I am waiting? You would be a terrible hacker at these speeds. Hahaha. You diasporans have a lot of time to waste.

  15. I just saw a clip on Facebook of Lazy Lungu and his team presenting a cake at KK’s residency …does this man Lungu have any brains doesn’t he know that he is putting the life of a frail 96 year old man at risk to covid-19. I am surprised KK’s children allowed this!!

  16. I think the lockdown is getting to people in diaspora. We have someone who think he is a hacker and another who thinks he owns this website. Please try and find past time activities to help you through this time. Mental health is important. Kz

  17. @Engineer stop violating people ‘s privacy.
    What is this LT.
    You don’t like me, but you are allowing such nonsese.

  18. VPN will not save you from surveillance Mr. Kaizar impostor try to use strong encryption to secure data if you claim you are who you are which you are not you are an impostor location UK.

  19. Sichalwe – Next the impostor will say even Bowman Lusambo uses VPN on his phone a simple chap who only uses text and WhatsApp apps on his phone …really laughable….just go and read last weeks posts snd see how this silly child was populating the thread with bogus accounts.
    Grow up silly boyo!!

  20. In Things Fall Apart (Chinua Achebbe), He who pays respect to the great, paves way to his own greatness. This is what I see when I see President Lungu celebrating the father of the nation. It is in times like this that the elder blesses the younger. Please don’t be surprised when 2021 election comes and Lungu is till president.

  21. But it is worthy quoting:
    ‘By Editor General, Barotseland Post


    As Zambia and the world celebrate Kenneth Kaunda’s 96th Birthday, most Barotse nationals will choose to frown upon the man they consider responsible for Barotseland’s forced assimilation in Zambia – the republic that continues to deny them basic human rights such as free assembly, conscience, association and their self-determination as envisioned in 1964 when Zambia gained its political independence from Britain in joint sovereignty with the Kingdom of Barotseland.

    Before its independence, the Northern Rhodesia Protectorate co-signed The Barotseland Agreement…

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