Saturday, July 27, 2024

Zambia Records 6 New COVID-19 Cases out of 80 tests in the last 24 hours


Zambia has recorded 6 more COVID-19 cases bringing the cumulative total to 95, Health Minister Dr. Chitalu Chilufya has said. Dr. Chilufya said the 6 new cases are out of 80 tests that were conducted in the last 24 hours and brings the number of active cases to 50, 42 recoveries, and 3 deaths.

Speaking at the latest COVID-19 update, Dr. Chilufya explained that the cases involve three truck drivers who were quarantined at the University of Zambia (UNZA) while the remaining three are from Chipata Compound, Matero and Emmasdale.

“We are actively looking for cases and surveillance coupled with upscaled testing is the strategy so that we find cases, isolate them to avoid further spread. We have since invested in improved laboratory testing” Dr. Chilufya said.

He, therefore, said mass screening will continue in many parts of the country as well as the distribution of masks and called for collective support as the exercises are been conducted. The Minister further said that, so far, 1 300 people were tested in the Makeni area and results are being awaited, with the team conducting mass screening now in Kamwala and Madras areas.

The Minister further said that Zambia will not be forced into adopting medicines or testing processes being done by other African countries, adding that teams are on alert for any evidence for solutions to the pandemic.

The Minister also disclosed that the country has received 50,000 face masks that have been distributed to various communities, among the markets. Dr. Chilufya further said about 20 Members of Parliament have also collected protective personal equipment, hygiene materials that are being distributed to their constituencies

“We have not less than 20 members of parliament including those from the opposition who have joined in the distribution of masks in their respective constituencies. We have quarantined politics because a health issue knows no politics” he said as he called for concerted efforts in the Coronavirus fight.

And Dr Chilufya has disclosed that the Mongu case which was under investigation has been ruled out to be negative.

Meanwhile, Nchanga North General Hospital in Chingola district has put up strict measures at the health facility to help prevent the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Speaking when Chingola Mayor Titus Tembo visited the facility, Nchanga North General Hospital Medical Superintendent Samuel Phiri said the health institution has put up screening facilities to test all persons entering the place.

Dr. Phiri said apart from screening, management at the health facility have also banned members of the public from visiting patients.

He said social distancing posters have also been placed on benches and also on selected areas of the facility.

Dr. Phiri has since called on Chingola residents to comply with hospital management by following the measures that have been put in place.

And Chingola Mayor Titus Tembo, who donated 450 face masks to health workers at the hospital, has lauded all health workers for their tireless efforts to fight the deadly pandemic.

Mr. Tembo noted that the commitment from health workers will further minimize the chances of recording more COVID-19 cases.

He explained that people and institutions in Chingola have since stepped up precautionary measures following the two COVID-19 cases that have been reported in the district so far.


  1. Currently, there’s too much fixation on infection cases but I feel as long as no fatalities are being recorded, a good job is being done. I hope I’m not mistaken but this is how I interpret it: there are more people recovering (building immunity) than are getting ill – which is exactly what many hotspots in the rest of the world are striving to achieve.

  2. The Chilufya lies continue …did he not tell us all truck drivers were negative a few week ago. Zambians this man is cooking data …get this man off that seat he is not reliable.

  3. Nine Chale – Are you thick or just plain stupid? The other parts of the world have ageing populations hence the high deaths and they have a high number of recoveries from severe cases …how many Zambians do you know that are 80s and over? Ask yourself how many are seriously ill and on a ventilator?
    How many times are people going to explain this to you?????

  4. You just mentioned a few weeks ago.They are being kept for 14 days, coming and going. Just worried about places like Chipata, this is bad because these are densely populated areas and communities are like so many people in one big house

  5. No deaths recorded . A great fight by our men and women both in uniform and civilian clothing . I would like to thank the specialists within the respective ministries for all their support. In addition, I thank those zambian who are complying with the president’s directive and social distancing guidelines. It is because of you that we are doing very well to prevent fatalities for the weak in society. As for diasporans above who are bent on seeing Zambia lose lives, you are cheating yourself. You thought being in rich countries meant you were better or safer than us here in Zambia. However, corona has shown you that your colonial masters are after all superior beings or gods. It’s not too late you can come back to your senses and support your birth country. Seek God. Kz

  6. The impostor still continues posting his rubbish from his council house in the UK without shame …how unfledged can one be surely.

  7. The Minister of frick’in HEALTH can’t even wear his mask correctly. Cover your GD nose! Honestly, no clue whatsoever.

    Still, at least this govt allow thugs to BEAT people for not social distancing or complying with the mask rule. Otherwise some people would be too dum’b or selfish to comply, right?

    Of course, not that the thugs are doing anything to spread the virus by coming in close contact with people without masks and then going around to others. Honestly, you may as well lick the outside of your mask just like his excellency!

  8. @Tarino it’s an assumption.. that’s why I said I hope I’m not mistaken. I prefer an objective response in correction, not your emotional outburst and sarcasm. If lockdown is not doing you any good, don’t come here to take it out on me. Go sit in the corner and be ashamed!

  9. 80 tests a day not enough ba minister! Is this a joke or what? Other countries are doing far much better than Zambia at this. Why is GRZ not scaling up the testing. We need to be doing more than a 1000 test a day

  10. Just take your mass screening to golf clubs that you have reopened. Even outside salons and barber shops. Or outside those churches that are now congregating after the directive by his most humble HE Edgar Chapwa Lungu.

    It appears this virus in positioning itself to strike when immune systems weaken, as they do in cold season.

    One thing is clear though.

    Zambia has no strategy to deal with this virus.

    Compared to Ghana, that is building 90 new hospitals, we are way short of preparedness for this invisible killer.

  11. @ Chigo, that’s the mystery no one can explain bcoz since the Kafue “lockdown”, we have been told about scaled up screening and targeted testing yet the numbers tested are still low..!! Surely the lag time cannot be more than 2 weeks. Something is not adding up despite daily assurances. Now that a team gets sent for mass screening in Nakonde, we also a drop in testing of over 50%. Should we deduce that there is a capacity bottleneck in kits, personnel or both ? Did the Nakonde team go with most of the available resources ? How much mass screening has been done in Kafue in 2 weeks ? Something is not adding up, we should also be told about the numbers being mass screened. If we need help, let’s ask for it, SA has gotten help from Cuba in personnel.

  12. @I am Watching, I always find time for important things every day and MoH Covid updates on LT is one of those things. Sonst verrate ich nichts persönliches über mich. Datenschutz ist erste Priorität, weißt Du?

  13. You are doing a good job, but up the game rush to the point of entry for those 3 drivers before its too late.tarino’s prophecy 1million people wii not work in zambia at the rate we are moving.

  14. This is laughable 80 tests, are these PF government officials serious? This Chilufya Chitalu is not ok must be fired I insist. Zambia must have established a standard number people to test daily.

  15. One thing is clear with covid19, if your testing is mediocre or if you are manipulating your numbers, the body count will catch up with you. In Nigeria official figures show total infections of just over 1,000 and 40 deaths, yet in only one northern state of Kano they are trying to explain sudden increase in deaths of over 640 in just a few weeks !!

  16. Excluding the truck drivers that have been quarantined and looking at those 3 from the high density areas of Lusaka, dividing 3 by 80 gives 3.75% and this number makes me shiver. Could there be more than 10000 cases in Lusaka if we applied the percentage on the population of Lusaka of the high density areas? Don’t insult me please am just applying simple mathematics.

  17. Dr Chilufya, Dr Bwalya Ng’andu In Strong Verbal Exchange Over Accountability Of Covid-19 Funds
    THE Ministry of Finance has ordered that all government entities must submit income and expenditure returns on all COVID-19 funds received from the Treasury by 5th of every month to the Office of the Accountant General.
    And Secretary to the Treasury Fredson Yamba has advised all companies, individuals wishing to donate COVID-19-related funds to deposit the cash into a GRZ bank account.
    Sources have told News Diggers! that during a COVID-19 meeting chaired by Vice-President Inonge Wina on Wednesday, a sharp exchange of words ensued between Finance Minister Dr Bwalya Ng’andu and Health Minister Dr Chitalu Chilufya over accountability regarding pandemic funds.
    The source explained that Ng’andu…

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