Saturday, July 27, 2024

Kanganja wants PPEs for his Police Officers enforcing COVID-19 Guidelines


Inspector-General of Police Kakoma Kanganja says Police officers require necessary Personal Protective Equipment to avoid exposure to the Coronavirus.

Mr. Kanganja says the Police service is fully involved in the enforcement of the Statutory Instruments number 21 and 22 to ensure that the public complies with the directives aimed at preventing the spread of the virus.

He said in as much as the government is doing everything possible to equip the officers in the advent of the Covid-19, there is still a need for stakeholders to join efforts with the government to curb the spread.

Mr. Kanganja said this at Police Headquarters in Lusaka when he received a donation of hand sanitizers, hygienic liquid soap, and mealie-meal all valued at K17,000 from BIGOCA Bishop Peter Ndhlovu.

The Police Chief thanked the church for the gesture and emphasized the need for collective responsibility in the fight against the disease.

And Bishop Ndhlovu, who spoke through his Church Administrator Bishop Lazarus Shumba, said the church Administration recognized Zambia police service as one of those in the frontline in the fight against the pandemic.

He said the government has shown leadership in the fight against the disease and that all efforts by frontline workers should be complimented by all.


  1. PPE you need PPE you will get. Your women and men in uniform are doing a wonderful job. We thank you. Stakeholders join in to help our heroes


  3. He is another waste of space . A political mass of wet sand supporting the PF instead of being professional .

  4. Bowman Lusambo alongside the Zambia Police were going round harassing people without any PPE and the IG remained quiet.
    Today the IG has realized that the police need PPE.
    Too late the hero

  5. Mr Kanganja, you force has lost trust from the general public as you are perceived to be a PF cadre where crime committed by PF cadres including that of Lusambo molesting and harassing Zambians under the disguise of fighting Covid-19 are ignored because KZ says PF and Zambia police are like brothers. The general public would like your force to tell the nation who was behind gassing and killing Zambians and where are the culprits arrested, or tried. The owner of 48 houses and progress to finding him or her needs to be told to the public.
    KZ needs to be arrested for disobeying court orders and numerous offences such as KZ insulting well meaning citizens will not insulate you as public enemy of Zambia. You or impostor, Zambians will not forget that you have harassed, beaten, maimed,…

  6. , humiliated, kidnapped, fired guns and shot Zambians and dehumanise Zambians. Zambians deserve justice and time is coming to get it. Cleansing yourself on this site will not wash up, records, living witnesses exist and testimonies will be in your face.

  7. If this man wants PPE he knows where Chilufya’s office is, I hope the donors or companies dont donate as Chilufya we simply sell what he has in stock. I am surprised they are also asking China to send them PPEs when other countries are rejecting it as being defective I am sure China will just send the rejects to Zambia.We should be making our own PPE and exporting it what IDC there for?

  8. Kanjanga is another man who will have a lot to answer for when UPND forms Government, it is people like him, KAIZER ZULU, Kampyongo, Jean Kapata, CHITOTELA, BOWMAN and many more who we will see on TV being dragged to court in December 2021 and the person escorting them will be Chilufya Tayali. Edgar Lungu is immune so lucky for him he will eithe be in Chawama or Eswatini enjoying expensive Jameson in the company of very beautiful women.

  9. News reaching my office is that the prime minister of Great Britain and his lovely partner have welcomed the birth of their baby boy. Our government sends its congratulatory messages to the people of Great Britain for a new addition to their country. It has been a tough year so far and we and our nation Zambia welcome this positive news during difficult times. Kaizar Zulu.

    Director of higher intelligence within the office of the president.

  10. Look at Impostor even with the flag showing his location he is still riding on the same lies…what a pathetic sight… just say you are watching BBC News in your council flat in the UK while you are on furlong leave paid for by UK govt. I dont know who you are trying to lie to? Maybe @Zambian Citizen….really laughable.

  11. PPE? Alright… only meanwhile the “Hon” Minister of HEALTH regularly exposes his nose when wearing a mask like is how you are meant to wear one. We’ve also seen pictures of your police with masks around their chins when enforcing social distancing… no risk there? Just like His Excellency who wore his mask around the chin (and touching his lip) when addressing a crowded room!

    Does Zambia really need PPE when the top leaders set such terrible examples? Show us first!

  12. Where is the money donated by well wishers vanished to? Please hands off this money as it’s meant to curb the scourge of covid19 not ama whiskey nangu building ownerless mansions.

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