Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Police arrest man for impersonating Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo


Police in Eastern Province have arrested a 39-year-old man for impersonating Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo and for obtaining money by false pretenses.

Eastern Province Police Commissioner Lackson Sakala said Patrick Banda, who was arrested in Katete district, allegedly swindled five transporters in Chipata district of more than K20, 000 through impersonations of Mr. Lusambo.

Mr. Sakala said Banda, a Petauke resident, is currently in police custody and is scheduled to appear in court soon.

He said before Banda was arrested, a report of his criminal activities was given to police and investigations ensued until he arrested in Katete district.

“Patrick Banda did actually still K26, 600 from five transporters and impersonated the Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo. We had been tracking his phone because of the money transactions that had been going on under impersonation of Mr. Lusambo,” he said.

And Mr. Lusambo commended police officers form Eastern Province for arresting Banda.

“On a number of occasions , this individual had been calling my friends, some Cabinet colleagues and some business people with desperate pleas for financial assistance to apparently sort out some pressing financial issue or the other,” Mr. Lusambo wrote on his Facebook page.

He also sternly warned any other criminals that could be involved in the same scam that they will soon meet their fate just like Patrick Banda.

“If any of you receive a phone call purporting to be coming from me and asking for financial assistance, please disregard it and immediately call ZICTA on 7070 to report such scams,” he said.

He added that, “for those contemplating joining such fraud rings, know that the law will soon catch up with you and you shall be prosecuted for the offence of impersonation contrary to section 102(b) of the penal code Chapter 87 of the laws of Zambia and for the office of obtaining money by false presence contrary to section 309 of the penal, code Chapter 87 of the laws of Zambia.”


  1. I wondered where that troll that posts here impersonating Lusambo had gone to.

    Now I know.

    I hear the real KZ is also looking the fake one that lives in the UK. I heard the real KZ took his guns with him.

    • Some people kikikiki awe sure , of all Zambians, you just want reincarnate into bow bow, because ine if I was Hindu my next life I just can’t, how, why?

  2. Expect such things in a dead economy and as poverty increases also illicit behaviors rises. We can blame the culprit but he found an opportunity to make money out of Lusambo’s name. I hope the court presiding officer will look at the matter in a different angle. Corrupt ministers are still moving freely even when they have been told to pay back the salaries when the parliament dissolved.

  3. And we have a shameless charlatan here on LT who was impersonating you on here Bowman but since LT reintroduced the location flags the boyo has scampered for cover and still blatantly clinging on to KZ. Absolutely no shame or pride in himself!

  4. IndigoTyrol – Just go to last weeks stories you will find that both KZ and Bowman were in the UK!!

  5. In the final analysis he was able to pull it off because he chose well, a thief chose to Impersonate a fellow thief.

  6. How does one impersonate somebody with such a behavior. Doesn’t this guy know that the person he is impersonating is a lawless chap. Ask Major Kachingwe, Ask customers who were ordered to sit down in Shoprite for buying mealie meal(un believable), Africa is a real dark continent, such nonsense cant happen anywhere else in the world, ask patrons who were whipped for disobeying covid orders(completely outside civilized and documented laws), I feel sorry for this country. And the one who is supposed to superintend is quite. Even when a student was killed at UNZA with tear gas, he was quiet. I hope Zambians have learnt, I am PF for Life but the objective one. Look for real leaders

  7. True PF green – Its easy to impersonate a lawless chap as he has no code of conduct so anything goes, Bowman only fears his master everyone a potential punching bag.

  8. Kitwe Mayor Christopher Kangombe has been caught up in Abuse of Office and Authority in a matter where the Kitwe Mayor acting together with the Kitwe City Council Director of Finance and two other Senior Management staff have sold themselves the Kitwe United Football Club.
    The Mayor and his associates sold themselves the football club and returned 100% ownership of the said club, meaning all income derived from activities of the club from matches to sell of players wud be shared among the Four of them.
    But surprisingly, the Mayor and his associates decided to have Kitwe United continue been fully sponsored by the Council despite the fact that the club was now owned by the quartet hence making it a private club.
    This decision to abuse Council funds in sponsoring a private club…

  9. Well done to our men in uniform once more. When people impersonate you it means you are doing something right brother lusambo

  10. Continue
    … private club infuriated other Councilors and Council staff who have since mobilized their residents from various wards across Kitwe to demonstrate against the Mayor’s move described as an act of pure greed and abuse.
    “You know, our Mayor is a one man show, they sold themselves the football club (Kitwe United) minus publicly advertising and calling for bids from interested parties” said one of the Councilors who preferred to remain anonymous for fear of victimisation.
    “If Prime TV was still on, you wr going to see on News tonight for yourself what sort of crook this Mayor is. He is so greedy, he has grabbed and sold many plots alone and the PF did well to remove him as Provincial Vice Chairperson because he used to lie whenever he grabbed plots that the plots wr for the…

  11. I told you that this LT Kaizar Zulu/Lusambo faker is leading such a lonely and miserable life….loser low life scumbag makaka skanka pakunya

  12. Anonymous are you also pushing the conspiracy theories of some outlandish imposter story Haha. When you fail to tackle the points I bring here that is the easiest lame excuse you can give. The diaspora has made you chickens even weaker. Once covid 19 is under control I plan on visiting Europe to engage with you misfits just so we know why you harbour so much hate for your birth country and so we can help you to get over your hate. Depression kills and we hope you chaps can get over the trauma of being second class citizens in a foreign man’s land. I hear even kambwilis wife is there.

  13. You cant imitate the hardworki lusambo and go scot free, the best this man could have done was to imitate an outdated drink like tarino orange.

  14. The one who posts on this platform is the real KZ. I have checked his IP and location where he makes postings from.

  15. Why so much hatred for individuals working abroad? One of these fine days in the nearest future, you will wish you were in diaspora. Just remember, no one in the EU nor the UK can afford to give a visa to someone with criminal offence like your self. Maybe China?



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