Wednesday, October 23, 2024

No PF Minister will be adopted in our government-HH


Opposition leader Hakainde Hichilema says none of the serving PF Ministers will be retained if the UPND forms government next year.

Mr. Hichilema said the UPND in government We will not adopt any Minister from the current PF government to serve in the role of Minister.

“As you can see, the are numerous factors that affect who will serve in our government but in due course, as we move past various milestones, you will be informed. You have my word on this,” Mr. Hichilema said.

He added that the Public Service Management Division, the HR department of the government will conduct an audit to ensure that not only does the UPND government have competent and qualified people, it also erases the corrupt phenomenon of “Ghost Workers.”

He said it is no secret that the civil service is riddled with highly incompetent PF cadres.

“Those are undoubtedly going. It is also not a secret that the civil service is not a reflection of the diversity of our country. It must be balanced by various tribes, youth, gender & other groups. We won’t fire anyone for political reasons but rather, based on merit. Most good civil servants will stay, even though they were engaged through the PF.”

“This may be disconcerting to many but we have to be inclusive and objective. A significant number of Directors and PSs will have to be evaluated based on their competencies, performance, and record. We certainly intend to inject new blood in such roles and candidates are already in the system. Some will, of course, come from outside government. Let us bear in mind that there is a civil service in place.”

He said his party had done an initial assessment of the caliber of those employed in it and many, I must admit are sound. There has been problems with regard to politicization of key roles such as Directors and Permanent Secretaries.

We need career professionals who carry out our outlined objectives.

We have developed performance metrics similar to those used in the private sector that will be strictly enforced. Our aim is to have a truly competent & effective Gov’t that delivers on the people’s aspirations.


  1. Says the man who had a former PF stalwart GBM as his VP ,all politicians are inherently liars i tell ya.

  2. keep on dreaming….so obsessed with power.hh needs prayers and deliverance from wickedness because by been de.mon possession. Surely how on earth do you block your MPs from working with the Southern province minister during is trying time? The government gave Face masks,Soaps,Hand Sanitizers etc to distribute in their constituency..Lo and behold only 4 out of 18 MPs came. hh allow your MPs to go and distribute the materials need to fight Covid19..This is not a time to play politics grow up or must i say man up.

    • Last time Bally was donating mealie meal, he was told to follow the “right” channels , that is according to pf cadres DMMU, so now do you want to change the right channel?

  3. HH needs deliverance. The world is fighting covid-19, he is talking about changing government. Can you keep your mouth shut for God’s sake cimbwi. Zambians are not ready to change government.

    What have you done that makes you think zambians will swing their votes for tribalist and s@t@n1st.

  4. YABA! Kikikiki kakakakaka kekekeke!!
    If wishes were horses, a beggar h² would ride a trillion of them.
    Wishful thinking indeed. Dream on nigga. Dreams are free.
    We are not suprised, when a decision was conceived and gave birth to only a Tonga to rule the dead UPND in effect UPNDEAD, it never made head ways.
    A group of amateurs can never be entrusted with a mammoth task of governing with u5 h² as POTROZ.
    Keep dreaming musankwa. We will definitely deliver a heavy defeat at your hajanza.
    #everythingh²touchesdies. Kikikikiki.

  5. Stop counting your chickens b4 they hatch, HH. There are many hurdles to clear ahead. No one knows the hurdles better than HH himself .

  6. HH, Zambia should be for all Zambians, regardless of their past. Democracy entails that even bad people should be allowed in government! Besides not all Ministers are bad, and not all UPND Menders are good! A good democratic government might proportionately include bad people , good people, male, female, the youth, tribes, or regional and all other strata of the territory’s population. There should never be politics of vengeance in this Country. We should embrace one another. There is strength in diversity, One Zambia, One Nation!

  7. And who picked up the ghost worker problem?? It was ECLs administration. Then hh says we will end it-who advises this guy?? Yesterday I said, if the PF group of advisers misled the president on his last speech, upnds group are even more incompetent to allow their president to issue such a childish statement!! One commentator said PF just needs to clean house by removing the influence of unqualified and incapable cadres because upnd and hh are not an option!!

  8. There will be a-scampering into the woods, a-scampering in the woods — When the cats run out the pen!!!

  9. He is right, because he will never become president and there will be never be a government formed by him. Let him go and start as councillor in ufuneka area of monze. I hear the councillor there resigned yesterday with immediate effect. Hh wants to fly before he can crawl, this under. Let him go and breast feed on his cows

  10. HH just say it. All Bembas and Easterners will be replaced by Tongas. This is why there will never be a cow on the Zambian Flag never.

  11. (HH) Hidyot. Which government? Your kantemba government of UPND which tried to bring in GBM for selfish motives?
    GBM said “kabiyeni uko na kachi kala ka HH kenu “

  12. A lot of Kh0swe’z not happy with H.H’s statement are the scared ones who are grossly incompetent, BUT eating due to tribe (North East region), nepotism & Caderism, that has brought Zambia to its knees. It’s common now for public servants to be so unprofessional, lazy & downright thieves & when pulled up claim “do you know I’m connected to the higher echelons of P@kunya Funkutu -P.F”.
    Zambia urgently needs to go back to K.K’s tribal balancing if Zambia is to stick together & not fragment.
    However H.H will need to make tough decisions, i.e amend the Constitution limiting his Presidential powers, otherwise he will just turn into the new Jonathan Chakok’z “ALL POWERFUL BUT INEPT” & using State House as a personal A.T.M, whilst hopeless Praise singers thrive again.

  13. You are a man obsessed with power. Always dreaming about being president. Since 2006 you have been losing and you think this time you are winning? Let me tell you that its not UPND that people hate but you Hakainde. Remember Mazoka built that party on inclusiveness but you destroyed that immediately you announced your arrival with TRIBAL CLEANSING. You removed all non tongas from positions of leadership and zambians have never forgiven you for that. UPND will only form govt. with another person as its president, not you.

  14. HH on this you’re wrong.It’s true you have a wrong agenda against Zambians.You statements clearly has shown that civil servants will lose jobs in the name of balancing tribes.Have you ever counted tribes in the govt?Nowdays people may have bemba names,tongas names,ngoni namaes it doesnt mean there are bembas.In this country we have intermarriages.therefore firing people based on names will be so wrong.Anyway,it’s true your agenda is to make yourself popular through promoting some tribes.Africans should move from tribalism.Yalumu also made a mistake though what he was saying was true.Let us unite this country.HH i don’t think you’ll win elections if you want to fire peopple based on tribes.I know you talk about professionalism but thinking too much about balancing tribes is wrong…

  15. Contunue
    .Just employ people based on merit.If more tongas are qualified employ them.This tribalism won’t end in this country.

  16. By HH standards, every Zambian who is not Tonga or UPND is dull, uneducated, incompetent, kaponya and unqualified. Unfortunately the none Tongas and none UPND are the majority Zambians who vote. This is simple mathematics for someone who claims to be intelligent that he will never rule. What kind of madness is this were you start saying to voters that “once you vote for me I will come and fire you” then you expect to be voted in to power. HH has been making two steps forward and three steps backwards from the time he took over UPND on tribal lines. Only a Tonga…

  17. @Moscow(op) and @kci make us understand something whats the connection between pf ministers and bembas? what are you trying to insinuate? and how was Yaluma right?

  18. Worry not about this guy, he will grow grey hairs & he will still be dreaming. This chap does not know that he was long dribbled. His chance came & went in 2016. Now these PF know how to sort him. They just leave him puzzled after an election. So mark my words, 2021 kale yapita. If we want to discuss or debate lets talk of 2026 when PF will be replacing lungu. Lets talk about that.

  19. Wonders shall never end. HH how do you know that you have already won 2021 elections for you to start talking in this manner? Looking at what is obtaining on the ground politically you have alot of work to do. MAjority of ZAmbians are not yet convinced that you can make a better president than ECL considering many questionable issues about you. In addition to this many of your support bases are crumbling, the current politcal environment still favors PF to win 2021 elections. HH and UPND in their current form need to work hard to dethrone PF.

  20. In summary HH says there be tribal balancing, all PF cadres in government will be fired, all PS and Directors will be fired. Skill audit be done based on your surname…

    Watch out people …Watch out …

  21. Mr President you have refreshed my minds and be blessed Mr. President. No tribalism, no nepotism, no gender discrimination and all we need include all the tribes in our governance system. Currently it is no longer one Zambia one Nation. Its two Zambia two nations. Mr. President we need fight corruption and ensure that akl those signature appear on loan books mudy br investigated and show us where the money went. They must answer even though some are about expire, ee shall investigate them whilst dead.


  23. Most corrupt PF ministers are not even worth being Councillors to be honest.
    They don’t inspire any confidence.Even a brilliant mind like Bwalya Ngandu has reduced himself to that level.

  24. Trust me Dora Siliya will be part of a UPND Government, she is fond of hoping from one party to another. I can see he becoming foreign affairs minister.

  25. Fellow Zambians this is our time to save Zambia. I can not wait for Governmmet led by HH. Zambia will become a paradise.

  26. Zambians be careful with HH.HH will fire people based on tribe for the sake of balancing power.Yabaaaaa this craznesss .Civil servants be ready to be fired based on your surname.Why voting for such a renowned chief tribalist in name of balancing 72 tribes?He should tell us how he is going to do it.

  27. If you win, create a Shadow Cabinet system of government in order to have a responsible opposition!

  28. Why Mr. HH talks all the time about PF?? it seems this is the only thing he is able to! Should i vote for such a person?

  29. A story is told about Abraham Lincoln of how one of his adversaries called him a gorilla and other unpalatable names. When the time came for Abe to appoint his cabinet, the same adversary was included in the cabinet. When Abe was questioned about the appointment, his answer was “he is the right man for the job”.

    If only we had politicians here in Zambia who were only half the ilk of people like Abraham Lincoln, we would be making tremendous strides in making Zambia great. Tribalism, nepotism, corruption and all forms of retrogressive practices should never be condoned from any political party wether in government or not. No inkling of any vice should be tainting those that aspire to lead. Mr. Hichilema should retract or rephrase his statement.

  30. I wait to see how your government is going to work in as far as balancing the civil service is concerned. I want to see that balance of tribes to obviate what has a trend by two known regions before the PF came into power. These two regions had employed its own from a cleaner up to a Director. We thank PF for destroying their cartel which was also promoting the people from these two regions. I fear sir that if you became president of Zambia the insipid behavior of these two regions will come back. The two regions will start employing and promoting their own as they did before PF came into power. Any way its wait and see. Sir.

  31. This kid of thinking is what has made UPND to have seven vice presidents even when they are in opposition. Tribe!

  32. The oldest profession is hard to stop! UPND should organize an Auction Sale of all it’s cheap members! Only the Principled should remain! Furthermore, UPND being the largest opposition party should consolidate the opposition Front to actualize their dream of a better Zambia for all and not a select few. The Economy is very bad and it’s a serious temptation for weak souls to fall for the handsome baits PF is floating! My advice to all in politics is don’t be like Cain who sold his birthright for Bean Soup! Don’t betray your country!

  33. Mr. President you approach is wrong. From a political perspective you have been accused of having ascended to the office of President through tribalism. Right? Your political opponents have always tied you to tribalism? Right? And you make a statement in which you insinuate that you are going to tribal balance the Civil Service! Mr. President, this is not smart. From a practical perspective how are you going to achieve this? There 72 tribes/Languages in this country and you have mixed blood like my Kids. Are you going to fire everyone and let everyone re-apply except this time you will require everyone to indicate their tribe? Or are you going to leave the current civil service the way it is and all new applicants must indicate their tribe? If your government wants to employ 2000 nurses,…

  34. If your government wants to employ 2000 nurses, are you going to say 2000/72 and each tribe to have its allocation as such? Oh, maybe prorata? Mr. President your strategy and vision need a lot of refining and please reconsider who surrounds you.

  35. When HH speaks PF cadres fall all over themselves here because that is all they know. When the topic is the messed up economy, silence. Dull twits.

  36. This country has currently got a problem, we do not respect technocrats. I agree with HH, only people who are qualified should be employed, furthermore he should state that they should deliver or perish. I don’t care where they come from, as along as they are Zambians, are credible and hard working. The tribal issue is for *****s who deserve to be in Museums, were they can generate money with their antiquated stinking dead brains. If i am sinking, I wouldn’t care about the colour of who saves me, whether they are pink or green,it doesn’t matter.

    To kick poverty out of this country we need ACCOUNTABILITY and TRANSPARENCY supported by a strong media to educate the masses.

  37. #44, Alex, Ask Akainde only one incompetent cadre that he personally knows, Zero. Shonongomatics chabe at play

  38. I am eyeing the Ministry of Legal Affairs. Or Legal Adviser to the office of the President. Only a Tonga like me can advise the aisha.

  39. A point of correction, Chikubabe. Cain did not sell his birthright, rather it was Esau who sold his birthright to his young brother Jacob.

  40. HH .. you have just asked the whole civil service not to vote for you.

    By the way, why don’t start doing that in UPND, which controlled by one single tribe.

  41. HH is very dull. He lacks strategies. Late Michael Sata was a very good strategist for him to win elections from opposition camp. Hichilema is giving us a very confusing and dull strategy, in that when UPND forms government he wants to appoint people to public service positions on merit, use tribal balancing to appoint those people to those positions, and make sure all PF-PSs and Directors (From Easterners and Northern provinces are fired). What is this? Tribalism at its best! I can sure HH that if by chance or accidentally he assumed power in Zambia he can not last 2 months because his agenda is vegence! And surely the 42% Bemba speaking people will not entertain that! That will be the beggining of civil war in Zambia. The best HH can do is just to leave politics! As other observers…

  42. As other observers have said HH cannot win elections in Zambia because of the way in took over power in UPND, through tribalism. Only a Tonga can lead UPND, and kicked out all non-Tongas! And this is his agenda even now, if UPND formed government all non-Tongas will be kicked out of government! If UPND want to form government they first have to change leadership in total. As it stands now Edgar Lungu is a much better person than Hakainde Hichilema!

  43. Guys..I want HH to balance tribes in the civil service as currently it is full of his Tribe and his cousins. Go to any Ministry HH’s Tribe and cousins are in great numbers… This should come to an end. PF has tried to balance but still it is not enough. I support HH 100% so that he can fire his Tribe and his cousins who are in great numbers in the civil service. Each Tribe and Province must have an equal share. HH I am waiting for you to do this sir..

    If you will not implement this nice policy when you come into power, I will remind you sir….Each Province must have equal share.

  44. HH, is clinically intelligent, but emotionally slow. How do you fire people based on tribal balancing? Some of us have 100 percent Eastern names, but 90 percent Tonga blood. So how will you know which person you are dealing with and which tribe he comes from? This the reason why UPND may not win elections in Zambia. Sending wrong messages and signals to the people. The best strategy , honorable HH can do is never mention an individual or tribe in his speeches, but polices are the best to attack. For example, HH can talk about privatization that was done under Chiluba. Nationalization of the mines, retraining of the civil service, accepting higher qualifications for directors in the civil service. Nobody must be secretary to the Cabinet without a direct qualification related to the job…

  45. Fellow Zambians, please let’s all rally behind this man, HH and support him. I was initially reluctant to support him, but I’m increasingly beginning to see that this man can do a better job than the clueless guy we currently have in State House. Zambia needs to give this man a chance. Of course he’s a politician and voting for him is still a gamble in a way. But I’m sure that he can’t be worse than clueless Lungu. Anybody is better than clueless Lungu, the worst president Zambia has had the misfortune to have. HH needs to focus on the message of unity of all Zambians, clearly and strongly stand against tribalism (his detractors often accuse him of being tribalistic) and encourage all Zambians to identify themselves as Zambians first, and their tribes second. Rwandese don’t like to…

  46. … be identified by their tribes, Hutu or Tutsi, anymore. They just say we’re all Rwandese and tribal identification is not that important. Zambia can adopt that, and HH can help promote that. The corrupt PF regime has literally driven our economy into a filthy ditch. You would’ve to be the biggest fooool in the whole wide world to vote for clueless Lungu and his minions next year. Because another 5 years of PF bandits in office, Zambians will be reduced to sheer beggars on the streets of our once beautiful country that had a thriving economy. Corrupt Lungu only cares about himself, his close associates and his Chinese masters. Let’s remove this corrupt guy next year and send him either to prison or back to Chawama…unless he chooses to escape to Eswatini…that’s if the King…

  47. … there still allows him to stay. Mr. Hakainde should focus on resuscitating and achieving sound economic growth, achieve 24/7 electricity and clean water, heavily invest in agriculture to revamp food production, improve our healthcare, help businesses create jobs, invest in education, help create stringent laws against corruption, help strengthen our weak legislature and judiciary to promote effective checks and balances, and strengthen the ACC so they can be independent enough to go after any corrupt individual. He should make sure the members of his cabinet are qualified technocrats who know what they’re supposed to be doing in the office. He should also make sure all his cabinet members declare their assets at the beginning of their service, and be subject to random audits…

  48. … during their time in office. Finally make Zambia the cleanest country in Africa, to attract tourists. If he does all that and more, he’ll make Zambians proud again of their country, and will go down in history as one of Zambia’s greatest presidents we ever had. Vote for HH next year. Let’s all give him a chance.


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