Saturday, July 27, 2024

UNZA Lecturer appointed as WHO Board member


University of Zambia (UNZA) Biomedical Research Ethics Committee Chairperson Dr. Sody Munsaka has been appointed to the World Health Organization (WHO) board of experts that will develop guidelines and Ethics consideration for issuing of immunity passports in the COVID-19 pandemic.

Dr. Munsaka who is also Dean School of Health Science is the only African board member among the 10 member scientists from the United States, Europe and Asia.

The Antibody testing will be used as a measure to give people immunity passport to move across boarders.

Dr. Munsaka sits on a number of national committees which include the Health Professions Council of Zambia (HPCZ) and Higher Education Authority (HEA).

He teaches Immunology, Virology, Molecular Biology, Research Methods and Biostatistics to Biomedical Sciences students, medical students and postgraduate students.

His research interest is in Patho-immune mechanisms of HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders and interactions with drug abuse and other infectious diseases including malaria and tuberculosis


  1. Another great achievement under pf. The world recognises the great fight Zambia has put up against covid 19. The world has trust and confidence in our institutions and specialists and the world can learn a lot from us with our successful approach. We hope our friends in Europe and the west swallow their pride and ask us how we are doing so well. Arrogance can not fight a virus. The same applies to the diasporans with house slave mentality. Kz

  2. Zambian govt would never recognise such talented smart Zambians they would rather have that corrupt man Chilufya running everything!

  3. ‘Another achievement under.’
    PF .Oh my foot ! As if they have given a single penny for his education .Only these fools kid’s are enjoying their educations abroad using tax money

  4. ‘Another achievement under PF. ’
    Oh my foot ! As if they have given a single penny for his education .Only these fools kid’s are enjoying their educations abroad using tax money

  5. Good news, but we can do more. These international portfolios are dominated by North and West Africa because we’ve failed to draw a line between Party politics and National duty. We’ve failed to fully utilize the profile that KK built for Zambia, a Zambian has been respected everywhere. Felix Mutati lost his bid the AU, Inonge Mbikusita Lewanika, some even speak ill of Chibamba Kanyama’s stint at the IMF.

    • You are very right. I listened to Magande as he was interviewed by Pastor Chiluba on CAMNET TV ;last night. He could not renew the contract as Secretary General of ACP because FTJ’s government refused to back him. When our own get appointed to high international positions, we should not see them with the spectrum of tribe but our own. To get to those positions, even if it is just for a year, means a lot for the country’s profile. Congratulations son of the soil.

  6. is it true Kaizer Zulu is a lab technician…. he should be posted to chilubi island or shangombo where his skills are needed most . How did our Government system end up with a semi-illiterate as a Presidential Advisor. ….and u expect a country to progress

  7. is it true Kaizer Zulu is a lab technician…. The id.i0t should be posted to chilubi island or shangombo where his skills are needed most . How did our Government system end up with a semi-illiterate as a Presidential Advisor. ….and u expect a country to progress

  8. I think WHO needs someone to test the vaccine on. And they did say they would first try it on an African.

    So well done for volunteering. You are a credit to your species.

    You will make my boss very happy when he wakes up. We had a few bottles of whiskey last night together, so he might wake up at 18:00 hrs.

  9. Great achievement indeed. It is good to have a Zambian medical specialists who can be instrumental in the international fight against the pandemic. It is equally important though, to have a well organized body of medical experts who are able to develop national guidelines and ethics that can help the country manage outbreaks effectively on it’s own without the aid of international organs.

  10. Yes I started off as a lab cleaner. Then got promoted to lab assistant.

    But when PF came to beg for my services, my life changed. Now I swim in tax payer’s money. I even bought a private jet.

    And I did all this without leaving Zambia. I love Zambia, it is like a gift that just keeps giving. I will never leave Zambia.

    Me, I have bags of money. And many women. I am like the president here. Ask anyone, they know me.

  11. Hey my fake clone, nomba you don’t have a picture? Hahaha. Tarino you are sleeping. You think cloning me will work but people can read through all the opposite stuff you are saying.

  12. Impostor – Please dont involve me in your rubbish…I have etiquette, there is a silent code of conduct I adhere to and lead a respected life brought this rubbish of cloning accounts now you are complaining. Dont reduce me to your level sonny!!

  13. If we have such high calibre technocrats why can we not fund them to develop vaccines for stuff like COVID 19 and fi malaria?

  14. All above comments miss what’s going on.
    If you are not immune, i.e., if you never caught the virus, you will need a vaccine to cross the border. He will sign the dotted line for Zambia to agree that no one goes in and out of Zambia unless the have immunity by way of previous infection or vaccine. The lockdown prevented you from getting infected, so you will need to be vaccinated.

    Meanwhile, an article about Germany, “The presence of antibodies detected by such blood tests may indicate whether a person has been infected with the new coronavirus and may have developed some immunity. That, in theory, could ENTITLE the individual to move more freely than those tested negative until a vaccine is developed.”


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