Saturday, July 27, 2024

7 New COVID-19 cases Recorded out of 468 Tests


Health Minister Dr. Chitalu Chilufya has announced that Zambia has in the last 24 hours recorded seven new cases of COVID-19 out of 468 tests conducted.

Dr. Chilufya says this brings the cumulative number of cases in the country to 145, including three deaths.

The Minister said the seven new cases include contacts to known positive cases and a Zambian citizen who arrived from the United States on 3rd May 2020.

He said nine patients have been discharged bringing the total recoveries from the disease to 101.

Dr. Chilufya said the latest discharges include the first two patients who were admitted to the Masaiti Isolation facility.

He said the number of active cases is now 41 and all patients remaining in the COVID-19 isolation facilities in are in stable condition.

Dr. Chilufya said among the high-risk persons being monitored, a total of 3,513 persons have successfully completed the 14-day mandatory quarantine since the beginning of the response.

He said a total of 1,472 alerts notified have been cleared as non-cases.


  1. Thanks honorable for this information. You guys and the health fraternity are doing a great job. This is a virus which is difficult to contain and looking at the low death rates you guys are doing a fantastic job. Don’t be told otherwise by those goats in diaspora who are angry and criticize everything even when their adopted so called rich countries are seeing thousands of deaths. Kz

  2. Africa has currently tested around 500 000 people in aggregate for a 1.2bn population. Germany is testing 100 000 people a day. Ghana has second highest level of testing after South Africa….
    You are F.ooling yourselves…..

  3. It’s time to establish corona testing centers in every provincial headquarters if u can’t afford every district. This will help prevent transportation accidents of covid samples from far districts to lsk. And it will help increase the number of testing and help us come close to the real estimate of active cases. Testing of areas where cases are reported or having centers in lsk only is not strategic bcz public transport has not only been moving to the same areas but around country provinces & districts.

  4. Am sure by now as a government you have analysed the risks in relation to this life threatening disease, mapped & profiled it. So now we need to start implementing effective mitigation plans that aim at embracing the disease with effective preventive measures as we start to open up the economy bcz the fact is the nature of the disease is one that will stay for a long period of time through which the country can’t afford to stay home doing nothing. Let’s face this head on and accept it. We hv known how it attacks & spreads, we have no vaccines but can maximize on prevention till the vaccine is ready

  5. I know it’s not an easy decision to make bcz people have different opinions in every risky problems but this is not time to use fear but courage to make informed decisions. In life it’s not every risk we decide not to take. Some risks are are not solved by running away from them but by embracing them and fighting them head on. We can’t go back to the way we lived. But we have to move on with the new reality of wearing masks, washing hands, cleaning surfaces, avoiding close contacts, using hand sanitizers. Creating awareness and equipping ourselves with sufficient health tools than to wait until the numbers are high enough that we start putting priorities on who gets a ventilator and who is left to fight without it. We just need to unite in this fight, forget our political differences…

    Stone throwing, machete wielding and catapult carrying Patriotic Front (PF) thugs this morning disrupted a United Party for National Development (UPND) COVID-19 donation in Lusaka’s Mandevu constituency as they stole the buckets and sanitizers from a taxi rank.
    The PF thugs led by Commander Denga arrived in an unregistered V8 Landcruiser vehicle and ordered his youths to smash the distributing vehicle alleging that the vehicle had run over a pedestrian.
    The cadres then forcefully grabbed the hygiene products which included buckets,liquid soap and hand sanitizers before driving off.
    And UPND Mandevu constituency Chairperson,Hendrix Njobvu expressed shock at the level of thuggery and criminality among PF cadres describing the attack as an act…

  7. Looks manageable so far. My heart only skips a beat when I see double digits in these updates. Single digit cases can never knock out any health system, no matter how unprepared.

    I only pray Zambians will continue to be cautious and comply with the required guidelines. Meanwhile, diverse treatments, anti-body tests and even possible, albeit controversial vaccines are already in the pipeline. Life will go on long, long after Corona has dissapreared.

  8. Under 500 tests per day and somebody says the situation looks manageable.
    Thats why Zambia is in constant decline because such people are allowed to be in governance.
    South Africa increased its level of testing to more than 10,000 tests a day. Hence their ability to detect more covid-19 cases.
    The W.H.O has constantly been stressing “Test , Test and Test”.If you know the true extent of the spread, then you can make informed decisions.
    Don’t just rush to open the economy.

  9. These testing kits are FAKE. Tanzania already proved it. They come already positive for the virus

  10. The reports coming from miniter Chitalu Chilufya is typical of a handover morning routine in a hospital ward. There is need to have a scientific team briefing the nation from specialised individuals addressing specific areas of concern concerning the coronavirus and its effects and government position based on scientific guidelines. Dr Chitalu Chilufya component of testing results and those affected would just be a part of that team.

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