Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Amos Chanda walks free as State enters nolle prosequi


The State has entered a nolle prosequi in a case where former presidential aid Amos Chanda and two others were dragged to court on allegations of corrupt practices.

The matter which had undisclosed reasons had Walid El Nahas, the former director of Intelligence Mobility Solutions (IMS) jointly charged with Mr. Chanda, and former Road Transport and Safety Agency (RTSA) chief executive officer Zindaba Soko on allegations of corrupt practices and being in possession of 21,000 USD.

When the matter came up this morning, state prosecutor Sipholiano Phiri told Chief Resident Magistrate Lameck Mwale that the state was discontuing the matter against all three accused persons through a nolle prosequi.

“The matter was scheduled for continuation of trial. However, the court was informed that the state has discontinued the matter against the accused persons through a nolle prosequi. We are most obliged,” Phiri said.

Magistrate Mwale said in light of the nolle prosequi entered by the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), he had discontinued proceedings against all the three accused persons and discharged them all.

Chanda who has maintained a low profile since his resignation as State House Press Attache when contacted for a comment expressed relief.

And when asked on what next Mr. Chanda laughed away and would not give a response.

Mr. Chanda resigned as State House Spokesperson on June 6th, 2019 stating that he was considering pursuing other political careers.

His resignation came as a shock to many who speculated on reasons for his resignation.

On November 14th 2019 the Drug Enforcement Commission arrested Mr. Chanda and charged him with corrupt practices by public officer and receiving property suspected to be proceeds of crime all of which the state has today entered into a nolle


  1. Who would have guessed? We told you this was a waste of time, taxpayers money and a circus …if you really wanted to arrest him there are much worse crimes with millions of dollars involved where even Lazy Lungu himself is linked. Only a new govt can make charges stick on this former chola boy for Lungu. So now the state pays for his legal fees!!!

  2. Useless Tarino, what did you say when a Nolle was issues on Akainde? Be consistent in life and not behave like a Kambwanga.

  3. Sungwe – So you are comparing individual cases of Amos and Hakainde like tomato in the market? And you are telling me to consistent …you clearly very thick and delusional.

  4. Well, we didnt really expect anyhing different did we? All of these “arrests” and “investigations” are just meant to try and portray a false image and decieve the masses. We have been seeing the exact same thing over and over.
    We all know that these people are guilty, but there is no justice in this country. You have people that steal millions of taxpayer’s money out of greed walking scot free. Meantime the poor popper on the street who steals out of hunger is locked up for 10years! You have a poor woman who grows marijuana to feed her family locked up for 15years, while her family starves.
    Meantime those that steal out of greed are freed to go and steal some more.

  5. We told you that there was no case here. The DEC were reacting to UPND demons’ noises by arresting young Amos Chanda. My president who doesn’t interfere in the affairs of our law enforcement agencies let the legal process conclude even when he knew that Amos was innocent.
    You Diaspora demons got too excited singing your tired old song ‘corruption’. I mean $21000 is a joke in the first place. What about people like myself who has worked so hard and has millions of dollars in properties and hard cash. Are they also going to arrest me? That small amount is a small lunch money that I give to my wife Regina every month. Nothing to see here.

  6. No point wasting money on a case which is likely to go against the government. We have highly qualified counsel who would have advised us on the merits of the case. Nothing sinister here. Sungwe of course then likes of tarino cannot say anything negative about their fellow tribesmen and demigod. To them he is a superior being who is always right. You see this is the problem when you think with tribe rather than brains. A huge bunch of these disaporans who criticise govt are from a specific tribe and support a specific party. I am sure we all know which one. After all only a tongan can rule upnd.

    • @ Kaizer, what is your problem the people in the Diaspora. Your mudslinging shows that you are not one for an intelligent debate. Please learn to weigh your comprehension before you stick your fingers on a keyboard. Your grade one style of writing also says everything…let the jury be out on this one.

  7. @Tarino Orange, Totally agree with you, awaiting other rogues who have stolen or sharing spoils of ill gotten money to begin defending the indefensible eg KZ and Sungwe above – shameless Zambians by registration

  8. Unfortunately it is very difficult to have any of these people locked up, because they have dirt on the president. That is why even dr. chilufya, the minister of health, can openly undermine the president and make him look like a fool, but face no consequencies.
    That is why all the guys continue to plunder unrestrained. The president is afraid of them because they can expose him.
    That is why you can have a person who has no talent of qualification except how drink beer, brandish guns, and assault people serve as a presidential advisor.
    The president is not a free man. Even if he wanted to fix things, he cant, because if any of these guys goes down, they will take him with them. Its simple. But having said that, its also clear that the president himself is implicated in too many of…

  9. A quick nolle after one of the accused threatened to turn state witness, very very interesting.

  10. And its always interesting to see how there are always those that will defend the indefensible. But when we examine their charactors and their record, we can safely look with contempt on anything they say.
    If you look at most of them, even on this blog, you find that they have no track record of being competent at ANYTHING! No talent, no qualification, no record of achieving anything meaningful in their lives. All we know about them is that they have gained wealth they havent worked for, they are constantly in the news for the wrong things, they are bullies, they are womanizers, they are violent, they are drunks.
    Those are ones that are loudest at defending what is wrong because their entire survival depends on perpetrating wrong things like corruption. Remove these things and they will…

  11. As KZ insulting well meaning citizens will not insulate you as public enemy of Zambia. You or impostor, Zambians will never forget that you have harassed, beaten, maimed, humiliated, kidnapped, fired guns and shot Zambians and dehumanise them. Zambians deserve justice and time is coming to get it. PF regime hasn’t the capacity to prosecute any case of corruption in Zambia, for it will be trying itself against itself, meaning PF is corrupt from head to toe. Cleansing yourself on this site will not wash up, records, living witnesses exist and testimonies will be in your face.
    The new government has a mammoth task to restore the nation to its respectful place in Africa and world. If anything, we are defending our country’s pride and reputation by condaming judicial failure in a nation…

  12. continued…. Remove these things and they will be reduced to poppers. Give them an actual job that requires skill and competence and they cant do it.

  13. In future,many cases which ended in a Nolle or were thrown out by a corrupt magistrate or judge will be revisited.
    The due process of the law will be followed.
    Zambia is one of those messed up countries where the DPP will never appeal or follow up a case involving an individual with ties to the ruling party.

  14. Expected this to happen. Criminal filth, running our country into the ground, destroying the values of democracy, starving our people and making us the laughing stock of Africa.

  15. MunaDekhane – If this boy was in court sweating he would be spilling the beans on Lungu but we know this is just a disagreement among thieves over a bigger cake somewhere else. Jail is for ‘not so connected’ civil servants and poor Zambians.Its a shame that the office of DPP is now just used by thieves to fight each other at the expense of poor Zambians. Next you will hear that Amos is writing articles about democracy and good governance.

  16. Unfortunately it is very difficult to have any of these people locked up, because they have dirt on the president. That is why even dr. chilufya, the minister of health, can openly undermine the president and make him look like a fool, but face no consequencies.
    That is why all the guys continue to plunder unrestrained. The president is afraid of them because they can expose him.
    That is why you can have a person who has no talent of qualification except how drink beer, brandish guns, and assault people serve as a presidential advisor.
    The president is not a free man. Even if he wanted to fix things, he cant, because if any of these guys goes down, they will take him with them. Its simple. But having said that, its also clear that the president himself is implicated in too many of

  17. Zedian – Dont blame Judiciary blame the DPP for taking useless cases there and costing the taxpayer!!

  18. from an unpatriotic regime that is destroying our nation as we watch. Zambians are tired of PF regime propensity to irrationally and chronic denigration of our rule of law with a blundering judicial system that tends to mock justice to Zambians. The culture of inherent and disgraceful corruption PF regime has created has destroyed our nation and brought ridicule to Zambians as being so docile in the face of heinous and glaring culture of a corrupt nation – so shaming – this Zambians MUST RESOLVE TO END THE ROT by change of government through a vote today.

  19. See, no southerner is involved in theft. Very rare. However our friends in north and east its problems. Sticky fingers

  20. Can someone audit for all these nolle prosequi case in the last 5 years so we know how much this DPP is costing the country…only then will she take on watertight cases. Meanwhile we are still waiting on the Tasilia, Bo Lubinda, Kapata Mukula case.

  21. Is this state prosecutor “Sipholiano Phiri” the same Sipho Phiri who was thrown out of the IBA board weeks ago for acting with an independent mind set while he was there? How come now he is freeing Amos Chanda for no convincing reasons at all? …

  22. When all fails the shameless attention thirsty UK based impostor man-child resorts to all sorts as he has nothing to offer here apart from diatribe and folly!!

  23. “Economists have been exploring people’s behavior for hundreds of years: how we make decisions, how we act individually and in groups, how we exchange value. They’ve studied the institutions that facilitate our trade, like legal systems, corporations, marketplaces”

    As humans, we find ways to lower uncertainty about one another so that we can exchange value. 

    And what he meant by institutions were really just formal rules like a constitution, and informal constraints, like bribery. These institutions are really the grease that allow our economic wheels to function, and we can see this play out over the course of human history.” Bettina Warburg.

    PF time-out.

  24. What a surprise!! No one serious even thought for a second that this will be taken to its full conclusion. The risk of spilling the beans and revealing all the intricate secrets was just too much. The truth will come out after 2021 but of course the usual suspects will then be busy crying about being persecuted by the new system. Those with connections will escape to far off lands with their loot,,,hopefully Interpol will be hot on their A.$$es…

  25. But of course, if anyone expected anything else, there are state secrets involved here, even if I was to be charged for anything useless, I would also be given a nolle. We leave it at that, this young man and myself had some misunderstandings but its all in the past now. Kz

  26. What people of Zambia were subjected to this fracas was simply a publicity stunt to fool the zambian people that this govt didn’t tolerate corruption more like what happened in the case for chitotela. The Judiciary, investigating wings such as DEC and ACC and the police are rotten to the core. Serious leaders would not tolerate such. What happened to the man who wanted to turn state witness did he have some serious information that could have exposed more?

  27. This all happened because they didn’t give a share to the big man so he had to flex his muscles to show them whose boss. Now they have agreed to share so the case is over.

  28. This was just drama created by the PF to trying make people think that there is justice in Zambia . Why has the owner of the 48 houses not arrested and charged .

  29. This was just drama created by the PF to try and make people think that there is justice in Zambia . Why is the owner of the 48 houses not arrested and charged .This government is worse than covid- 19

  30. I feel like crying! Really! Zambians Zambians Zambians! Sure! For the hate of HH because he is Tonga! For his tribe alone you opt for people who steal and rob you in daylight robbery style! Why why why??? Did you think this case was going to go anywhere? I feel like crying. You bring in paupers and they turn from rags to riches!!! This is painful!!!

  31. Worry not people, no one can suppress the truth, all they have done is simply postponed it or delayed it but it shall surely come out and eventually everyone will know what happened. If one of the accused wanted to become a state witness the prosecution didn’t have to enter a nolle but for them to opt for that it simply shows there were huge details that could bring damage to some state figures.

  32. As expected, how do you arrest someone who knows so much about the system?? He must have reached a point of squealing.

  33. Nolli after nolli …..

    The theives trying to cover their tracks…

    Chanda was sacrificed to deflect attention from lungus mukula expose , it was an arranged sacrifice…….

    Chanda knew the outcome, lungu knew the outcome , they all knew the out come.

  34. Our Judiciary has gone to the dogs. Where justice is supposed to prevail injustice comes in.
    How i long the Mwanawasa teamo.
    Sangwa blocked by injustice people surrounding because of money.. Soon Zambia will be sold

  35. Damn! He was guilty in the filthy eyes the dead camp, the upndead.
    That’s why these !d!@+s must not ever form Government.
    All accused will be treated as guilty.

    I reminded you folks that chanda and his core accused were presumed innocent until the courts got it otherwise.

  36. The first task HH needs to carry out once he gets into office next year, is to expand the prisons. Because all these PF corrupt thugs and criminal syndicates are going to prison next year, for looting the country’s resources with impunity. Yes, that includes Al Capone Lungu, and Kaizer (Joseph Goebbels) Zulu. These corrupt criminals will spend the rest of their slimy corrupt lives in prison. HH has to make this a campaign promise. And he should make sure he carries it out, once he gets into office. We the Zambian people will overwhelmingly support him to win the election next year. He’ll need to win in a landslide to make it harder for the PF criminals to rig the election. As soon as it’s known that he has won, the Zambian borders must be closed and their diplomatic passports…

  37. … confiscated, to make sure these PF criminal thugs don’t escape justice. Come quickly 2021. It’s a year of reckoning for these PF criminals. If Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed of Ethiopia can lock up corrupt criminals from the previous regime, Zambia can do the same.

  38. Some primitive fools with cow dung DNA living in diaspora are the people bringing hatred to this blog. You don’t have to be a bemba or Ngoni to be a thief.Was Roy Mudenda a bemba or Nyanja who escaped from mukobeko maximum prison in the 70’s ? The Tonga people from southern province mwalishupa fye ,we know that .Because of your hatread and care less talk and blaming other tribes for every thing that goes wrong ,Ican assure your HH will never win an election nor form government no matter what .PF will carry the day again while you continue singing about corruption and praising your privatisation thief HH . There was a time when there were many tongas in the civil service like the police,teaching service, health services, parastals and did other tribes complain ? No .It was…

  39. (Cont) No .It was one zambia ,one nation that time to suite your tribalism which you never noted when marjority of tongas were heads of departments in government and parastatal companies . Insansa ku cinjanya .Due to being tribal inclined and hatread for Bembas , Nyanjas and other tribes just from birth you decided to form UPND because you wanted tongas only party and one day to have Hakainde as president of zambia and this wont happen .Just continue drinking chibwantu,rearing cattle and marrying many women . Mwe batonga mufwaya ukulamipapata lyonse kwati pali ifyo muli. It is not going to happen now and just continue voting for your selves in southern province if you want and we will care less.

  40. The story line in this drama was predictable . Just like the saying goes ,’ politics ends up in failure.’ In Africa and Zambia in particular ,when that happens that is when cases and the extent of corruption and thefts by the previous government is brought to light . People are scared of exposing Sakala Kabwalala Zulu because he is so powerful now . It is also right to say he is a toad swimming with the big fish in the corruption ponds located in and around Lusaka and consequently enjoys the steel wall protection from his corruption master .

  41. Just wait for this covid19 thing to pass, Wayaya will reopen and start depositing those huge amounts ati nima sales! What a country!

  42. Nolle prosequi does not mean found not wanting, just that the prosecuting team has discontinued the case for whatever reason/s. At least records on the application of this technicality should be understood not to be equivalent to the courts of law finding one not guilty.

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