Saturday, July 27, 2024

European Union extends K241.2 million support as its immediate-term contribution to the Covid-19 response in Zambia


The European Union has extended EUR 12 million or K241.2 million support as its immediate-term contribution to the Covid-19 response in Zambia.

According to a letter received by Finance Minister Dr BWALYA NG’ANDU from the European Union Head of Delegation to Zambia Dr JACEK JANKOWSKI, the EU’s planned immediate contribution to the Covid-19 response in Zambia consists EUR 2 million grant under the EU Global initiative for Covid-19. The funds are for the procurement of essential medicines and related commodities. The second component is a EUR 10 million grant mobilised by reprogramming the 11th European Development Fund (EDF). These funds will be channelled towards stregthening health systems and addressing the social and economic impact of the Covid-19 pandemic in Zambia.

Future additional support expected from the EU, includes:

  1. EUR 96 million or K1.93 billion blend facility from the European Development Fund (EDF) and the European Investment Bank (EIB) to facilitate increased access to finance by private sector players in the agriculture and renewable energy sectors;
  2. EUR 6.3 million or K126.6 million grant for eligible Civil Society and Non-Governmental Organisations, for children and youth protection programmes; and,
  3. EUR 20 million or K402 million projected grants fom EU member states through new allocations and reprogramming of existing allocations for the benefit of water and sanitation service programmes; and, strengthening prevention, health, and social protection systems.

Dr NG’ANDU welcomed the sincere counsel rendered by Dr JACEK JANKOWSKI that the success of the reforms that Zambia has embarked on to ensure debt sustainability and restore the viability of key sectors such as energy, is crucial in unlocking direct foreign investment and expanding opportunities for the country to benefit from international financial assistance.

In response to a proposal by the EU Head of Delegation, Dr NG’ANDU has pledged that, together with his senior management team and the rest of the staff, the Ministry of Finance is ready to engage the EU in exploring ways in which Zambia can further access support using the options already available under the on-going EU-funded programmes or through other possible facilities and means.

Dr JANKOWSKI called on the Government to uphold the rights of citizens and exhibit the highest standards of accountability in implementing the Covid-19 response. He also advised the Government to pursue the reforms in a coherent and consistent manner, a matter which the Minister has also agreed to in the affirmative.

“While recognising the additional challenges linked to the present crisis, I would like to encourage the Government of Zambia to pursue these reforms in a coherent and consistent manner,” wrote Dr. JANKOWSKI.

Dr Ng’andu also accepted the advice of the EU for the Zambian Government to make the most of potential new multilateral emergency support as well as the recent G20 initiative on debt relief.

Meanwhile, the Swedish Government has scaled-up resources under the current Sweden-Zambia Development Cooperation with a grant of USD12.4 million/K230 million. The funds are for equitable health, social cash transfer, nutritional programmes and sexual and reproductive health programmes.

The USD2.1 million/K38.8 million facility received from Sweden is targetted at increased and equitable access to health and nutrition services for women, young people and children. It will also go towards supporting sexual and reproductive health programmes.

Through the World Bank, Sweden has also upscaled its social cash transfer contribution USD 6.1 million/K112.8 million. And through UNICEF, USD1.1 million / K20.4 million has already been disbursed by Sweden for the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic.

Further, Sweden has also extended direct support to Zambia’s Covid-19 multi sectoral plan with support amounting to USD 3.1 million/ K57.4 million.

Summing-up remarks on the gestures of strong cooperation demonstrated by the EU and Sweden, Dr NG’ANDU took the opportunity to appeal to recipient Ministries, Provinces and Agencies to ensure that the friendship and support demonstrated by the EU, Sweden and other partners is not betrayed by failure to conform to the tenets of good financial governance and accountability.

Dr Ng’andu singled-out directorates of finance and audit units in all Ministries, Provinces and Agencies as being principal custodians of rules and regulations as contained in the Public Financial Management Act.

“Should there be any wanton shortcomings, directorates of finance and audit units will be held accountable,” warned the Minister.

The EU and Sweden have today joined the group of cooperating partners that have extended support to Zambia’s fight against the Covid-19 pandemic, and other associated programmes. The commitments by the EU and Sweden bring the total support from development partners in the last one month to K3.5 billion. The other cooperating partners who have contributed so far are Germany, United Kingdom, United States of America, African Development Bank, and the World Bank.


  1. We are telling these people that lungu is using that money to shutdown private media and harrass critics and political opponents…..

    When lungu sees that money being directed at healthcare , his budget for healthcare is now used to trample and trash democratic rights of his critics and opponents….

  2. When is Zambia gonna be self reliant and off aid dependency for such problems? The EU area itself is worse hit by Covid 19 than Zambia which makes it very shameful.


  4. “Dr NG’ANDU welcomed the sincere counsel rendered by Dr JACEK JANKOWSKI that the success of the reforms that Zambia has embarked on to ensure debt sustainability and restore the viability of key sectors such as energy, is crucial in unlocking direct foreign investment and expanding opportunities for the country to benefit from international financial assistance.”

    Is it not sickening and disappointing to have diasporans criticise their birth country and yet the owners of the countrys they have run to have confidence in Zambia. Look how the diasporans are claiming that our president is stealing. Would the EU grant these sums if that was the case ? Do you even understand how EU support works, you ignorant constipated baboons. This is why bananas are thrown at you there abroad because…

  5. KZ

    We have not forgotten how lungu and his gang gassed our people in an evil scheme to try and outlaw the opposition…….

    More than 45 innocent souls were murdered by irate mobs because of your gassings…….

    We will not forget those people killed because of your evil scheme.

  6. Dr Ng’andu spell out how you will prevent the funds to be stolen by the PF regime. We are concerned with the burst-up you had with Dr Chitalu differing on accountability of covid-19 funds. As Minister of Finance you face donors more than Dr Chitalu who is only interested in funds without accountability. This is the more reason ACC is investigating him on corruption and misappropriation of funds. President Lungu should confine Dr Chitalu to areas where funds should not be his jurisdiction but work through technocrats with effective transparency bureaucracy in place.

  7. Don’t forgot that just last week the same EU called for the reopening of PRIME TV.
    In addition , just last week, the IMF Spokesperson said “we assess which public financial management anti-corruption, anti-money laundering measures. We want to ask members to put in place without unduly delaying the urgently needed disbursements under the emergency financing”.
    I really feel sorry for Bwalya Ngandu.
    All his efforts to source funds will come to nothing because of the irresponsible and criminal actions by the PF government.

  8. When it comes to money they are eager to receive but tell them to open Prime TV they start to sing about sovereign

  9. kz,read this story and i declare that this is what is to happen to you.KARMA: Hon Newstead Zimba abandoned his wife and children to marry his friend’s young daughter
    I was very touched to see how the now Newstead Zimba looks like. Former Minister of Labour, and former Minister of Information & Broadcasting Services and former Diplomat to Washington, Hon under Chiluba Government. I read he walks daily to the Woodlands Post Office to ask from newspaper vendors to read the day’s newspaper!
    So I asked if he doesn’t have children he invested in whilst he was a Minister and making money and I learnt that when he was making his money, he abandoned his wife and children to marry his friend’s young daughter. He had a stylish wedding and at that time he was Minster of Information and Broadcasting…

  10. If we had smart leaders, by now we would be making our own PPE for our health workers ….but Chilufya and Co are ordering from abroad at inflated rates imagine that all 22 that tested positive in yeaterday’s announcement in Ndola were Health workers and we have not tested their contacts …that should tell you about how Chilufya is managing this pandemic.

  11. All this money coming in yet Zambia has not even tested 20,000 people in line with the 20,000 test kits donated by Jack Ma. Where is the money really going. We want a report published showing all donations received and where the money is going. Accountability is key here. We don’t want that money to find itself in PF accounts for next year elections.

  12. Should i hear Zambia is sovereign fyotofyoto next time a PF fool opens his mouth. Receiving money very quick but being advised on other key issues ati no we are sovereign, be sovereign in generating own income rather than being dependent on the western countries for donations you thieves. close the receiving of donor funding like you close media houses too.

  13. Should i hear Zambia is sovereign fyotofyoto next time a PF member opens his mouth. Receiving money very quick but being advised on other key issues ati no we are sovereign, be sovereign in generating own income rather than being dependent on the western countries for donations you thieves. close the receiving of donor funding like you close media houses too.

  14. Hope they money reaches the intended beneficiaries.

    PF have a record of looting social cash transfers targeting the poor and marginalized.

    A record to taking money for health then putting biohazards and professionals on public transportation.

    42 for 42

  15. Edgar Lungu’s government is not a transparent one. Those monies will end up in few individuals pockets. We know how corrupt these men with green eyes are. PF must go!

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