Friday, February 14, 2025

There is no Tension between Zambia and the Democratic Republic of Congo-Malanj


Government has said that there is NO tension between ZAMBIA and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). This follows international media reports that the DRC has approached ZIMBABWEAN President EMMERSON MNANGAGWA, who is also SADC organ on Politics, Defence and Security Cooperation Chairperson to mediate on the longstanding border dispute with ZAMBIA.

Foreign Affairs Minister Joseph Malanj, however, said that the SADC Troika is earmarked to mediate over the verification of the MULILO border in Kaputa District in Northern Province between ZAMBIA and DRC.

Mr. Malanji told journalists in LUSAKA that the two countries have had talks with a view to finding a consensus on the disputed border.

Mr. Malanj said ZAMBIA and DRC have had long-standing cordial relations over the years.

Mr. Malanj further said ZAMBIA has been a host to many DRC refugees.

This week the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) approached Zimbabwean President Mnangagwa to mediate in its long-standing border dispute with Zambia in his capacity as Chairman of the SADC Organ on Politics, Defence and Security Cooperation.

DRC and Zambia have had misunderstandings over one part of their common 1 600km border, the latest arising from the late 1980s attempt to demarcate the frontier with beacons.
There was a treaty which was signed in 1989 by the then Presidents Kenneth Kaunda and Mobutu Sese Seko where there were beacons put along the border.

Zimbabwe was mandated by SADC to ensure the maintenance of peace, security and rule of law within the region.

DRC special envoy Marie Nzeza on Monday met President Mnangagwa at State House to brief him on the situation.

Defense and War Veterans Affairs Minister Oppah Muchinguri-Kashiri, Foreign Affairs and International Trade Minister Sibusiso Moyo, Commander Defence Forces Phillip Valerio Sibanda and other senior Government officials attended the meeting.

Addressing the media after the meeting, President Mnangagwa said both countries were seeking SADC’s intervention.

“A special envoy from my brother Tshisekedi of the DRC briefed me on the situation in DRC, in particular in relation to the current Covid-19 pandemic and how they are tackling it. There is also the security situation where DRC and Zambia want the organ on Defence and Politics to look at a small matter which is existing between the Republic of Zambia and DRC,” President Mnangagwa said


  1. That’s what people should know. Everything else is based on rumours and malicious reporting.

  2. Where are the hundreds of hungry Congolese that broke out of quarantine at the border and scattered themselves all over Zambia?

  3. Ba Kaboke the smugglers, the Zaireans their problems are unceasing and have failed to govern themselves.

  4. Yes it was all fake news created by their fake Facebook president who has lost over 4 elections.

  5. Yes Lunchinda -Mpweto Enclave is Zambian land and must be given back. Abash the Kaunda era confusion. Zambia must not cow down on this one, our people were turned into congolease without choice, without referendum for themselves to decide. we need our territory back

  6. You see the problem with PF minister they deal with issues without seriousness. They deal with international matters as if they are handling opposition parties. Malanji is contradicting himself, there’s no tension with DRC and at the same time says the only dispute is on Mulilo border in Northern province. This Mulilo border is the source of tension and cause for concern. I knew that DRC can’t just approach Mnangagwa for nothing. Edgar Lungu and PF ministers be responsible and iron out your differences with DRC. Banyamulenges and Janja weeds are dangerous for zambia, we can’t afford the war between these people and can be very cost and catastrophic. Meanwhile PF must go!

  7. I think we should just hand over the whole Luapula province to Congo, I mean these boundaries are so artificial because all these people are kaboke/Kasai! Bantu bomwe, boonse niba suntwe pe! When they link up, the Prof. of Tribalism Nkandu LuNYO can be appointed minister of Kasai Affairs and Tasintharing!

  8. The contradictory statements coming out of the PF government are frightening, there is clearly something amiss here, the centre aren’t holding at all. In one breath, they claim we are not in a debt crisis while the IMF says we are and the PF itself in already in a process to hire financial advisers for a liability-management exercise of its foreign debt. Now, this Angolan Malanj who doubles for Minister of Foreign affairs claims there is no tension between Zambia and the Democratic Republic of Congo while the same day the DRC has approached ZIMBABWEAN President EMMERSON MNANGAGWA to mediate on the longstanding border dispute with Zambia. It’s ma confusion eka eka. That’s why a few years ago they forgot to submit returns for Yellow Fever eradication with the WHO and we as a nation…

  9. I don’t like the way our authorities respond to some of these issues. They have a pechant to address sensitive matters too casually, like they are talking to grade ones. No tension really? So only what, love? Why should the other party then request for arbitration?

  10. Just surrender that land to the Congolese, since they cant farm, NEVER sale them grain: they will starve and relocate voluntarily!

  11. Take a look at the names ( and military portfolios) of those Zimbos that attended the call for the brefing and someone in his wisdom says it ain’t big deal. Really, really? Cry my beloved country

  12. We would like to see you fight us for our land. We had a western puppet at the head of our country before and you could mess with us. But as bilateral partners of the USA now. Leaders of the Central African region and a president who is the second vice-president of the AU. Please do try us. We have the worst neighbours (envious, pathetic) and its time we make an example that the Congo of today, is not that of tomorrow. For your information, after your soldiers were unlawfully on our grounds our government has now deployed soldiers along our frontiers, we are on the brink of war. Good luck.

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