Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Copperbelt province remains a bedroom for the Patriotic Front-Lusambo


Kabushi PF Member of Parliament Bowman Lusambo says Copperbelt province remains a bedroom for the Patriotic Front.

Mr Lusambo says the PF have continued to strengthen their efforts as a party in order to position themselves for the 2021 general elections.

The Kabushi MP who is Copperbelt Mobilisation Deputy Chairperson has however emphasised on the need for unity of purpose and the need to open a new chapter as they head towards 2021.

He said it is gratifying to note that all the leaders on the copperbelt have agreed to let bygones be bygones and bury their differences as they prepare for the elections next year.

He urged the electorate on the Copperbelt to vote for President Edgar Lungu in order to continue with the development Zambia has witnessed since 2011.

Mr Lusambo said President Lungu is a visionary leader whose interest is to see Zambia developed.

The Lusaka Province Minister was among Members of Parliament from the Copperbelt that met the provincial executive in Kitwe to devise ways of growing the party.



  2. Your time is up let others eat as well, we can not be having one party ruling for more than two terms… Let the UNIP mentality remain dead.

  3. I think there is rabbies outbreak among these PF dogs. One PF chairman was just barking in Muchinga that this period is to fight coronavirus, not campaigning. While a pack of PF in Copperbelt were gathered campaigning peeling on walls.
    The Party of Foools!

  4. Am a copperbelt resident j can confidently say the wind has blown away from the PF and this cader is just impressing the boot he is so fond of licking.

  5. My bro lusambo you can say that again. Those in denial will cry again come 2021. Right now all efforts are on fighting this horrible virus. However once things are more settled I will begin my work of strategizing and ensuring yet another pf election victory. Normally I don’t do a lot on copper belt because it is a walk over for us. This time all efforts will be in trying to break the tribal system in southern.

  6. President Lungu Petitioned to Remove Dr. Chitalu Chilufya
    Lungu Petitioned to Remove Chitalu Chilufya

    His Excellency Dr. Edger C. Lungu, President of the Republic of Zambia. State House Lusaka Zambia

    12th MPETITIONay 2020

    Your Excellency Dr Edger Chagwa Lungu , President of the Republic of Zambia , the undersigned as a citizen of Zambia and Public Health and Community Education Expert, address you to raise serious anomalies that Hon Minster of Health Dr. Chilufya has created. As the overall supervisor and appointing authority of all the Ministers, I write to you after a thorough research and investigation, and come to a painful but timely conclusion that Your…

  7. PF officials feels so powerful but this reminds us the story of David and Goliath. Only time shall tell. PF had an opportunity to prolong their grip on power but things are not on holding together.

    Fuel prices
    Food prices
    Kwacha exchange rates against us dollar
    International /domestic debts skyrocketing
    Smugglers of gold ore and mukula tree logs
    Intimidation of political opponents

    Only if they had pondered on the matters.

    PF must go!

  8. Honourable if your look at kafue river in Ndola what comes of your mind?? If I was in your position I would clean kafue riverside and transform it into a tourist attraction , Bring white sand put up restaurants etc the river looks so die it??

  9. Busy holding a stick of juju from seer 1 in his hand thinking that the do as I say power will work again. Kulibe baba just begin training yourselves for jail time ba PF.

  10. One kaizar, did u Lusambo nd his camp to meet during this convid things…if u did why blocking H.H nd his campe….see why zambians are tired of u i everytning is fine but to oppositions,its gathering not ALLOWED.

  11. Chaps never mention any of the national economic indicators in these meetings.
    Exchange rates, inflation, food and fuel, prices etc.
    their brains would fizzle trying to justify their stay in power….

  12. This of bedroom and stronghold should come to an end. Can we have people in government pointing at how they have uplifted lives of citizens, can we have them explain how they are running the economy and what developments they are bringing. Also, on the opposition, can we have them explain how they are a better option. We need to change how we perceive things, not just dancing and character assasinating others.

  13. KZ whatever magic you think you have. You are going to use all of it in your strategies but you will fail. Praise yourself 4 Wat you did thieves but there is always time for others to take control and punish those who misappropriated tax payers money by investing into their own pockets and becoming rich at the expense of the poor.

  14. Complete lost soul this Bowman character, there is neither bedrooms nor pantries in politics. What bedroom in the face of vivid and visible failure by your party. Should we remind you of what the economic status on the ground looks like and even before Covid which you want to use as an excuse

  15. Visionary leader my foot! No more seer one powers! We know some parties can never win an election without rigging. So they have already started strategizing on how to rig

  16. Because of the drastic drop in fuel prices on the international market most countries have lowered the price of fuel at the pump … …..

    Only bandit governments are still charging their citizens over the odds prices and lungus GRZ is one such bandit government

  17. This is the exact words that the same Bowman used regarding the copper belt when he was die hard MMD just before the elections. And the rest as they say ….is history.

  18. After gassing people of copperbelt, today you want them to vote for you unless they are mad, however copperbelt and lusaka those are cities of dull people,they may vote for you.

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