Friday, October 25, 2024

The Government Will Build Barracks for Zambia Army Officers Across the Country-President Lungu


President Edgar Lungu has said the government will build barracks for Zambia Army Officers across the country because, despite the important role that military personnel play, not much has been done to appreciate them.

The President said that his experience as Minister of Defence, and Home Affairs showed that men and women in uniform were neglected and he has made it a point to ensure officers in the security wings are well looked after.

The Head of State said that the PF Government has done more than any other government when it comes to building houses and other supporting infrastructure for men and women in uniform.

President Lungu said this when he inspected works at the Buffalo Park Barrack in Lusaka today.

The Barrack which is situated opposite Apex University will have over seven hundred houses and a secondary school. The facility will also have two primary schools, hospital and office accommodation among others. The Barrack will further come with modern construction equipment which will allow the Army to venture into construction works.

The President told ZNBC News that such facilities will be replicated in all the ten provinces of Zambia.

Zambia Army Commander Lieutenant General William Sikazwe said officers are happy with the State-of-the-Art infrastructure. General Sikazwe urged army personnel to exercise patience as the project will be completed in 2021 and not the scheduled 2022.

President Edgar Lungu inspecting works at the New Buffalo Park Baracks in Lusaka.
President Edgar Lungu inspecting works at the New Buffalo Park Baracks in Lusaka.
President Edgar Lungu inspecting works at the New Buffalo Park Baracks in Lusaka.
President Edgar Lungu inspecting works at the New Buffalo Park Baracks in Lusaka.
President Edgar Lungu inspecting works at the New Buffalo Park Baracks in Lusaka.
President Edgar Lungu inspecting works at the New Buffalo Park Baracks in Lusaka.
The New Buffalo Park Baracks in Lusaka.
The New Buffalo Park Baracks in Lusaka.
The New Buffalo Park Baracks in Lusaka.
The New Buffalo Park Baracks in Lusaka.
The New Buffalo Park Baracks in Lusaka.
The New Buffalo Park Baracks in Lusaka.
The New Buffalo Park Baracks in Lusaka.
The New Buffalo Park Baracks in Lusaka.
The New Buffalo Park Baracks in Lusaka.


  1. Maybe that’s the $1 billion we heard from dubious Stardy Mwale.
    I like Zambia Army, including Chris Katongo and Rachel Nachula plus those girls playing in Zambian women National team. Buffalos made Zambia to qualify to olympics.
    They deserve these…

  2. 1 house will cost $1 million per PF.
    So we should count atleast 1000 houses for $1billion.
    Imagine such 1 building costing a million dollars??? Yes it’s possible, $1million fire- water tanker. PF wa chabe!

  3. This white coat wearing moron where is he going to get the money for that with that thief Sturdy Mwale waiting to chew it…you dont have money for covid-19 but you want to waste money on building homes. This moron can never just stay at State house.

  4. “Zambia Army Commander Lieutenant General William Sikazwe said officers are happy with the State-of-the-Art infrastructure.”-LT

    PF time-out You do not care to put these men and women In arms away. Where are you getting the funds for that project? Please President Lungu reconsider your decision making. YouTube is full of leaders whom went this way, who pays the price innocent lives.

    “Elon Musk tells a room full of Air Force pilots: ‘The fighter jet era has passed’
    Throughout his discussion with Thompson, Musk warned that the United States was at risk of falling behind other nations if it did not prioritize innovation.
    “This is not something that was a risk in times past but is a risk now,” Musk said. “I have zero doubt that if the United States doesn’t seek innovation in…

  5. Imwe how can anyone hate such a hardworking and caring president. It is almost impossible to dislike him unless you are filled with some much evil inside you.

  6. Just build more prisons for you and your gang of thieves. Time is running out and make sure build up waterborne toilets, otherwise ukalanyela mu bucket!

  7. Dictators always want to please men and women in uniform thinking they can help men stick to power. Old thinking ba Lungu. Where will these people in uniform go after retiring? Chibolya? They need affordable home loans to have their own houses.

  8. Kono Lungowe niyena kwaku mbwasauka malasambwa, apuu! Licelete kaufela uli felize kuli uzwa cwale zeo zaku yahisa maBarracks likezwa kai?

  9. Sakalanyongo, lazo Edgar Lungu must realize that his presidency will be a sad end.
    He has left a mark of poverty on every Zambian except his fellow thieves. Ask Chiluba who asked himself that “why can’t i just die rather than living with shame in the eyes of the Zambian people”. Edgar Lungu knows nothing about the Zambian people and he will soon know them. His enemies are tge very people who eat with. PF must go!

  10. “I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same: that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”

    Apply: I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the Zambia (GRZ)against all enemies, foreign and domestic, So that PF administration does not held GRZ as security for the fulfillment of a condition.

    “The Head of State said that the PF Government has done more than any other government when it comes to building houses and other supporting infrastructure for men and…

  11. “I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same: that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”
    Apply: I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the Zambia (GRZ)against all enemies, foreign and domestic, So that PF administration does not held GRZ as security for the fulfillment of a condition.
    “The Head of State said that the PF Government has done more than any other government when it comes to building houses and other supporting infrastructure for men and women…

  12. for sure the defence forces had their welfare been neglected for a long time since kk left, well done mr president
    our army remains a pride for our nation
    was amazed at how fast you commissioned the marine barracks and in no time we saw the opening that infrastructure good leadership by the way how is that project in chipata under the army where you want to put up a tractor factory, i will be very happy to see that project lifting up
    mphangela lsk

  13. I believe ECL when he says he has no vision, surely, is this one of this nation’s priorities?

  14. Applauding a politician for building a school, klinic,barrack or hospital is like thanking the ATM for depensing your own hard earned money. People must wake up these guys volunteered to work for us not you SONTA using tax payers money.

  15. Right now the priority is corvid19.let
    Our President find money to support
    People who are failing to survive. To
    Build barracks and please men in uniform is not our immediate task.

  16. Want a job as a jailer of wayward politicians who will be found guilty of abusing their offices and positions for self-enrichment.

  17. These guys just lazy about doing nothing just like Jonathan and Kabwalala Zulu .They don’t have things to do that is why they end up committing crimes . Let them build houses for themselves after all there are no wars to go to .

  18. Chap is talking like he will still be around to implement this non-existent project. You are leaving in 2021 you clueless twit.


  20. there is one big failure with HH suppoters they think HH IS A SUPPER man to creat their future once he becomes a president by chance
    HH has not outlined his plans for northen, luapula, muchinga eastern provinces.
    kalaba as his name tells is crawling, with unbalanced ambitions, kambwili forget
    insulting president lungu will not automatically usher yr prospecting presidents its a hard way up there
    kindly respect the president

  21. Build them in trouble spot resident areas so they can help the police respond to problems quickly especially around election time.

  22. Playing politics with people’s lives from sunrise to sundown. Soon as the cameras are turned away work stops. I hope one day you guys will really account for the way you sleep at night. It is not normal. Unfinished projects are littered all over the country but with beautiful montages of politicians laying first foundation stones, breaking ground and all the trappings that go with inaugurating something worth the while of a national pursuit. Na Sesheke University kuliye.

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