Saturday, July 27, 2024

KBF Calls for Calm Among His Supporters Countrywide And Within PF


The ruling Patriotic Front(PF) 2021 Presidential aspirant Kelvin Fube Bwalya popularly known as KBF has called for calm among his supporters countrywide and within the PF following his purported expulsion from the ruling party by the Central Committee.

He has assured his supporters that he is still the game changer and remains alive.

Mr. Fube has confirmed that his office at KBF and Partners along Bwinjimfumu road in Lusaka on 3rd June was served with a letter purporting to have expelled him from the party dated 6th June 2019.

He said having lost his sister Patricia Bwalya last week who was put to rest over the weekend, he will not react now to the purported expulsion because he is still mourning.

Mr. Bwalya said he will not dignify such actions because he is still mourning hence he will react when time is right.

Mr. Fube said the fact that the letter has been served will not necessitate a reaction from him.

On 3rd June 2020, PF Deputy Secretary General Mumbi Phiri delivered a letter of expulsion to Mr. Fube informing him of his expulsion from the PF.

In a letter addressed to Mr. Bwalya signed by party Secretary-General, Davis Mwila, and made available to the media, Mr. Fube has been ordered to hand over all party property, if any, in his possession to the party secretariat.

Mr. Bwalya’s expulsion follows a central committee meeting held yesterday, 2nd June 2020 after recommendations from the Lusaka Province Executive Committee for him to be expelled.


  1. We will now watch from the benches after the self distraction button has been pressed.
    Remember Chiluba’s third term? Those who do not learn from history end up repeating it.
    You kill by the sword you die by the sword

  2. @Quest
    It’s exploding on its own… we did not even do much. When people are quiet don’t take it as a sign of f.oolishness

  3. Is PF the only vehicle to State House. Common KBF, Form a political party and test your popularity. Mangalo aya nomba

  4. I’m neither a supporter of KBF nor Patriotic Finished (PF) but what puzzles me is that :

    1. The letter was written on 6th June 2019 and delivered on 3rd June 2020, why it took 1 year to deliver the letter to KBF?

    2. Why was he told to hand over the party properties on the date of delivering the letter if at all he was expelled last year 2019?

    To some of us, rbjs unfair expulsion and shall be challenged in court of laws. Even though Edgar Lungu controls rhe courts, KBF still can get justice if he wishes to do so.

    These are the crooks, thieves,
    vandals, robbers and bandits in patriotic finished (PF) and when I say all this, some thugs call names but we shall not be silenced.

    PF must go!

  5. It is Fube who is misleading his few followers. Fube was expelled last year and was served with the letter. But he is claiming not have received the letter. This is the second letter that he has received just in case he has misplaced the letter area served on him.

  6. Game over ba Fube. Mwi umfwa insoni. Tu joineni fye mu UPND. Bally will receive you with open arms!!

  7. Mr fube my advice to you is you
    Won’t go far by forming your own
    Party.See Kalaba kambwili and try Upnd as it has bigger
    Following. Opposition parties are
    Selfish as they cant unite.

  8. I like Fube but he seems to think very highly of himself ati “he appeals for calm among his supporters” ha ha ha ha ha ha, which supporters

  9. For once I agree with prisoner (In Sep 2021) KAIZER ZULU, which supporters is he refering to?

  10. Go KBF go!

    But not to Bally Trible HH naimwe, that one still owes us an explanation from Sejani 2006 – Choma.

  11. This is the end of PF soon cat and dog fights will erupt like a volcano in PF between (

    MMD/PF members and the real founders of PF like KBF ) just wait and see PF is going next


  12. You see why this government only realized the debt was unmanageable long after the rest of the country had figured it out? These guys must be thrown into the dustbin of history as a matter of urgency. How do you deliver a letter written a year ago so casually!???

  13. KBF don’t dare even go anywhere near the forthcoming PF convention. You will be dealt with badly

  14. Between ( MMD/PF members and the real founders of PF like KBF ) just wait and see PF is going next


  15. Just fight them in PF iwe Fube, you have a critical mass which Hamble One doesn’t seem to realise as he is busy trying to strangle his perceived enemies. Ask PF members within what they think of their party under Hamble! If they don’t embrace change now, 2021 is a disaster for PF of a proportion never seen before since biblical times.

  16. This PF bandit pompwe also…..what supporters country wide is he talking about…he means his facebook friends and Twitter followers…He must be insane if he thinks people even know who is….just a few Mufulira individuals be grew up with….he is a big Makaka bandit just like bandit President Lungu

  17. KBF dont worry .We support you . Not these d!ck he@ds like Kabwalala Zulu trying to bully you

  18. FOR THE FIRST AND LAST TIME IN MY LIFE, I WILL AGREE WITH FAKE KAIZAR ZULU (THE IMPOSTOR)….. MR KBF , WHICH SUPPORTERS ARE YOU REFERRING TO…kikikikiki … UPND and other opposition parties, Please do not allow KBF in your parties…Let him either fight within PF or form his own … Alternatively , he can join the TAYALI party

  19. If lungu is so popular as the resident LT PF rats including KZ claim , why dosent he show us his popularity by inviting challengers for the top job , instead of expelling them ???

  20. If the letter was a file copy, hw come it still had a letterhead? File copies would normally be without a letterhead. KBF is a lawyer and knows or ought to know the game his now erstwhile colleagues are up to. If he has political judgement, he knows that it’s all over for him. Having said that, I don’t think Kelvin Fube Bwalya is the type of leader Zambia is looking for. Hw many run-ins has he had with the Law Association of Zambia? Quite many actually. That alone is enough reason to worry every careful voter.

  21. KBF represents most crooks in Zambia as their lawyer…….just like lungu did before politics.

    KBF would be a disaster for Zambia, he openly admits he helped lungu rig elections and even threatens lungu with revelations of their crooked deeds.

    I hope he is being banished from Zambian politics once and for all….

  22. Even I have more FOLLOWERS on lusakatimes than this joker KBF has in the entire country. Look how many people comment on my posts, why do you think the likes of tarino and friends dislike me. The only reason some people come to this website is to read my very thought provoking views. Kz

  23. Ba yama ba Fube has followed others in childish politics and media gymnastics. Bu landa bweka bweka.

  24. There is no honour among thieves, tell us how the 2021 elections are being rigged?
    Our memories are still fresh when a video in which UPND Kalulushi Candidate Evaristo Mwalilino’s  driver revealed how HH and GBM’s Kalulushi Constituency  votes where concealed went viral after it was aired on Prime TV.
    In the video, Wanna Chiyanga is confessing that his boss Mwalilino was given K21000, K360 000 for 21,966 votes and dropping the election petition respectively.
    He disclosed that former President Rupiah Banda, former Information Minister Kapamba Mulenga and axed PF Deputy Chairperson for Elections Kelvin Fube Bwalya (KBF) and Mwalilino were heavily involved in the scheme of things.

  25. The tragedy was to have allowed this useless consortium of thieving cadres masquerading as a Party to be in power. Their useless products are also there to see on this forum – the heartless irrational unthinking species @KZ and @Zambian Citizen. Give over, you never make any valuable contributions

  26. This is some comedy of sorts! A non-player whose not been active in politics suddenly wakes up a year before elections, picks up his expired/ineligible membership cards; and pompously declares himself the next Party and national Presidential contender!

    Well, …I never…..!

  27. Kikikikikiki bakelenka aba. Tefintu.
    #comments reloaded flashback ~ damn it! It is okay to dream; after all dreams are free. Scarce nightmares too. Very truly free.
    These are mulyokela kind’a politics.
    CK thought he had support, he fizzled and rolled alone.
    HK thought he had support, he drifted alone.
    I agree, with ya handful of supporters, join the losing camp. Ooooh I forgot, you wanna be presido, the nigga wants to lead too. Thats kind’a tricky, dope.

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