Saturday, July 27, 2024

The Planned Protests are illegal, my office has not permitted any protests-Kampyongo


HOME Affairs Minister Hon Stephen Kampyongo has dismissed media reports suggesting that a group of youths planning to protest were permitted by his office and the Zambia Police Service.

Speaking when he commissioned and officially handed over 34 housing units to the Zambia Police Officers in Masaiti District of Copperbelt Province yesterday, Hon Kampyongo said his office has not permitted any protests.

“Inspector General of Police Mr Kakoma Kanganja allow me to take advantage of this very noble event to implore you to activate your command who will in essence active your well equipped men and women in uniform to stand ready to bring to book anyone who intends to cause acrimony disguised as peaceful protests” Hon Kampyongo said.

The Minister said government is aware of the agitation that the deadly coronavirus pandemic has brought in Zambia and the rest of the world hence enforcing public health guidelines such as the banning of large gatherings.

He said that government working with its various institutions will not allow any form of protests amidst the deadly COVID-19 pandemic.

“To those Youths who want to dare the police by going ahead with an illegal protest, you will only have yourselves to blame, you have been warned, and don’t say you were not warned when the wide police dragnet catches up with you ” Hon Kampyongo cautioned.

Hon Kampyongo has since called on all parents to ensure that they keep their children away from participating in lawlessness.

“Fellow parents I am calling on you on this Father’s Day to ensure that you advice your children to stay away from these protest whose agenda is ill conceived and misguided ” Hon Kampyongo said.

Hon Kampyongo said it is unfortunate that some politicians want to use people’s innocent children as a lader to ascend to political power by encouraging them to go against the law.

And Hon Kampyongo has urged Police officers across the country to remain on high alert to ensure that law and order is maintained in the country.

Meanwhile Masaiti Constituency Member of Parliament Hon Michael Katambo has hailed President Edgar Lungu and government for building 34 Police houses in Masaiti district.

Hon Katambo said the 34 houses will ease the burden of having to commute from Ndola every day which had been placed on officers assigned to Masaiti Police Station.

The Munister of Home Affairs was Accompanied by Copperbelt Province Minister Hon Japhen Mwakalombe, Copperbelt PF Provincial Chairperson Nathan Chanda, PS Dr Chileshe Mulenga of Home Affairs, Copperbelt PS Bright Nundwe, Inspector General of Police Kakoma Kanganja, Chifubu Member of Parliament Hon Frank N’gambi and other senior government and party officials


  1. Kampyongo is criminal who wanted to ground Maureen Mwanawasa’s helicopter in Shiwang’andu now he’s in charge of our security, Zambia can’t go anywhere. We’ll pay dearly for giving power to idiooots. But we’re comforted because who laughs last laughs loudest. The people of Zambia will laugh last

    • This is a failure to understand his role this Kampyongo. Most current politicians badly need political education. A minister of a Democratic republic cant pride himself in stopping citizens from practicing their right. That is for tyrannical govts like Idi Amin’s. He should be protecting youths’ right to protest and providing security for them as they walk. The fact that they are expressing their right is something a minister should be proud of and should want to show off to the world. But here he is issuing threats as it he lives in Pyong Yang. Stop this repressive acts. Grow up!

  2. He said that government working with its various institutions will not allow any form of protests amidst the deadly COVID-19 pandemic.


  3. Why didn’t you advise parents to those youths you allowed to deliver a petition and to go protest at UPND secretariat offices. Why didn’t you stop the women and the old who went to protest against HH? This selective thing of doing things is the reason why people of Zambia should not trust bill 10 and should not trust the PF government.

  4. From what I have seen in Zambia freedom of expression is only for the PF members only. The law in Zambia has a blind eye to what the PF does and decide to do.

    • Very true. we need to do something about this. This Bill 10’s shortcomings manifest here because it doesn’t visit the guarantee of freedom of expression which the current government is messing up.


  6. This is where as politicians or people holding public office lose my respect. You are commissioning houses on the copperbelt and that’s the task at hand. Do it and get out but u now start talking about an unrelated matter of youths and demonstrations. Very boring.

  7. Hope you will also refuse us to wear black shirts kaili its not permitted. now thats when you will see for yourself

  8. Kampyongo should be with his boss in Northern province campaign team, instead of gathering cadres, spreading coronavorus on troubled copperbelt.

  9. Tell them. Every civilised society has rules and laws for security and sanity. Tell them to go and protest on HHs farm in southern.

    • You call, Lungu, yourself, this little person Kampyongo and the rest of the PF rats civilized, you are sick than I thought, k0swe iwe

    • Civilised???? This is exactly the opposite of civlisation. Its in primitive states that a Minister can boast of shutting up citizens. A minister of a democracy should seek glory in allowing citizens to voice their opinions. The more diverse views a country has the more democratic and the more civilized it is. People who are intent on using state power to flex their muscles on innocent citizens are tyrants. Tyranny was in our past. We wont allow it to return!

  10. @KZ,I bet you have to run to the L0o at HH’s name. This has nothing to do with HH. If you guys were not wetting your pants with fear, you would let the youth gather and address you. Not letting them have freedom of expression is only adding coal to fire. This train has already departed and is gathering speed! Free Chellah today!

  11. At the chap above either you are a upnd supporter or you are very dull. If you think hh has nothing to do with this then please support the government so that rules and order are kept. I will wait for your response. Or better still ask hh to support the law . I wait

  12. This is double standerd we talk about. If serious you`re fighting corona and its the reason why you have denied youth to peacefully demonstrate, why is the president all over the country parading caders with no regards to corona guideline you preaching about Mr minister. Please tell the president to stop moving about because we`re in the midst of the pandemic. Anyway chiwamina gula kuluma imbuwe, but remember you were not born as a minister and you will not die as a minister, we have seen minister \president come and go. #Ichalo bantu!

  13. When Govt starts issuing threats to its own citizens over peaceful protests, just know that you have scared little men running the government and their time is up. The PF government must be very careful because it will take just one brave soldier to seize his chance and claim he is working for the people and that will be the end of the PF Government.

  14. Laura Miti and Pilato, please don’t dare these people. Current parliament has less than a yr to go before it’s dissolved. The Zambia Air Force has already started rehearsing flypasts in readiness of opening the last session of Parliament in August 2020. Don’t be sitting ducks of trigger-happy PF zealots that were recruited in the security services. Just issue a statement to the media.

  15. @KZ, you are the one who is dull. I do not give a sh!t for HH. The youth are fed up with how you and your sort have run the country into the ground. The good thing is that you guys are so blinded by your impunity. You or the imposter you are have even the bols to raise your head here?!? We will never forget how you have made Zambians feel….

  16. Dear Zambian youths, do not protest and get brutally battered by the PF cadre police force. Register enmasse to vote. Come 2021, show them who has the power.
    We are Zambians. We have changed governments before. The only country in Africa that changes political parties as well as the leader. Let us retire the PF chaps. They think that the money they have stolen will keep them for life. They think the small companies they are running as fronts for rich Arabs and Chinese will look after them. They should ask dr C K.

  17. Nothing to do with COVID – 19. Even in ‘normal times’ he would have said the same. The Public Act doesn’t ‘give or not give permission’. You merely have to inform the police so that they provide protection and a route is agreed. You can only advise against when there are serious reasonable grounds of security – which are never there when it’s PF thugs on the March. This is just the usual political illegal clamp down on anything or anyone that challenges them.

  18. This where we miss Smart leaders like Chiluba. I remember what Chiluba did when the Youths wanted to protest. He allowed the protests and requested to address the youths himself. After his address, the Youths were so happy that they even forgot what their protest was about. That’s how smart leaders do things. Wanya wanya tateka!

  19. 2021 kuya bebele. This is our country and we chose who should lead us. Only a few of you are getting rich and don’t respond to any scandal accusations.
    2021 kuya bebele

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