Saturday, July 27, 2024

There is no Sense of Justice in Zambia Anymore-Msoni


All Peoples Congress Leader Nason Msoni says there is no sense of justice in Zambia anymore.

Mr Msoni says criminals have perfected the art of protecting each other and covering the backs of their fellow criminals.

He said the criminals have undoubtedly mastered the art of securing each other from the wheels of justice via the infamous nolle.

“We are in a very precarious position as a country looking at the level of lawlessness and corruption in government”, he said.

Mr Msoni in direct reference to Health Minister Dr Chitalu Chilufyas arrest for corruption by the Anti Corruption Commission said a minister who has committed such terrible transgressions cannot reasonably be expected to remain in his portfolio after being arrested.

He noted with regret that the rule of law has irretrievably broken down in the country.

Mr Msoni has demanded for the immediate suspension or dismissal of the Minister of health Dr.Chitalu Chilufya from his government portfolio without any further delays to help protect the integrity of the ministry responsible for providing health services to the overwhelming majority of our people.

“As matters stand no donors will be willing to fund the ministry of health and as a consequence to that unfortunate situation the true victims undoubtedly will be the ordinary citizens who are hugely dependent on these government hospitals”, added Mr Msoni.


  1. Edgar Lungu has ruined the justice system in Zambia and even the people who we thought are upright men/women are not.

    What a shame to our nation.

    PF must go!

  2. The chap msoni who managed to garner 0 percent votes in his own village, only turns up when elections are close. Who can listen to such an opportunist

  3. Does this dunderhead called Kaizar ZuIu have brains? It is sickening to know that we have such people as Zambians.

  4. Kaiser Zulu, this is not about how many votes Msoni manages to get or not. This is about the substance of what he is saying. He is so right about what he said that you cannot even say anything against that because it is so true. The Rule of Law has broken down in Zambia, TOTALLY! And sadly with all this money stolen from the Ministry of Health, we the common people will pay. And PF will turn around and say they are a pro poor government. This is so sad! But fortunately God has not forgotten His people!

  5. In Malawi, 10 political parties came together to kick out the incumbent. In Zambia you want to kick out the corrupt while you are divided. Hakainde stole from privatization. Mumba has been found guilty by the courts from stealing Embassy money. Kambwili’s corruption is the PF corruption were as Minister he also got rich by sharing in govt tenders. All these have no credibility. And each wants to be president now. And you think you can remove a corrupt & criminal PF govt like this?

  6. Does the so called KZ and his team fear God? In there any place for God in their lives? We are watching!!

  7. If Malawi is so better than Zambia or the diaspora country you ran away to , please note that it is only a bus or plane away. Pack your stuff and move. This is not Malawi. We are in the republic of Zambia with our own system. If you think opposition winning election in Malawi means your tribal leader winning here then you are in for a rude shock to the system

  8. How is Covid-19 situation in Zambia, who will be giving updates on Nakonde prostitutes now, hopefully still Chitalu Chilufya. I really feel sorry for him.
    $17million to non-existent “Honeybees Pharmacy”, was is that the case he is facing? Or it the purchase of ambulances at same cost as helicopter?
    UPND need appoint minister of Health to start working on Monday.

  9. Lungu got tired of protecting Chilufya for 48 mansions and lungu and tasilas name were being dragged into 48 mansions, also what a better way to show IMF that lungu is fighting corruption by leaving Chilufya out to dry. ?

    Lungu is the most corrupt leader in the world at present. He is a mafia boss, he has files on all the corrupt thugs in his GRZ and only uses them to his advantage……you get too popular for PF leadership role , or to dupe international community that he is fighting corruption are lungus lines of attack.

    At the end of day even if you are fired , a nollie is coming so long you agree to shut up and campaign for lungu


  11. Nostra – i like your quips; they are so funny!

    But yes, who indeed will give us updates on the pandemic in Zambia now?

    Dr Chitalu Chilufya seemed diligent and efficient at his job…yet, we now learn he might have been involved in unsavoury activities at the Ministry. I hope the allegations are proved incorrect – otherwise, this sort of thing diminishes trust and repels donors.

  12. Who to fire who? There is a leadership gap there. The economy is gone, governance is gone, civil liberties are gone. We have learned the hard way

  13. Kambuya ka Jere, (aka Msoni), the fact that a government minister has be
    been arrested is laudable. Don’t you agree?. You also know that until convicted, the default position of innocence prevails. Yes, the done this is to resign but it is only a convention and not a legal imperative. This convention is contually being eroded even in Mother of Parliaments.

  14. @ Bongo Bongo in Malawi it’s not only rhetoric and throwing wild accusations to the wind and because the Malawians are on average more educated than Zambians their respect for rule of law is respected thus accusations are not left making rounds without accusers taking evidence before courts of law! In Zambia spreading hearsay and shying away from courts by those who think they have the necessary evidence to prove those whom they accuse of impropriety is the norm. I have followed some of the politicians closely and categorize Msoni among those who do not open their mouths just to make and contribute to non issue meaningless noise.

  15. @vote him out. I know they are not but even if they were how relevant would that be to our current situation? We just need to fight our battle and win it education or not

  16. Make sure you have your smart phones handy as for videos during the elections, Zambia is fast becoming Zimbabwe when it comes to rigging elections….capture every suspicious activity as we want a genuine result .Pray for ECZ to codify a free n fair election.

  17. Make sure you have your smart phones handy as for videos during the elections, Zambia is fast becoming Zimbabwe when it comes to rigging elections….capture every suspicious activity as we want a genuine result .Pray for ECZ to codify a free n fair election.

  18. Nason Msoni, are u capable of learning any lessons from your past political behaviour and mistakes? I doubt it.

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