Saturday, July 27, 2024

PF cadres in the Copperbelt threaten UPND President Hakainde Hichilema


Chililabombwe Town center came to a standstill yesterday as PF youths and Taxi drivers held a peaceful demonstration against United Party for National Development and their President Hakainde Hichilema for disrespecting President Edgar Lungu.It is not clear whether they had a police permit for their match.

However there was chaos in Mufulira yesterday after PF and UPND cadres clashed in Mufulira after PF cadres attempted to disrupt a radio programme at MAFKEN FM featuring UPND President Hakainde Hichilema. Mr Hichilema was speaking via phone.The PF cadres are said to have threatened to burn down the radio station for hosting Mr.Hichilema.


  1. Permit or no permit they are allowed to do as they please. And you expect the president not to be booed in this state of selective laws.

    • Whoever bought those desert storm boots made a humongous mistake, these kids think they are military now? I thought military combat clothing and shoes is not allowed for civilians, where are the security wings paid by tax payers to bring sanity in the country.

    • Whoever bought those desert storm boots for them doesn’t love this country, why buy military combat boots in peaceful Christian country?

    • Whoever bought those desert storm boots for them doesn’t love this country, why buy military combat boots in a “peaceful xtian country”?

  2. The process of descent into disorder may be underway already. Dictatorship is slowly emerging. Other can’t be allowed to put their viewpoints on radio.

  3. When police function is disabled, this is the impunity you get. Threatening and proposing violence used to be and is still a crime for which some of our citizens are still serving jail terms. Why the double standards? Unfortunately, the powers that be do aid and abeit crimes by a small clique of sponsored thugs. What happened in Mufulira is proof of the fact that PF cadres cannot outnumber the non-aligned citizens. PF cadres provoked Mufulira residents who were peacefully enjoying the paid for broadcast and they got what they asked for. What was worse was ZESCO switching off power to the Station. How could we sink so low?

  4. What is chewing at PF away from cameras is the hudge wage bill to keep unemployed PF thugs on lungus side……..this wage bill guns into the millions.

    We are happy because Critical funds for service delivery are diverted to pay these thugs and PF is found wanting …….

  5. We are on record saying there is not enough money in Zambia for lungu to bribe everyone …. not even half the population.

    Those left out of bribes will turn on lungu ……

    Lungu needs $500 million, at least , between now and Aug 2021 to bribe Zambians,

  6. Upnd have incited this reaction. HH is a demon who thrives on confusion and violence. He believes this is the only way he can win elections because he has failed over 4 times. Why would a sensible person pay people to boo a sitting president when he knows this is bound to anger supporters. We told him that certain things are best done during campaigns. You cannot boo the president during official duty. Hh couldn’t wait to boo our leader during campaigns in his capacity only as pf president. So now these are the consequences and any blood shed will be on hh hands. We will deal with him should any damage to property or lives occurs.

    • Get a life and shut up, you have eye but u can’t see, ear but you can’t hear. 2021 will catch with demons

  7. Is this where we have gotten to as a nation? To all opposition party members please defend your leaders and yourselves when attacked.This country does not belong to PF. They cannot just be doing things as they please with impunity. Edgar Lungu and HH are not worth shedding blood for. They are human like the rest of us. May God heal our land.

  8. This is all the reason to remove this corrupt PF party from office and restore sanity to Zambia. Thuggish behavior at full display by these PF hired hooligans. And the police double standard in allowing PF thugs to march “peacefully” while denying the opposition peaceful protest permits is shameful. This partisan policing is unacceptable. PF is running scared, and has no options left, except to resort to violence and intimidation. They know they’re now incredibly unpopular in the country. Come quickly 2021, so we can vote the world’s most corrupt political administration out of office and throw them in prison where they belong.

  9. These PF dwarfs are just finished and have being used like toilet papers.

    These are the kicks of the dying horse and 2021 rhey will scamper in all directions.

    PF must go!

  10. PF dwarfs and dimwits are messing their pants and it’s hot in there.

    HH is a great Bally and a great opponent to reckon with.

    You have failed time to go is now.

    PF must go!

  11. ???.
    See what injustice there’s in the governance of my beloved country!
    Why were those people allowed to demonstrate, while other citizens were not permitted?

    Here’s a fact, God raises people and also deposes them.

    He deposed the British, he deposed UNIP, he deposed MMD, he will depose the PF, this, after raising them to serve in leadership of the nation.

    If humanity hates injustice, it is even more obnoxious to the God who is just and upright.

    If when UPND assume leadership in 2021 become unjust and wicked, the Lord will do the same thing he has done to others in the past.

    May the Lord have regard to the prayers of the many quiet ones.


  13. Games h² like playing. Usually u5 games.
    Even thoughTwo can play that game.
    Two wrongs can’t make a right.
    When the h² anarchy is at play in SP, it is natural. It’s second nature in the blood of the updeads.

  14. As a Zambian, I would like to ask the police to take charge and control the situation. Pf cadres can’t take the law in their hands. If police have failed, what are you sogiers doing and other security wings. May you protect this country from thugs please.

  15. As a Zambian, I would like to ask the polisi to take control of the situation. Pf cadres can’t take the law in their hands. If polisi have failed, what are you sojazs doing and other security wings. May you protect this country from thugs please b4 it’s 2late.

  16. Zambia has lost it, you can not have a woman disrespecting an elderly married man such as HH. Calling him ati iwe HH.

    Even if HH made a mistake but he should be respected being a man, a woman is not allowed to speak to a man like that, even our tradition does not.

    If it was a UPND member who had said that about ECL, it could have very different. Selective application of justice is no justice at all.

    Women must condemn such behaviour.

  17. PF cadres are very easy to sort out. They can easily be identified by their party attire. Forget about UPND and HH. It’s the ordinary citizens PF and their thugs should start fearing. What happened in Mufulira was Citizens saying enough to PF nonsense! After all citizens outnumber the thugs by far. Please PF, don’t start what you will fail to stop. When Zambians say enough is enough, you will regret the day you were born!!!

  18. PF cadres are very easy to sort out. They can easily be identified by their party attire. Forget about UPND and HH. It’s the ordinary citizens PF and their thugs should start fearing. What happened in Mufulira was Citizens saying enough to PF nonsense! After all citizens outnumber the thugs by far. Please PF, don’t start what you will fail to stop. When Zambians say enough is enough, you will regret the day you were born!!!!!

  19. These are bands of criminals and we should not allow thus foolishness to continue. Zambia belongs to all of us therefore those that feel they are more Zambian will be beaten. My fellow citizens let’s all defend this country and stop this criminal behaviour from these Pathetic Failures as they are nothing but criminals.

  20. #kaizar, only shameless and shallow leaders will allow their cadres to be incited!

    Focused and leaders with a vision for the country will remain focused on maintaining peace and fostering development.

  21. These Pathetic Failures are bands of criminals and we should not allow this foolishness to continue. Zambia belongs to all of us therefore those that feel they are more Zambian will be beaten. My fellow citizens let’s all defend this country and stop this criminal behaviour from these Pathetic Failures as they are nothing but criminals.

  22. KZ go worship your god, we know PF will begin to kill innocent Zambians as you did over gassing zambians that led to 50 dead without any explanation.
    Zambia belongs to Zambians, leaders come and go. We in diaspora have alerted the international world about Rwanda genocide to happen in Zambia.

  23. Where is the so called humble peaceful president. Lungu for the love of God handle this situation the place is falling apart.,.this is Not right.
    Zambia belongs to everyone regardless of what political party you belong to.
    This is embarrassing, what a shameful message.
    PF must go.

  24. What kind of law exists in Zambia? Youths are not allowed to demonstrate against bad leadership yet PF are allowed to demonstrate against the opposition anytime they want.

  25. It’s sad, but it would have been weak to fail to demonstrating to HH how bad behaviour in politics pans out.

  26. Keep displaying yourselves on cameras you are making it easy for the identification process that will take place when pathetic fools leave power. You will know that those who made promises to protect you will be in prison and unable to protect you. And you will wish you never threw common sense in the toilet and flash. Keep up you will cry next year.

  27. People who are wise should see that things are becoming worse in this country and time has come to change government . why should pf cadres be allowed to protest in chililabombwe when i was just last month when youths in Lusaka where threatened with arrest if they dared to hold a peace demonstration in lusaka.
    And in Mufurila , why should pf cadres attempt to disrupt a radio programme .atase bane if i fyena tafiweme. Police should be in control not cadres . This is lawlessness . i am not belong to any opposition party but i have seen laws being broken in many situations

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