Friday, October 25, 2024

Government admits: Ndola Teaching Hospital has run out of accessories to treat people with kidney problems


Government has admitted that Ndola Teaching Hospital on the Copperbelt Province had run out of accessories required to treat people with kidney problems.

Ministry of Health Permanent Secretary Technical Services Dr Kennedy Malama revealed that the Ministry had received a report of such as challenge and it is being addressed.

Dr Malama said the Government has acted swiftly to ensure that the said consumables are made available.

He said the number of people suffering from kidney problems is on the increase and has resulted in the increase in demand for such consumables.

Dr Malama said in an interview that the Ministry will be following up on up on Ndola Teaching Hospital to check if they have received all the consumables.

Green Party President Peter Sinkamba last week revealed that Ndola Teaching Hospital had run out of accessories required to treat people with kidney problems.

Mr Sinkamba said he had received information that patients were advised that starting on the 10th July 2020, the Hospital would not have the accessories needed for dialysis.

He says this is now turning to be a national problem as some other Hospitals that have the capability to offer such services do not have the stocks.

“We may see a spike in the number of people dying from renal failure which the Ministry of Health will claim its COVID-19 when they are not providing the necessary requirements to treat renal problems. They are now treating every BID as COVID-19”, he said.


  1. Under a responsible govn’t that should never happen. Should patients die, I hope they sue the MOH for negligence and murder .To that blog***** Kaizer Zulu, this is the reason i am happy being in diaspora and pay my taxes because when I need such services they are available any time of the day. By the way KZ my kids and all the children at their school got free laptops to use during this period of the pandemic and I get rubbish bins collected because of taxes i pay and any time of the day I would be happy to throw you in my rubbish bags you scumbag.

  2. Thank you for being honest sir.
    But now lets examine the reason we are having all these shortages of essential medical facilities.
    1. You give 17million contracts to a fictitious company that turns out to be an individual.
    2. There is rampant corruption at medical stores, with so many scams exposed that remain unprosecuted.
    3. The minister of health has suddenly become a millionaire in dollars but he owns no legitimate business ventures to jusyify his wealth.
    4. Several irregularities with COVID 19 funds
    5. Supply contracts given to cadres with no capacity or qualification to supply highly specialised materials and equipment. Case in point, COVID 19 kits contract given to kemnedy kamba’s brother, who is just a kantemba guy.
    need I go on? So yes we appreciate this VERY rare display…

  3. ..So yes we appreciate this VERY rare display of honesty. But with the way pf are running things, this is no surprise. In fact the bigger surprise is that not all hospitals are out of all essential supplies. But we know that its thanks to donor countries that are supplying for free.

  4. @hyper critical, my kids ,just like many zambian schooled kids have not received free laptops. However, one thing they have is integrity and pride knowing who they are and that they are just as good and valued as the kids next to them. Can your kids say that there, in light of the systemic racism? Your kids being black or minority have less chance of making it there than a kid next to them who is whlte. Also I am glad that Africas stolen resources have meant good services there for you including collecting your bins. You are so ignorant to not realise that those are your things. Continue kissing your masters backside kunta kinte

  5. @hyper critical, my kids ,just like many zambian schooled kids have not received free laptops. However, one thing they have is integrity and pride knowing who they are and that they are just as good and valued as the kids next to them. Can your kids say that there, in light of the systemic racism? Your kids being black or minority have less chance of making it there than a kid next to them who is whlte. Also I am glad that Africas stolen resources have meant good services there for you including collecting your bins. You are so ignorant to not realise that those are your things. Continue kissing your masters backside kunta kinte x

    Whenever P.F leaders Corrupt Kitalu Kilufya aka K.K included, get a simple sore throat, itching bu2ocks, or tusw3nde, they raid the treasury buy first class tickets & fly off to South Africa or India for treatment, whilst we see full f!puba on the streets, in Desert storm boots, raising their dirty diseased fists shouting “H.H should not come here”, dense stupid P.F !diot’z!!
    Lastly, JONA,AYENDE!

    Whenever P.F leaders c0rrupt Kitalu Kilufya aka K.K included, get a simple sore throat, itching bu20cks, or tusw3nde, they raid the treasury buy first class tickets & fly off to South Africa or India for treatment, whilst we see full f!pub@ on the streets, in Desert storm boots, raising their d!rty d!seased fists shouting “H.H should not come here”, dense stupid P.F !di0t’z!!
    Lastly, J0N4,AYENDE!

  8. I hope the other parties are watching, development has only been happening solely in the Copperbelt, Zambia is not CB alone. So the next party shd take development to it’s province also. Finnish.

  9. @KZ you dumb arse still don’t get it. I pay my taxes for the govn’t to provide basic and decent services I use and expect the govn’t to provide e.g hospitals, education, rubbish collection , library, parks etc Nobody pays taxes to enrich the the government anywhere in this world. Why there is no medication in hospitals in Zambia? because you and your govn’t are robbing bast*** people pay taxes yet can’t get basic treatment. I pay my taxes and I am happy paying 40% in taxes you know why ? because when I need NHS I don’t have to think about the cost of my treatment I just turn up at E&A, you bast*** go to South Africa for treatment leaving your fellow countrymen and women, children and the youth to die in rat infested hospitals with no medication yet they are the ones paying taxes. You…

  10. Exactly my point hyper. You would rather enrich a country which exploited your continent and used free labour of your fore fathers to enrich themselves. And you are even proud of this ati i pay 40 percent tax n.y.o. should we clap for you? Is that an achievement to you? You are an ignorant weak sloth who suffers from inferiority complex. You are a failure because you can’t make it in your own country. Yes our people don’t have much but at least they have their integrity and pride and know who they are. Continue wiping old people and paying your 40 percent tax- you might get an MBE for effective backside wiping from your queen there. LOL

  11. Exactly my point hyper. You would rather enrich a country which exploited your continent and used free labour of your fore fathers to enrich themselves. And you are even proud of this ati i pay 40 percent tax n.y.o. should we clap for you? Is that an achievement to you? You are an ignorant weak sloth who suffers from inferiority complex. You are a failure because you can’t make it in your own country. Yes our people don’t have much but at least they have their integrity and pride and know who they are. Continue wiping old people and paying your 40 percent tax- you might get an MBE for effective backside wiping from your queen there. LOL x

  12. Exactly my point hyper. You would rather enrich a country which exploited your continent and used free labour of your fore fathers to enrich themselves. And you are even proud of this ati i pay 40 percent tax n.y.o. should we clap for you? Is that an achievement to you? You are an ignorant weak sloth who suffers from inferiority complex. You are a failure because you can’t make it in your own country. Yes our people don’t have much but at least they have their integrity and pride and know who they are. Continue wiping old people and paying your 40 percent tax- you might get an MBE for effective backside wiping from your queen there.

  13. @ KZ you harbour a primitive mind. The world has moved on. In this time and age you trying to suggest that everyone should live only in their country. People are free to sell their labour wherever they deem fit. People attend school abroad, marry or work. It’s their choice. Some do it because they have been sidelined in their own countries – but for the most, no country has no foreign labour or diverse expertise. You also choose to pick one kind of work to try and ‘justify’ your primitive thinking. Zambians are in various employment. Doctors, engineers, nurses and yes in the social care sector. So what? Are older people meant to be left to die when they can’t look after themselves? You are the characters who laugh at people who clean public toilets but are the first to want to use…

  14. @KZ You are the characters who laugh at people who clean public toilets but are the first to want to use them when you are drunk. Are the loos supposed to clean themselves? All work for humanity is noble. It is also not only in the West that people have to stand up to racism now and again. It is there in Africa too, by people from outside and from people within on those from outside. The world is constantly battling for a better environment and for those responsible for historical atrocities to remedy them or not allow the same to continue. Get out of that stu.pidity of insulting Zambians abroad. Which nation has no people abroad? People have a choice – and for many, they contribute massively to their nations, even after having sometimes having been ostracized by the lack of opportunities…

  15. My friends wife who actually is a niece to Peter passed on yesterday due to lack of these kits. Her burial is on tomorrow. MHSRIP

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