Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Load shedding is expected to start reducing considerably


Power Utility company ZESCO, says load shedding is expected to start reducing considerably starting from November and December 2020, with the coming on board of Kafue Gorge Lower project and the anticipated better rainfall.

ZESCO Strategy and Corporate Services Director Patrick Mwila, disclosed in an interview that a new machine with 150 megawatts will come on board in November, 2020.

He reviewed that the water flows have been better this year compared to last year, but pointed out that there was a challenge in trying to catch up at a faster rate, because of the initial lower point caused by severe droughts.

Mr. Mwila said that the importation of power from ESCOM in slots helped the country to cushion the impact of power deficit, following the severe droughts in 2018 through to 2019, which almost emptied the reservoirs.

Meanwhile, Mr. Mwila assured the public that there were many benefits smart meters will provide to customers, not just in the area of load shedding, but detecting faults such as power cuts among others.

He said that change was inevitable, further recalling that people resisted the prepaid meters when they were first introduced, adding that the world was embracing smart grid, and ZESCO will demonstrate to its customers that smart meters were a necessary improvement.


  1. There is a cadre who was appointed to chair Zesco board and he appeared on ZNBC sometime in 2019 and bragged that loadshedding would end in that year. He bragged so much that he appeared to have been willing to bet his tongue over this issue. The chap/cadre has now gone into oblivion. We are used to such lies.

  2. As usual the myopic lumpens at ZESCO expect us to forget their commitment come November/December, if we remember they will manufacture another excuse

  3. PF need to realise the failure if ZESCO to provide power effectively to households is a valid reason to lose 2021, election. You can’t really be serious about shutting down power during the day and turning on power at night after dinner time and just in time for bed!

    Totally unacceptable.

    Please sort this before November, December. Permanently. Let there never be loadsheding of such magnitude.

  4. As usual the myopic lumpens at ZESCO expect us to forget their commitment come November/December, when we remember they will manufacture another excuse for continued high levels of load shedding

  5. I don’t think Zambia needs Zesco. We need to invest in Zaccs a more relevant company in the future and also in the past 10 years. ZACCS: Zambia Candles & Charcoal Suppliers

  6. There we go from August to Novembe 2020 and then to when?? You Technocrats at ZESCO should leave telling lies to Politicians coz its them you run and have run down ZESCO due to their greed! They are just soiling you by putting in front!

  7. YabA it seems opposition are running out of things to campaign on. This will teach them to come up with issue based campaigns rather than campaigns based on pointing fingers and crying like a rat in a rat trap.

  8. You are de-campaigning PF we already know that electricity is being sold out, all that rains you can give that excuse sure as if it was in UNIP government when people were blind. Tomorrow will be yesterday meaning that we are getting closer to 2021 elo chika lila. Dununa forward HH dunana reverse PF kikikikikiki I wish it was today I was just checking my voters card they are intact ready to use them.

  9. If you check the Zambezi River Authority web site you will see that kariba has peaked at 41% full and is now dropping at a rate of 2 cm day, now the turbines can only work at above 30%, therefore do the maths and work out that at this rate the water level will be below 30% by early October, thus kariba will shut down and the other dams come on stream but if you add the kilowatts they produce and subtract the loss of no power generated by kariba we are about the same or less. so pwer shedding continues at 20 hours. SA has started to power shed so they don’t have power to sell us either.

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