Saturday, July 27, 2024

Government concerned with Non-adherence to Preventive COVID-19 Measures by the General Public


The government has expressed concern at the non-adherence to measures aimed at preventing the spread and contraction of covid-19 among members of the general public.

Chief Government Spokesperson, Dora Siliya says the situation is worrying and may result in a serious health catastrophe if left to continue.

Speaking when a group of children from the Media Network for Child Rights and Development (MNCRD) and Save the Children International paid a courtesy call on her in Lusaka today, Ms. Siliya said it is shocking that people have resorted to doing their usual activities with total disregard for preventive measures.

She said with the ever-increasing number of covid-19 cases, citizens need to take the disease seriously and do everything they can to protect themselves and their families against the disease.

“At the weekend I drove around Lusaka town and I was shocked to see how people are not adhering to the preventive guidelines given by health authorities such as wearing of masks, social distancing and washing hands,” Ms. Siliya said.

Ms. Siliya noted that the situation has been compounded by misinformation and fake news in which some people are claiming that covid-19 does not exist.

She called upon the media to help contain the situation by providing accurate information on the disease.

Ms. Siliya, who is also Information and Broadcasting Services Minister, said Government is worried that the situation would degenerate into a crisis if left unchecked.

Ms. Siliya appealed to families to take responsibility and ensure that the measures announced by health authorities are strictly adhered to.

“This disease is real and let’s not make a mistake by becoming complacent and listen to those who are saying it does not exist because it actually does exist. Our failure to take the disease seriously is a time bomb,” she said.

Chief Government Spokesperson, Dora Siliya
Chief Government Spokesperson, Dora Siliya

And 18 year Child Rights Activist Musowe Like said most children risk being victims of the disease because of the wrong information they are being given.

Musowe said many children are meant to believe that Corona Virus is a hoax by their parents, guardians and in some cases teachers in schools who are insisting that it does not exist.

He said the situation was even worse in rural areas where people do not have enough information about the disease.

“At one school, I was shocked to hear a teacher trying to convince pupils in his class that the disease does not exist. Now, this is serious because children easily believe information from their teachers, caregivers and parents,” he said.

He appealed to Government to heighten its coronavirus sensitization campaign to ensure that citizens, including children, are given accurate information about the disease.

Zambia has so far recorded a cumulative total of 1,895 cases, 42 deaths, 1,412 recoveries and 441 active cases.
Meanwhile Ms. Siliya has said Children’s Rights are Human Rights and must be protected.

Ms. Siliya said there is urgent need for members of the public and families to take responsibility of how children are taken care of in the society.

The Minister said after the outbreak of the coronavirus, Government made serous decisions to prevent the spread of the disease, among them, the closing of schools to protect children against contracting the disease.

She added that Government did not only end at closing schools but went ahead to introduce e-learning platforms as well the Education Broadcasting Services on various television and radio channels to ensure children continued with their education.

She said through line Ministries such as Health and Youth, Sport and Child Development, Government has continued to take care of the health, educational and other needs of children to ensure that they fully enjoy their rights without any inhibition.

“Issues affecting children are being addressed through various ministries such as Youth and Sports through the implementation of the child policy and Ministry of Health by ensuring every child has access to medical facilities within a short radius among many other works by different Ministries,” Ms. Siliya said.

Ms. Siliya said Government is alive to the fact that some of the initiatives it has taken to ensure continued provision of education to children is not reaching and benefitting all children due to various limiting factors.

She, however, said the education of a child should not be about the government alone but a partnership involving the family, the church, the community and the media.

Ms. Siliya challenged the media to play a pivotal role in the promotion and safeguarding of children’s rights.
She said the media must create and publish more content relating to issues affecting children and tailor them in such a way that they meet the needs of all children across the nation.

And Media Network on Child Rights and Development Executive Director Henry Kabwe urged the media to get the views of the children on issues affecting them especially during this time of Corona Virus because the issues that affected children long ago might not be the same issues affecting them now.

Mr. Kabwe called on the Government to expand Educational Broadcasting Radio and Television Services so that as many children as possible can benefit from its services.

Speaking during the same meeting, Save the Children International Country Director Jo Musonda expressed concern with the limited media space for children.

Ms. Musonda said issues concerning children are not often given due attention and when raised are given in adequate follow-ups on stories covered.

“We also note with regret the unethical reporting and sue of children’s images on social and mainstream media without due consideration for the right of the child to protection,” she said.

And Mundia Lubinda a 15 year old girl from Media Network on Child Rights and Development commended Government on the introduction of the education channel and e-learning platforms which she said were helping many children across the country.

Lubinda, however, expressed sadness with the fact that children in rural areas and some peri-urban areas are not able to easily access these platforms due to many different challenges such as access to laptops, internet, smartphones and electricity.

“Even children in urban areas are having challenges because of load-shedding and I feel that they are missing out on a lot of lessons while others are learning,” she said.

She added that the e-learning platform do not provide a safe environment for children as they encounter cyberbullying and side links that may not be relevant to children’s academic progress.

She urged Government to provide a system which will enable children keep track of their progress.


  1. I have always said that my brother lusambos hands on approach is what works. He was right all along. We don’t want millions dying like ku diaspora.

  2. Meanwhile Lazy Lungu is travelling all over the country at weekends campiagning and spreading the virus!

  3. Gorvernment must get the Police to enforce masking and Social distancing etc. Madam Siliya take a suprise visit to soweto makert anyday or even Just a walk on Cairo , chachacha or freedom roads then you will be heart broken .
    Government needs to compel the public to adhere to the covid rules like other countries are doing otherwise we are hearded for a possible disaster .

  4. These shameless P.F crooked Brutes, always contradicting themselves.
    Who took hordes of 2av@ges to the Courts & unlawfully disrupted Court proceedings?
    It was King nachitolafye Kitalu Kilufya aka the corruption K.K of Zambia.
    Manje’ the bed w3tter NEVER condemned that irresponsible behaviour by Kitalu & hypocrites like (God)fr!dah, Monday Chanda, the dull s!lly women who were hypocritically condemning Mweetwa of U.P.N.D for exposing the lying Gogo Inonge were all silent.

  5. These shameless P.F cro0ked Brut3s, always contradicting themselves.
    Who took hordes of P.F, 2av@ges to the C0urts & unlawfully disrupted C0urt proceedings?
    It was King n@chit0lafye Kitalu Kilufya aka the c0rrupt!on K.K of Zambia.
    Manje’ the b3d w3tter NEVER condemned that irresponsible behaviour by Kitalu & hypocrites like (God)fr!dah, M0nday Ch@nda, the dull s!lly women who were hyp0critically condemning Mw3etwa of U.P.N.D for exposing the lying G0go In0nge were all silent.

  6. These shameless P.F cro0ked Brut3s, always contradicting themselves.
    Who took hordes of P.F, 2av@ges to the C0urts & unlawfully disrupted C0urt proceedings?
    It was King n@chit0lafye Kitalu Kilufya aka the c0rrupt!on K.K of Zambia.
    Manje’ the b3d w3tter NEVER condemned that irresponsible behaviour by Kitalu & hypocrites like (God)fr!dah, M0nday Ch@nda, the dull s!lly women who were hyp0critically condemning Mw3etwa of U.P.N.D for exposing the lying G0go In0nge were all silent.

  7. Current scientists reports are showing covid-19 leads to very serious long term life altering complications. People should listen. Even if the recovery rate is high, patients are left with serious, Lung, kidney, increase of blood clots and strokes even in young people.

    It’s not a common cold. WHO, has criticised world leaders for not doing enough to prevent infections. It’s generally noted the trend is worsening and opening up of economy is to blame.

    This is literally a case of trying to save yourselves by adhering to warnings and advice. Social distancing, masking up, and frequent handwashing, not touching your mouth, face, nose is proven work. It’s up to each individual.

  8. Tarino, why don’t you concentrate on worrying about the thousands who have died and continue to die in your adopted home there in diaspora. It is like your house is on fire but you instead run to save your neighbours house. Does not make sense. You left Zambia on your own accord and do not pay any taxes here. So please keep your criticism and hate to your country there in diaspora. We didn’t force you to become asylum seeker. Muna yenda mweka.

  9. To the two knuckle heads above from diaspora, please stop spamming and posting the same thing many times. You are irritating. Lusaka times you have lost control of your website. Can you please block these trolls.

    • Your Lusaka times has gone wacko, due to constant moderations for those with different views ,comments are not popping not until you click not once but twice or thrice.

  10. Ba Lungu should stop addressing crowds, doing more harm than good. Pause your country hopping, at least until the curve is flattened. Those cadres crowd controlling without masks could be spreading the virus! By the way, why concentrate on opposition strongholds during epidemic? Anyway, I smell a rat.

  11. Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans

    Well lady, look in the mirror and in your own rank and file and see who should address first. Start with your number corrupt dictator Lungu. He’s going around the country hording large numbers of crowds with total disregard to social distancing and masks wearing. Then go to your other corrupt Health minister who brought in every starving cadre to give him solidarity and threaten the courts of law. Were you there or did you see the pictures on television. The people you are preaching to follow what you leaders are doing, and what you are doing I’m afraid isn’t consistent with what you are saying.

    What a failed project this thing called Zambia is!

  12. Buses have been loading full to capacity and at times overloading,in full view of relevant authorities. Markets are always congested with most people without masks, in full view of relevant authorities. But when the same people go to church, you send officers to ensure there are masked, a meter or so apart as they worship God, the owner of the universe. Inconsistency, selective and wrong ways of implementing preventive measures. If you can not make public transporters and markets to comply, then leave the church to conduct her services freely.

  13. People are following the example given by the leader. Address Lungu on that issue. And if it was really that serious why are the updates not given daily?

  14. Zambian covid is a PF looting strategy. Am one of those who has just accepted to walk in public with my big mouth and nose wide open. Lusambo is free to approach me. He will go back running.

  15. Zambians be warned PF is spreading Covid-19 all over the country and people have started to die including MPs – they don’t care

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