Sunday, February 9, 2025

President Lungu: An Alleged Terrorist President


By: Anthony Bwalya – UPND Member

For the avoidance of any doubt, I had to contact a news source in Rwanda to confirm the existence of a testimony before a Rwandan court, linking President Edgar Lungu to terrorism financing activities in that country – and the testament does exist.

Whether or not the testimony is actually true remains a story for another day.

But let us be clear, this is not just an Edgar Lungu problem. This is a Patriotic Front (PF) political establishment issue. The man is the leader of the PF, and we will assume the PF knew something of this; otherwise let them deny they had no knowledge of the President’s alleged activities in Rwanda.

Now, earlier this year, the Patriotic Front (PF) regime headed by President EDGAR Lungu, ignoring all public outcry and condemnation, went ahead and gave away a substantial portion of Zambia’s known gold deposits to Karma Mining and Array Metals in a bogus Joint Venture transaction for a paltry $2.5m initial capital injection, while allowing Array metals to sit on close to $500m worth of unprocessed gold and dominate the gold raw materials supply and processing chain to the JV in which Karma Mining holds majority stake.

On 27 May 2020, the United Party for National Development (UPND) delivered a detailed letter highlighting major due diligence lapses in the manner the JV with Karma and Array Metals was entered. We argued that President EDGAR Lungu failed in his duty to ensure that the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) which owns ZCCM – IH, conducted basic due diligence checks on Karma and Array Metals before the JV was signed.

One of the key questions we raised was that Karma being a Sudanese entity, and Sudan being a country known for sponsoring state terrorism and continues to be under sanctions by the US, UK, EU and UN for its sponsoring of terrorism.

We also raised concerns around the fact that the Vice President of Array Metals has established links to a Sudanese army general under UN sanctions and that the two enjoyed irrefutable ties to the ruling elite in the Ugandan government.

In the 2018 Financial Intelligence Center (FIC) Report, Case 3 was a terrorism financing transaction on Zambian soil, where identified individuals of foreign origin used a foreign owned company hastily registered in Zambia to engage in sponsoring terrorism activities in a known and identified African nation. The report further indicated that this information had been passed on to competent authorities in Zambia for further investigation. We have never heard anything of this case since 2018.

In the absence of any formal investigation over Case 3 of the 2018 FIC report, there is good reason to believe that the terrorism linked transaction was in respect of either Rwanda or Sudan.

Fast forward to early 2020, Zambia witnessed terrorism on home soil as “unknown” people went round every corner of our country gassing citizens in a systematic, well coordinated manner. To date, nothing sensible has come out of this.

Now, the events around the narration to a Rwandan Court by Major Callisto Nsabimana “Sankara” in which the name Edgar Lungu is mentioned, allegedly wiring money to the National Liberation Front (FLN), an armed wing of the opposition the Rwandan Movement for Democratic Change (MRCD) takes place in late December 2017.

In 2012, the PF had sent “youths” to Sudan to “study” unknown courses at the African International University. To date, there is no record of any Zambian youth having formally graduated from this institution in any discipline. This continues to raise questions around what those PF “youths” had been doing in Sudan.

But what is also known, is that the party in power has established a highly organized, militarized and well equipped wing of its party establishment. This is the same wing that continues to terrorize Zambians through home grown violence, violent threats, intimidation, extortion and murder.

We also know from publicly available information, that Zambia hosts a number of wealthy Rwandese who are sworn enemies of President Paul Kagame. These have a motivation to not only sponsor a move on Kagame’s government using Zambia as a launch pad, but also to fund the ruling party in Zambia in exchange for a safe haven.

So while the Rwandan story sounds like something out a science fiction movie, it is in fact plausible.

The worry for Zambians, if this allegation has even an ounce of truth in it, should be that we have a President and a ruling party that are actively participating in terrorism abroad, and this has the potential to jeopardize not only Zambia’s diplomatic relations with other countries, but also expose our country to retaliatory terror attacks against a foreign state.

And while if this story is untrue, as State House claims, let the President or the Zambian government sue “Sankara” for making such a gross allegation against a sitting President of another country.

Anything less will raise doubts about the credibility of both this President and his ruling party to continue governing our country.

We all have been given enough reason to have to change government in 2021. If we do not, we will have ourselves to blame.


  1. Point of correction, this isn’t a PF matter but a national issue that Edgar shouldn’t address through a simple denial by his press assistant. I expect him to address the nation and take questions. If he doesn’t we’ll draw our own conclusions and begin the process to uninstall Edgar and PF. This is serious business

    • Were the gassers graduates of the Sudan university?

      This is a serious allegation. Our Head of State must not delay in addressing us on this matter.

      Some of us still have faith that the President cannot involve himself in this matter.

  2. It was shocking for Chipampe to issue a denial statement. I hate word “denial”. Chipampe you were not there. Zambians begged for clean up of State House no wonder Chipampe got a job. But mwalaba apapene.
    Chipampe and ka boy so-called political adviser, I don’t know his name keep a distance from PF thugs. Both should be running away instead of trying to mop dirty left by Kaizer, Amos Chanda and Findlay.

  3. Now we are exporting violence. Now we want to destabilize our peaceful country. Where are we going with this leadership?

  4. Bernard Chizinga, this is a serious matter which unfortunately for PF and Edgar Lungu has coincided with another serious incident at Lusaka Central Police station carried out by someone in Eastern province party leadership. Predictably the Speaker of the National Assembly has directed the Minister of Home Affairs Steven Kampyongo to issue a statement on the incident at Lusaka Central police station. As for the Rwanda report, a mere denial is not enough. Let it be followed by legal action against the person making the allegation. There’s one thing I know for sure. Whn a small private newspaper known for its independence is selling well, just know that someone is in trouble.

  5. This name tag will definitely dent his image wherever he goes. It will be difficult for people from other countries to trust him. I wonder if he will ever travel to Rwanda.

    He better come in the open and clear his name.

  6. Rwanda is a COMESA member. One day they will host a summit of presidents in the region post-covid 19. Will they send the high commissioner to Kenya to represent Zambia for the first time? News hounds will be watching this one.

  7. Anthony Bwalya is making frantic efforts to attract the attention of the police so that when he is arrested, his chances to be noticed as candidate by UPND is boasted.

  8. Stop bringing the nonsense in the propoganda your local enemies are raising against the President. Why is UPND this desperate sure?

  9. No wonder is behaving like this he is a terrorist.

    What a shame of President. He is busy pushing similar agenda to spark civil war in Zambia so that he holds onto power.

    Who told him that when civil war erupts he will be soared?

    PF must go!

  10. Chiluba denied supporting Jonas Savimbi’s UNITA until the MPLA government almost invaded Zambia. With Rwanda, Kagame can easily spur a terrorist insurgence in Zambia that would break this country apart. This terrorist my fall, he has failed literally in all aspects of leadership.

  11. This has nothing to do with UPND, this terrorist league Chagwa has delved into will kill him! Banyamulenge sibo sobelelako, baba, a bomb will explode in your underwear decapitating you to pieces! Kupusa awe sure Chagwa uleke, uzagwa namunungu iwe.

  12. Your article Anthony is upside down. You should have started with the last paragraph, so that you do not waste our time.

  13. Jnr Shawa and Chenda – You are right on. Firstly, Anthony Bwalya should be very careful on what to comment, and even in one’s desperation for power, there is need for a bit of patriotism. This Rwandan criminal is just looking for an opportunity to divert attention from his own problems – and the gullible Zambian opposition cadres like Anthony Chanda have seen an opportunity to be in the limelight. Please be careful Anthony.

  14. UPND just had to jump in and go negative on this one. Are you chaps even Zambian. The story is clearly made up. This is testimony of a condemned man who provides zero evidence. Could be easily promised that his family will be looked after if he discredits Lungu. Or payback for lungu refusing to support them. But awe UPND through this id10t should rush on the story line a b**ch on hit. Grow up

  15. Useless whether PF or opposition this story should not be entertained because it is a national issue. Learn to defend your own. On this one, an individual should not exclude themselves because it affects us all. Let’s us sue the chap for such gruesome allegations.

  16. Kambwili, the opposition and NGOs PETITION the International Criminal Court (ICC). The ICC stands as a last beacon of hope for justice for the these crimes.
    Why did he swear to protect the constitution, yet he is busy promoting violence and other crimes?

  17. The President can not sink so low to destabilize another country when he has his country he is managing. Anthony Bwalya why are you so desperate?

  18. UPND is always desperate to jump into anything that it can use to fool Zambia and use to its own mileage. But this time you went to far. You take posture against own people but put trust in criminals from another country? just shows your patriotism to the motherland! Shame, you could not leave politic out for a bit and stand up for the wild accusation by a criminal against your own blood?

  19. “In 2017, towards the end, the President of Zambia, President Edgar Lungu promised MRCD President Paul Rusesabagina that he would help him overthrow the Rwandan government and that he would donate $150,000 to the cause,”

    Nsabimana revealed that in early 2019, shortly before his arrest, Appolinaire Nsengiyumva, one of the leaders of the PDR Ihumure party, one of the members of the MRCD coalition, went to meet with President Lungu to discuss the support for FLN.

  20. Nsabimana stressed that the attacks by FLN were possible due to the support of the Zambian government, in what could be a shocking revelation.

    On the charge of ‘creating an illegal armed group’, Nsabimana pleaded guilty and apologised for his actions but claimed that he only joined the group in July 2018, as a Spokesperson, but was not involved in its establishment.

  21. How dare you call a Republican President a terrorist! irrespective of your political calling, are you not Zambian? Traitor Anthony Bwalya. Without any evidence you have already decided the outcome?

  22. Anthony Bwalya, UPND Ltd member is completely off his rocker. The monkey is actually controlling the organ grinder here.

  23. Anthony Bwalya , you are Anthony Rwandan? you belong there. How dare you call your own President a terrorist just because some doomed criminal has taken an easy way out to self defense. If I said you were Chinese, should all Zambians call you a chinese puppet too? Just goes to show your illiterate mindset and that of your party too. Go back to rearing cows and goats thats all you guys are good at..

  24. What the hell!! This stupid UPND worker thinks that he is an intelligent man and all of us are fools to believe in these horrendous lies! No, Bally’s servant, that is not the case. Neither what Sankara said is true nor what you wrote is true. The truth is Lungu takes every step to take this country ahead and your HH takes every step to undermine this country. So, shut up and let all of us build the nation.

  25. Partnerships formed by PF and Lungu whether it is Sudan or China, are always questioned by you dogs, even if they are in the betterment of the country. You imbeciic morons will always spin it around and show dumbly unfounded corruption. Quit this charade, now it is looking really very boring and repetitive and not to mention, you are channeling our collectve and pent-up anger at you!

  26. Bwalya, shut up Man! WHO ARE YOU TO TALK ABOUT ZAMBIA BEING IN DANGER! Your master unleashed violence on streets, misled our youth,rigged the elections, organised attack on our President and now you accuse him of being a terrorist! How dare you! You have gone too far, too far this time. Beware, do not test our damned patience! #GoneTooFarBwalya

  27. UPND, the United Party for No Development are harmful for our bodies, minds and souls! No matter whatever we do, they will always criticise it, I guess they think that is the only job of the opposition but let me tell you, it is not. You are also equally responsible for the development of the nation that is if you consider Zambia your nation, if yes, then zip up your ugly mouths and do something good for a change, if not, get the hell out of here before we grab you by your collars and kick you all the way till Malawi, Rwanda and Nigeria. #DecisionTimeUPND

  28. So what if the testimony exits? Has it been proven in the court of law? Has the accused given enough proof to support the claim? If you are a journalist and has such strong sources in Rwanda, then you must bear the minimum wisdom to understand that anyone can say anything in the court. But he needs to prove it. Unless he gives clinching evidence to support the claim, whatever one says in the court is nothing but a piece of crap. You understand?

  29. The one who proudly carries UPND badge on his sleeves can’t write anything different. I can’t expect praises for any other party from a blind follower of #Bally. You should be ashamed of calling yourself a journalist if you carry the UPND badge! Let the culprit who levelled allegations against President Lungu prove it first. Why are you jumping to the conclusion so early? Don’t you have patience till the court decides the matter.

  30. You seem to be very happy with the allegations. I can see the joy flowing on your face. Calm down, you UPND clown. It is yet to be proven. If you want to hang President Edgar Lungu just on the basis of some random allegation by a criminal, then you should also be ready to hang your Master #Bally for paying British Analytica to sabotage election in Zambia. Would you do that?

  31. As far as gold mines issue is concerned, government is trying to eliminate gold mafia. Are you worried because of that? Or your master Bally is worried for gold mafia? I can debate on the gold mine issue with you. Do you have balls to debate? I challenge you. Why your master #Bally never spoke a word against gold mafia exploiting small scale minors in Zambia? Why did he never utter a single in favour of small scale gold minors? What is his connection with gold mafia?

  32. How can you sleep at night thinking that you have spouted lies throughout the day and degraded the country more with every passing day. You are a man with zero reporting and journalistic skills and yet you demand a byline from every publication, how narcissistic! Same like your boss, HH who likes to poke his big, fat nose in every matter which does not even concern him and is not a playground for his petty politics! #ZambiaIsNotYours

  33. A desperate move by UPND, they have accepted their defeat and now frantically trying to undermine PF and Lungu and beg others in the opposition to back them. But no one can stop Lungu’s development juggernaut, not their lies, not their allegations, not their tricks and certainly not their leader. #LunguIsInvincible

  34. Your evil motives have been exposed once again, HH. You are so sure of losing the elections and even your freedom and citizenry, that you are doing anything to stay in the limelight. Your servant, Bwalya has the same story, he doesn’t even know if this is all true or not (I TELL YOU, THIS IS ALL A SHAM) but he has been writing since day before yesterday, his uncouth writing has been taking our true president’s name everyday. He knows nothing and has yet linked the entire matter to Sudan, terrorism and what not! Just because you live with a terror group, does not mean that everyone harbour the same intentions. Apologise publically, No-Nothing Bwalya! #SaySorryBwalya

  35. Yimina kuphela obona ukulandelana kwezikhathi kukho konke lokhu, okokuqala umholi wamavukelambuso uvuma phambi kwenkantolo, bese kuba yi-UPND kuphela eqoqa lapha! #SomethingIsShady

  36. So many evil and in fact criminal activities have been seen happening with our own necked eyes by PF and who can we link them to? Its the president. Even some PF who are wise have realized that they are in wrong hands. Our leaders is not faithful and can do anything with some selective persons like Sunday Chanda, KZ, Chuulu, Lubinda, Kampyongo and alike. Remember what went on in Kampyongo’s constituency very sad and yet he heads all the police officers and this is a true reflection of terrorism in Zambia.

  37. Anthony Bwalya knows not how to hide desperation. Always with long articles full of bitterness. Chikonko mwikate is coming soon.

  38. People close to c1ueless Lungu need to advise him to seriously address this issue. This is an international issue with potential grave consequences for the whole country. We don’t want Zambia to be labeled as a State sponsor of terrorism, and thus be blacklisted. PF and Lungu need to sue Sankara if they’re 100% sure that he just made up a bogus claim. You can’t dismiss this serious international situation with just a casual denial. Be serious, you foooo1s. And if it’s proven that Lungu had anything to do with this, he’ll need to resign immediately to save the country. Zambia has been known to be a peaceful nation, until this id1ot Lungu came on the scene. That’s why we need to vote these fooools out of office next year, to try and salvage the good image of our country, dented…

  39. This fooo1 posting comments here under various names (Reagan, Timba, Doreen, Lubin, Mavis, Paul, Mery, RM) in support of criminal Lungu, is one and the same person, pretending to be different people. Obviously one of Lungu’s propaganda agents, commenting out of South Africa. You foooo1 you don’t realize that once Zambia is internationally blacklisted, because of your criminal friend, Lungu, you will be affected too there in South Africa. That’s why we need to throw you out of office next year, you PF uncivilized knuckle dragging thugs. We’ll send all you PF bandits to prison next year where you belong.

  40. whenever u get such a sensitive story, please googpe it and counter check with other media to establish its authenticity

    Which I did.

    I end here

  41. From no 27 to 41 are u PF cadres try as u may no one can just wake and accuse u of the things u have not done Africa has 54 countries but why the finger on ECL only before u yap use your brain to thin and analyse

  42. Nothing hidden shall remain hidden forever, I now understand why we have Sudanese and Chinese gold miners instead of Zambians.What is your take on this KZ?

  43. What would be the motive for ECL to “finance” such a horrific act?? Can someone please help me understand…All actions have a motive…


  45. With ECL such things are possible. You simply can’t rule it out. If one can gas his own people, maim his own people, shoot his own people using PF carders in police uniform, what can stop him from sponsoring terrorism in other countries, especially that he is a money monger.

  46. Its like the African UNION and comesa including SADC promoting and preserving the democracy in RWANDA to which Zambia like other countries are committed Limiting the Presidential terms Those discussion have been mutilational and accross regional bodies to foster There no interest in Rwanda for Zambia or Indeed for the President It could make sense for SA but even then they are not interested except to forster de

  47. Nkani zamu kachasu,Ba UPND just find something better to tell the people not vamene mwayamba.That is not politics we want,tell us how you are going to come out of covid 19 shock.

  48. The author of this topic must be arrested without fail and this as to be done soon.We want to see the investigative wing to take charge soon.Enough is enough we are tired of propaganda we want to hear sense and not nosense .We are fade up of fake stories.

  49. No need to hear from fake stories.Come out open (up’an down ) and just tell people how you are going to rule this nation if at all you will ascend to power

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