Friday, October 25, 2024

Foreign Affairs Minister Joseph Malanji back from Rwanda, Kagame affirms bilateral ties with Zambia


Foreign Affairs Minister Joe Malanji says Zambia and Rwanda bilateral relationships have not been strained by allegations that President Edgar a Lungu funded insurgents to topple President Paul Kagame’s government.

Mr. Malanji who yesterday made a one day emergency trip to Kigali as a special envoy of President Lungu said the two countries continue to enjoy sound bilateral relations.

He also said both President Edgar Lungu and President Paul Kagame also enjoy a cordial and sound friendship.

Addressing a media briefing in Lusaka, Mr. Malanji said his travel was meant to understand allegations made against Zambia and the reports that were made by a rebel leader appearing in the High Court in Kigali.

Callixte ‘Sankara’ Nsabimana appeared in the Nyanza High Court on Monday where he pleaded guilty to all charges but said that he was misled by some individuals and claimed that he was financially helped by President Edgar Lungu of Zambia.

But Mr. Malanji said he was informed by President Kagame that the allegations are not credible as prior to his arrest, Nsabimana had travelled to five countries that do NOT include Zambia.

He said the Zambian government will continue to investigate why Nsabimana chose to falsely mention President Edgar Lungu in his court testimony.

Mr. Malanji said the warm bilateral relations enjoyed between Zambia and Rwanda have not been shaken by the lies told by Nsabimana in court.

“The allegations are not coming from the government of Rwanda, these allegations are coming from a Convict. I had a lengthy merging with President Kagame as a special envoy of Government of the Republic of Zambia and the Government of Rwanda and President Kagame was very categorical that this convict has been five countries prior to his arrest and Zambia was not one of them and they were very categorical about this and President Kagame said to me that he doesn’t want to give credence to these allegations made by the convict,” Mr Malanji said.

He added, “President Kagame indicated that he has very sound relationship with President Lungu as a person and he did not see how President Lungu can start hiring these mercenaries and time start with Zambia is not sharing any border with Rwanda whose conflict might lead to someone being aggrieved to start sponsoring mercenaries.”

“So you can look at these allegations against President Lungu with the contempt they deserve. It has got nothing to do with President Lungu. And to start with, we are doing to dig, diplomatically and engage Rwanda to make sure we find out the reason and who could have enticed this convict to bring the name of the President of Zambia and the country into disrepute. We are following up this and soon our officers will be going to Rwanda to make sure that we dig and find out why he had to bring the name of Zambia and the name of President Lungu.”


  1. Thank God for that, I was very worried about annoying Paul Kagame a former rebel leader. But having said that I think Zambia is in a position to take on Kagame in a military conflict, we are equal to the task (PF language), the ones we should never annoy are DRC and Angola because they would flatten us.

  2. I had faith that our President was not capable of such a crime. Talk about other things, but not this one. Sorry, try another “number”.

  3. How do you explain funding of terrorists in the FIC report under Lungu? If you can explain that one, then we try another number.

  4. So how then was HH and UPND brought into the picture by Monday Chanda and fellow PF cadres? This is a failed government PF kuya bebele, you have 12 more months to enjoy your corrupt actions

  5. This matter is in Court….. Diplomacy is not a legal matter……Diplomacy is simply a Public relation stint. The rebel leader was not induced or coerced to mention names in the Court of law…..In any case the rebel leader admitted the charges and a statement of facts was given by himself with the advice of his lawyer….. This is nothing to do social media…. Even BBC reported it…… Zambian government has a lot of clean up to do…… Anyone who aid or does involve in terrorism acts shall held accountable by the ICJ in Hague.
    African leaders must learn to respect the law within their own state and outside….. Next time Africans will say ICJ is targeting africans…….
    I can imagine a name can pop out upon admitting a charge in the court of law.

  6. Everything is under control. Haters and rumour mongers are such a nuisance. Busy fabricating stories to implicate the president and alarming people unnecessarily instead of innovating products and building the economy.

  7. Can we have a statement from the Rwanda side. Talking about our officers going to investigate who/ how/ why/ someone wanted to bring the name of the president in disrepute, when they failed to trace the owner of the famous 48 houses in the backyard; really laughable

  8. We know this is the scam of upnd, you will try everything but you will fail, like it or not.You are fighting a loosing battle HH careful this 50+1 come 2021
    ask your friend in Sudan what 50+1 means and not 50-1.

  9. Am very worried what is Mr. Lungu doing in state house it started by Zambian youths being trained as mercenaries in Sudan then came the gassing issue the issue of the boarder with DRC now Rwanda Lungu must go.

  10. Zambia is not a type and will never be a prototype to sponsor rebels, that guy was paid and we know who paid him soon the truth will be known.

  11. George Washington He was a Great USA President
    Washington never actually ran for president; he was drafted by popular demand. He refused to accept a salary as president and even spent some of his own money to pay the salaries of cabinet ministers and other members of the executive branch. Washington led the Continental Army throughout the American Revolutionary War. He also developed the tax system and the government seat.

    Let us have other Presidents do the same

  12. fwelelefwelele this is going to be seveth time or is it six what ever the truth is the sequence will be the same in 2021

  13. Was just wondering as well. What can Zambia gain from Rwanda changing its President. This a none starter

  14. The allegations are not coming from the government of Rwanda, these allegations are coming from a Convict….,” Mr Malanji said.
    So Mr Malanji and your PF should discipline yourselves especially your Sunday Chanda who raves like a mad man accusing innocent opposition party leaders. You should tell all the chaps who were trying to seek attention accusing the opposition to be very careful because their careless utterances can set this country on fire! Nevertheless, the convict is yet to be cross examined. We may get to hear more details. That still leaves us with the details in our latest FIC report where terrorist sponsors have companies in Zambia. We want those companies closed and the foreigners involved deported. That will be the only proof to Rwanda that our PF is not involved!

  15. @muluwanfula who paid who what about the gassing issue were is the truth who paid the gassers PF is a criminal government too much scandals why.

  16. How did this accusation arise? There is no smoke without fire. We need to know how this Rebel Leader singled out our President. A country as bankrupt as Zambia cannot afford to run and maintain 2 Presidential Planes. With this kind of profligacy no IFI including IMF will financially assist Zambia. We need prudent management of foreign currency in Zambia.


  18. Edgar Lungu’s image is already dented on the international platform and even Paul Kagame must be wondering what type of leader Edgar Lungu is?

    Edgar Lungu is terror sponsor even in Zambia is known for sponsoring gassers

    PF must go!

  19. @since ni since your comments are rubbish ad if you don’t hv points jst shut up. Don’t waste people time reading your comments. PF cadre

  20. Who burnt the markets? Who benefited from 42 *$1M fire Wilbur rows? Who is the owner of the 48 houses? Who was behind the gassing of citizens? Still no comment on gassing but they had some sleepless nights and had send someone at break of night without telling the people! What about Mukula? What crimes did the post, Prime TV & CEC commit? How many public companies had invested retirement funds in CEC and how many Zambians own shares in CEC? Why did start having political violence on ECL became president? Why has Lungu been photographed and dine with Shaddy people and known criminals? He still hasn’t shown leadership on the Central Police robbery and beating of cops. Why does Lungu continue bribing opposition Counsellors? Why is Lungu so intolerant of freedom of speech? All the…

  21. Face the press now Joe Malanji and take questions from them. It’s not a private matter. This is international relations where not everything is black and white.

  22. It really doesn’t make any sense for our president to be involved in other countries politics, I don’t see it coming there is nothing to even talk about all are just dreams .
    African leaders do not war against each other however they cooperate in doing good.
    Zambia is a peaceful nation who is even hosting refugees from other nations around this cannot be a personal issue of one man, there is no need and there is no profit for anyone to take home.
    If we talk about some opposition who want to paint a bad name for for Zambia they are going hills and mountains to find something to accuse the innocent man in state house

  23. “…And to start with, we are doing to dig, diplomatically and engage Rwanda to make sure we find out the reason and who could have enticed this convict to bring the name of the President of Zambia…”

    They tried with the gassings , only to find it was them selves pf doing it… the PF rats have smelled another angle to try to implicate the opposition, ……..

    It would not be a miss for the theives in PF to have hatched this scandel hoping to implicate others before 2021……


  25. Let’s not delude ourselves here. Rwandese investigators interrogated the accused before taking him to court. Obviously they also took a statement from him. Wht he said in court is wht he told them during interrogation. Wht he said in court was for the benefit of the judge conducting the trial because the prosecution already knew it. On the countries he had been to, I doubt it the Rwandan state relied only on his word. They obviously demanded proof from his passport or passports. Only the Rwandese have seen this evidence and they will choose who to share it with.

  26. I am glad this proves me right. Look at all the evil diaspora traitors who would rather side with Rwanda rather than the country they claim to care for. You are not fooling anyone because you have just revealed where your loyalty stands. A patriotic citizen can never turn their backs on their own country. Although there is nothing here worth getting worked up about, it brings a bad taste to the mouth to know that diasporans would behave this way. I hope people now see why I don’t have an affinity to diasporans. Let them rot in hell apart from those who level headed like nine chale and the beautiful diaspora lady xxx

    • Mr, Kaizer Zulu Sir help how long is it supposed to be taken for medical personal to attend to a covide 19 suspects? Was at state house clinic waiting for a doctor for over three hours, now am at Chilenje they have just asked me to wait outside, it’s now an hour.
      The way I understand covide it’s not something that has to be taken lightly like your medical personal are doing.
      I don’t want to be at the clinic for a long time want to go home and in case am positive am putting other lives at risk.

  27. Elo lwanya bafikkala nomba. Paul Kagame is the most dangerous man in Africa today, not even the dirty big mouthed Mugabe could stand ka Kagame. The ka man is deadly, dont underestimate him with his gud looks. There is death underneath those looks & smartness.

  28. After Muamar Gaddafi’s demise,Paul Kagame is the most dangerous living African President to day. Not even the dirty-large-mouthed Mugabe cud stand against This man. Those countries u mentioned of Congo,Angola are less deadly than Rwanda. Kagame eliminates- no questions abt that, while the other countries can negotiate with u. From yesterday onwards ,am sure everyone now understands what ll happen next. Remember Kagame dont negotiate ,he jst simply takes u out of the line of symmetry, completely.

    • Mwefipubamwe, why are you calling Paul Kagame to be the most dangerous living African President. Paul Kagame and Robert Mugabe have been very Good Strong Patriotic Africans. Fipubafye, naga imwe who can be mixing such issues with local politics.

  29. Rushed for damage control and nobody would have even known about this secret visit but for LT exposing on flight radar which means they had to acknowledge it after the fact.

  30. Case 3 of our latest FIC report shows that we are living dangerously with some foreign Nationals sponsoring acts of terror in other countries. We definitely have a National Security Time bomb on our hands. What is sad is FIC forwarded these findings to the relevant Security wings for action. What remains to be seen is whether or not action has been taken to freeze bank accounts for the foreigners in question. Zambia should not allow itself to become a safe haven for terrorists or we’ll pay a heavy price! I want to believe Mr ECL is innocent until proven guilty. What has put his name on the sewer is his associations with individuals with international dubious reputation! We are judged by the type of friends we keep!! Can the handlers and Advisors for ECL prevail on him!

  31. The convict was paid money to perform some services in Zambia. He used the payment in Rwanda for what was dear to him.

  32. Rwanda has not accused Zambia of anything here. It’s a Rwandese standing trial who has accused Zambia. There’s a whole world of difference here. It therefore follows that no one has sided with Rwanda against Zambia. Simple as abc to grasp but somehow is beyond the capability of some.

  33. The question is, ‘did Malanji and his friends manage to even see Kagama?’ You are dealing with shameless PF ministers here. The statements of Malanje and Chama needs to be taken with a pinch of salt. PF is well known for lies to please their carders. That is a court case where Lungu’s name was mentioned and diplomacy has no role in the court. What were they doing in Kigali, to use diplomacy to stop court case or what?

  34. @KZ you are pathetic with your diatribes about people in the diaspora. Personally my position (if you look back at my posting over the issue) was that ECL is not smart enough to pull a job like that. In spite of his laziness and clear weaknesses and lack of any constructive plan for the country, meddling in another country’s affairs to that extent would bamboozle even himself.
    By the way, you have been left in the stone age with your primitive suggestions that people can only live in the country they herald from. This is a global world and people can sell their labour where they deem. Zambians are not exempt and where they work, all work for humanity is noble. They are doctors, nurses, engineers and yes, in the social care sector, so what?

  35. @KZ – always embellishing the situation to justify his filthy ridiculous attacks on the diaspora. No one sided with anyone. People asked questions and had a right to do so, in seeking answers. Lots of people even within Zambia were asking the same, but in your usual unbridled primitivity you want to sound relevant and holier than thou. No sane proper minded person buys your shallowness – perhaps only your so-called ‘diaspora lady’ who equally presents as mentally challenged. You two are meant for each other. Please do not insult other peoples’ intelligence only on the basis that you do not possess the same yourselves.

  36. What i want to know is how come UPND Wwas crying for the FIC report and now they are linking extracts from there with accusations from rwanda

  37. How do we know that the report Malanji is giving us is the accurate report he got from Rwanda? Given the so many lies this PF regime has been peddling lately, We have to take what they tell us with a grain of salt. These are the same people who recently lied that Japan donated bicycles to Zambia, until Japan denied it. Then PF changed the tune and claimed the bicycles came from China or India. We have to hear from the Rwandan authorities themselves before we can believe these PF professional liars. Our country’s image is at stake. We have to clear our country’s name, even if it means handing Lungu over to Kagame, so Kagame can deal with him.

  38. Our President can never do that!!! The accused is clearly trying to cause confusion between the two countries and paint a bad picture of our President. Unfortunately his evil and that of those who paid him will not succeed. Leadership is God given not bought!!

  39. Our President can never do that!! The accused is just trying to bring confusion between the two countries;however, his evil and that of those who paid him to make those claims shall not succeed. Leadership is God given, not bought!!

  40. Let those that paid the accused be put put to shame as Zambia and Rwanda continue to enjoy a good relationship. Our President can never do such rubbish as claimed. President Lungu was chosen by God to lead our nation. Let those with future presidential ambitions seek God first instead of wasting time and money paying such lunatics in an effort to try and form the next Government .

  41. Hey you, Kaizar Joseph Goebbels Zulu, we know you make your living by telling lies on behalf of corrupt Lungu and his minions. But you need to rub your two brain cells together and understand that most of the diaspora love their country, and are even more patriotic than you and Lungu. The diaspora is not siding with Rwanda. We’re siding with the truth, you fooool. Lungu is not Zambia. We are patriotic to Zambia, and not to an individual, a politician or a political party. If Zambia is blacklisted as a State sponsor of terrorism, the diaspora will get affected too, You knuckle dragging fool. Zambia does not belong to you or to Lungu alone. It belongs to all of us, and thus we have a right to know the truth concerning what’s happening to our country. So stop with your, the…

  42. If you dig deeper, Akainde must be involved in this nuisance. I can bet my finger on this. The chap is so desperate that he cannot wait for 2021 for he knows the outcome.

  43. Malanji is traveling in style and luxury just like the President. Can a bankrupt country afford to run and maintain two Presidential Planes we wonder? With such profligacy does the Minister of Finance seriously expect the likes of IMF to lend us money? The answer is a big “No”. We thought that the Authorities sold the Challanger Plane when they bought a new Gulfstream 650 Plane. Now we see the Challenger Plane is still around and is being used by the Minister of Foreign Affairs on Presidential errands. Can a poor Zambia afford such luxury we wonder? Cry the beloved Zambia!

  44. why is this same rebel leader friend of seer1 and the upnd on trial when he has already pleaded guilt, could lawyers out there help on this relevant question.

  45. No wonder Zambian MPs have started dying from Covid-19. Look at that F-ull standing with Kagame. The mask is covering his chin and beards while Kagame is wearing the mask correctly.

  46. Albert how is HH involved if the accused pointed out Lungu in court and never mentioned HH. This is lungu’s issue to fix alone besides you have no idea what your cult leader is capable of doing. The man has a bad history which is following him he is also a candidate for ICC

  47. The supplier of weapons to the Rwandese rebel on trial now in Kigali is known to Paul Kagame. In turn Kagame knows who is friends with this weapons supplier in Zambia. News Diggers published good pictures some time this year. Who took the pictures and who gave them to News Diggers? I don’t know but it’s easy to know the possibilities.

  48. Masterstroke by Lungu!!!! Bravo!! While the anti-Zambia brigade were harping on about accusations of terror financing against him, he sent the Foreign Minister to Rwanda to initiate the rounds of diplomacy. This is a very mature step and we all look forward to a cordial relation with Rwanda. #ZambiaRwandaHandshake

  49. Kagame: Lungu has not done it, Sankara is wrong! We will get to the bottom of it. There goes your another evil plan, HH! But this time it went too far, not only did you jeopardise the national security, you also framed our true President, Edgar Chagwa Lungu for something heinous as terror-financing but guess what, all of it is a sham and now you stand exposed! The Truth Alone Triumphs.

  50. A very mature and thoughtful move by President Lungu and the Patriotic Front, instead of closing all communication lines with the neighbours and go on a political witch-hunt, you opened the doors for communication and let diplomacy take its course! #LunguStyleGovernance

  51. For all the presstitues who were lying before that Kagame did not even entertain Malanji, the truth is out there, in your face morons, not only did he entertain, the two nations affirmed bilateral ties and a joint crusade against lies and corruption. Infact, there will soon be a probe across the region and the two leaders have promised us that they will get to the bottom of it!

  52. Sankara went to five countries according to his testament but Zambia was not one of them, yet he said Lungu, then in Zambia, HH and his fake news industry smothered this all over and when the two nations have now assured joint cooperation, all of them are as dumb as posts, yeah (pun intended!). Is this all not too fishy and something shady has been going on underneath? Yes and the answer to that is HH!

  53. Yesterday there was Sakala, trying to call me names, saying i was wasting his time. Ah! also wanting to call me one with some others. Here is to all such Sakalas. This proves that all of Zambia is one. it is peeps like you who are the odd ones out. For all those who believed in rebel terrorist and a corrupt businessman turned politician, congratulations, you have just been bungled off your sanity and integrity. So, my fellow brothers and sisters, do not give in to such lies. Believe in your government, believe in your President and let the diplomacy channels work flawlessly!One Zambia, One nation.

  54. Malanji and Kagame had a long and constructive meeting about the entire situation. Both the countries have chosen the diplomatic route to resolve the issue at hand and have vowed to investigate it thoroughly and punish whoever responsible for it in the most stringent way. Oh, HH and gang, you are going down, so down!

  55. Simple facts here: the Zambian State machinery has not been implicated. The person of the Presidency of Zambia has been mentioned. Herein lies the simplicity of this matter. In a worst case scenario we can throw someone under the bus without harming the nation. That’s how simple this matter is.

  56. @Stupid Will(PF cadre), this is not a Diplomatic matter ,this is a Court issue. The courts of Rwanda will determine the punishment which may come in a long time. At some point , they might even ask yo Lazy bum Lungu to go and explain himself of the charges implicated against him. You are in for a long ride young man.

  57. Yeve iyi yaku Rwanda ni automatic button. We dont need to do much next year to remove the lazy bum of a President.

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